Hyrulian Nights

Hyrulian Nights



                Oh I come from a land

                From a faraway place

                Where the caravan horses roam

                Where they cut off you ear

                If they don't like your face

                It's barbaric, but hey, it's home.

                When the wind's at your back

                And the sun's from the west

                And the sand in the glass is right

                Come on down,

                Stop on by,

                Hop an owl and fly

                To another Hyrulian night!

                Hyrulian nights

                Like Hyrulian days

                More often than not

                You'll be in a rough spot

                In a lot of good ways

                Hyrulian nights

                'Neath Hyrulian moons

                A fool off his guard

                Could fall and fall hard

                Out there on the dunes.

Ah, Salaam and good evening to you worthy friend.  Please, please, come closer...  (Camera zooms in hitting Salesman in the face.)  Too close, a little too close.  (Camera zooms back out from Salesman.)  There.  Welcome to Hyrule.  City of mystery, of enchantment, and the finest merchandise the side of the river Zora, on sale today, come on down!  Heh, heh.  Look at this!  Yes!  Combination hookah and coffee maker... also makes Julienne fries.  Will not break, will not...  (Taps it on table and it falls apart.)  It broke.  Ooohhh!  Look at this!  (Pulls out Tupperware)  I have never seen one of these intact before.  This is the famous Lake Hylia Tupperware.  Listen.  (Pries it open, makes raspberry sound.)  Ah, still good.  (Camera begins to pan to right.  Salesman hurries to catch it.)  Wait, don't go!  (Pan stops.)  I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare.  I think then, you would be most rewarded to consider... this.  (Salesman pulls out the Triforce out from its sleeve.)  Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance.  Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.  (Another pan, this one slower to the left.  Again, Salesman rushes to catch up.)  This is no ordinary triangle!  It once changed the course of a young man's life.  A young man, who like this triangle was more than what he seemed.  A rupee in the rough.  Perhaps you would like to hear the tale?  (Salesman picks up some shiny sand in his hand.)  It begins on a dark night, (Salesman throws sand into the sky, where it forms a starry nightscape.) where a dark man waits, with a dark purpose.