Best Friends

Disclaimer: I don't own Card Captor Sakura.

I want to dedicate this story to my bestest friend EVER, Iesha. She's a really great writer and she totally inspired me to write fan fiction stories. Also, she's really nice.


Sakura sighed. It was the first day of her high school senior year. She should be happy right? Wrong. She felt like crawling into bed and dying. With a resigned sigh she got out of her whiteVolkswagen convertibleand headed toward the schoolyard. A cool, gentle breeze swept past her, making her auburn hair fly around her face. She sat on a stone bench under a cherry blossom tree, waiting for her friends. She sighed and propped her chin on her fists, staring forlornly at the pavement.

"Hey! Hey Sakura!" called a familiar voice.

She straightened up. "Syao? Is that you?"

She smiled as Li Syaoran's lively face peered around the tree that was behind her.

"Who else would it be?" he said. "Well, don't I get a hug?"

Her smile widened. He always knew how to make her feel better even if he didn't know she was sad. He pulled her into a tight bear hug and then sat down.

"So, tell me what's wrong." He said, seriousness creeping into his playful voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She was lying in vain. She didn't want to burden him with her many problems this early in the day. He seemed so happy.

He scoffed. "Sakura, are you serious? I always know when you're lying, we've been best friends since before first grade."

"Fine," She sighed resignedly. She paused for so long he didn't think she was going to answer her. "Kai dumped me," she said in a small voice.Saying his nameripped her heart out over and over againas tears wormed their way down her beautiful rosy cheeks. "He said something about realizing that we clearly weren't meant for each other and that it would be better if we stopped seeing each other." She angrily wiped away her tears. Syaoran was the only person she would cry in front of.After a minute she looked up at Syaoran whose smile had vanished completely. It its place was a very concerned expression.

"When did this happen?" She sniffed and blew her nose on a crumpled (and probably already used) tissue.

"Yesterday," she replied.

"Saki," he began, using his nickname for her. "He's a total jerk, not worth it. You deserve better. You know that right?" He put his arm comfortingly around her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right." She smiled as he wiped a tear off her cheek. "You know, you always make me feel better, no matter what happens. Thanks so much Syao." She said, her voice dripping with gratitude.

"Any time, you know you're like my little sister." Wait til I get my hands on that baka, he'll get what's comin to him. They both stopped talking for a while and all that could be heard was their gentle breathing. "Saki?"


"What else is wrong?" She sighed again.

He thought she wasn't going to answer then: "Dad walked out on us." She said so softly that he almost didn't hear.

"Omigosh, are you all right?" he said worriedly. He didn't want her to be depressed all day so he had to choose his words carefully.

"I should've seen it coming. I mean, with mom being a total alcoholic and incredibly irresponsible, it was kind of obvious. I guess I just hoped that they'd work it out instead of it ending up like this, y'know?"

"It's not your fault. And you're always welcome to crash at my house if you want." She smiled. She knew he was trying his best to make her feel better, but it was just too sad thinking about her father. She forced down the depression that was threatening to overwhelm her soul and instead wrapped her arms around her best friend, who hugged her back. The feeling of his arms around her made her sadness ebb away, like the darkness under a morning sun. Somehow, she just knew things would be alright as long as Syao was on her side.

About fifteen minutes later, she broke away from him. It was kind of getting awkward. She felt butterflies in her stomach every time he was near her. It was almost like how she had felt around Kai before they started dating. But she dismissed this thought with a flick of her mind. No, I'm just vulnerable because Kai just dumped me, the wound is fresh and I need someone to make me forget…. well, that's what alcohol is for isn't it? She thought to herself.

"Actually, you know what? We should have a party over at my house!" Syaoran interrupted her thoughts because he knew what she was thinking. "We could say its for the beginning of the school year…it'd help you get your mind off things." Sakura was kind of predictable and he didn't want herbecoming an alcoholic, drinking to forget… This way, he could watch and protect her. His parents wouldn't mind, her parents won't even notice.

"That sounds so awesome Syao! Can I plan it?" Sakura had a knack for planning fantastically amazing parties.

"Of course."

"Yay! This is going to be so great Syao! Thank you so much, I really need this right now." She hugged him and felt the same weird tingling sensation that she'd felt earlier. She held on anyways because it felt so nice to be in his muscular arms.

"Yo, dude. Are you two dating yet?" Sana Shruikin's flame-red hair blew around his face as he passed by on his black skateboard.

"No." They replied in unison.

"Whao dudes why not? Any one can see your totally perfect for each other man." He called as he moved past. His words were slightly slurred because, as usual, he was drunk. Also, he had tried weed lately and liked it. So, naturally, he was getting high every day. In the janitor's closet. But you didn't hear it from me.

"Hey you two!" called the tawny-eyed SukisyoAyisha from her boyfriend HitoshiHakaru's car. The wind blew herlight green streaked hair arouind her pretty face.He stepped out first and opened the door for her andshe made a face. Sakura smirked,knowingthat she didn't like being treated like that, she could open the door for herself. Fortunately, Hakaru didn't see as he intertwined his fingers with hers and began to walk over. Sakura let go of Syaoran to hug her other best friend.

"Hey there Ayisha, Hakaru." Shenodded her head politely. She didn't really like Hakaru because something about him just seemed, untrustworthy. But, as he made Ayisha happy, Sakura would tolerate him. "So how was your summer?" She directed her question at Ayisha.

"It was totally awesome!" Her friend replied. It was only awesome because it was during that summer that Sakura and Syaoran had set up a date between Ayisha and Hakaru. Ayisha had noticed how Sakura had linked her arm tightly around Syaoran's and raised her eyebrows so high that they had danger of disappearing into her bangs. Sakura only smiled miscieviously in reply.

"Pookie!" Came an ecstatic shout from behind them and Sakura hurriedly relinquished her grip on Syaoran.Syaoran's girlfriend was not one to provoke.

Heads turned as the Tsai sisters got out of their stretch limosine. Even though they were very rich and could go to any private school they wanted to, the Tsai sisters wanted to come to a nice, relatively normal middle-class school so they could get away from the politics of the rich, competing families. Well, Katana did anyway.

Even though they were twins, there could not be two people in the whole world more different than them. Jet, Syaoran's girlfriend, had beautiful ebony waist-length black hair and bangs, green eyes, a slim figure and the exuberance (and pettiness) of a five-year-old. Katana, Jet's sister, was born an albino, albeit a very beautiful albino. She had snow-white hair,deep magenta eyes, pale skin and was very kind, caring and sweet. She was Ayisha's best friend since the beginning of high school. She and Ayisha had very motherly, responsible personalities.

Jet literally ran up to Syaoran and wrapped her legs around him. Then they started making out, in front of everyone. Sakura usually thought the couple's public display of affection was totally adorable, but today she turned her head away in disgust. Ayisha noticed this but decided to save it for later, she had a feeling what would be said should be for their ears only.

It was what seemed like a century until Syaoran finally broke the kiss.

"Guess what every body?" He said as he pulled Jet closer to him.

"Chicken butt," said a very random Hakaru. Ayisha elbowed him lightly then forgave him with a quick kiss on the lips.

"Um…no. I'm having a party at my house on Saturday and you're all invited." Syaoran smiled at Jet. She loved parties.

"You know what?" Jet cut in.

"Chicken butt," Hakaru replied again. Sakura realized he was just trying to get Ayisha to kiss him again.

"Ugh, shut up Hakaru. It's not funny." He turned to Ayisha, who looked ashamed and embarrassed for and of him and immediatley shut up. "What I was going to say was; why don't we have the party at my house? No offense, sweetie, but my house is much bigger." She kissed Syaoran as an apology, who accepted her apology.

"If it's alright with Sakura," Syaoran said casually.

"Why do we have to run this through with Sakura before it's okay?" There was no anger in voice, but it was in her eyes, which only Syaoran could see. He abruptly put her down as he continued with his explaination.

"Because, I promised she could plan this party." He replied, as if it wasn't obvious.

"Oh, I have no problem with that. In fact, Jet—" Sakura was trying to calm the argument.

"Call me Tsai-san." Jet interjected venimously.

"--If you want to plan the party, you can." She continued as if she didn't hear her. Syaoran looked sympathetically at Sakura. He knew that she just didn't want him to get in trouble with his girlfriend just for her. Poor girl, he thought. I'll make it up to her. At the same time, his rage was boiling at Jet for not understanding and generally being a brat. He didn't understand why she couldn't be more like her sister.

"Actually," Katana cut in quietly, but forcefully. "I think it would be better if Sakura planned the party, Jet, you can help her."

Katana was a very perceptive girl. She knew that Jet was just being spoiled again and Sakura was just letting her be. Someone had to put her in her place.

"Fine, okay. Oh, yeah, that'd be good. Y'know, especially since Syaoran promised her she could." Jet said resignedly.

"Thank you," her murmured in her ear. "I love you."

"You too." She sighed dejectedly. This was not going how she wanted this to go. Syaoran was supposed to cater to her every whim. Sakura was getting in the way. Hers and Syaoran's bond was too strong.

There are ways to fix that. She thought evily to herself.