Looking somber, Michael sat in his office and spoke to the camera.

"Today, we're losing, four of our best, brightest, and bustiest and yeah, I know how the last one sounds. But I'm not going to take it back because I shouldn't. I can't help but notice how well endowed Pam and Kelly are."

Pam sighed as she sat in the conference room and said, "At least he didn't say it to my face which is a big improvement for him."

Michael folded his hands and leaned forward.

"This is like.. if Saved by Bell lost Zack/Jim, Kelly/Pam, Slater/Ryan and Lisa/Kelly. I could have said, Kelly/Kelly but our Kelly is like Lisa because of her skin colo-sense of style," he smiled hoping that the producer did not catch his near slip.

"Am I going to miss Dunder-Mifflin?" Jim repeated the producer's question.

"I will," Pam answered as she held his hand.

"Me too. This where I learned how to hone my pranking skills."

"And dancing, remember Michael on Booze Cruise?"

"How could I not? I have the best chest shimmy in Scranton thanks to him."

She chuckled. "I know, you're my little private dancer….Dancer for money," she half sang.

He shook his head. "But seriously, we did gain a lot from working here like how not to burn my foot on a George Foreman grill, lead a Diversity Day and learning how to sell paper."

"And answering telephones..it will take me a few years to not answer my phone with, 'Dunder-Mifflin, this is Pam.'"

Jim smiled, "If it weren't for this office, we might have never met."

"Thank God we did," she turned to him and smiled.

Creed looked into the camera and said, "I will regret not having seen Pam out of the office more often..and more importantly, out of her clothes."

"Like duh! Of course I'll miss working here! It's where I met my boo!" Kelly excitedly squealed as she hugged Ryan.

"What she said," Ryan smiled as he kissed the side of her head.

She looked up at him. "I know you won't miss being Michael's man-servant."

"You're not wrong..I was this close," he gestured with his thumb and forefinger, "to becoming his Alfred. Although I'm pretty sure Dwight has that covered."

Insulted, Dwight shifted in his seat and said, "It would be an honor to be Alfred. He was loyal, smart, he was Bruce Wayne's most trusted ally, and unlike Robin, he was not a homosexual…. which is perfectly fine. I am accepting of homosexuals, heterosexuals, mutants, aliens and cyborgs..I plan to raise my children to be as tolerant as I am."

"Of course I'll miss Pam..no gay man likes losing their nearest hag. My back up would have been Kelly but she's going to New York too..At least I'll get to see them every other weekend." Oscar said during his interview.

Michael walked over to front of the office and removed the microphone from the karaoke machine.

"Everyone, may I please have your attention," he said into the microphone.

Everyone looked at him.

"Thank you. Now today is day of sad celebration because we're losing four of very own, Jim, Pam, Kelly and The Temp-I'm kidding, Ryan," he winked at him.

Ryan simply smiled at his soon to be ex-boss.

"So, I propose a toast," Michael lifted his glass. "Thank you Jim, for the laughs, for the pranks on Dwight and for your friendship."

Jim graciously smiled and lifted his glass, "Thanks Michael."

He then turned to Pam.

"Pam, I am grateful for your presence, your patience, kindness, artistic talent and most importantly, your curvaceous form," he goofily smiled.

She sighed and mustered a gentle smile. "Thanks Michael, I wouldn't have expected any less from you."

"I know," he nodded not realizing what she actually said.

"And me?" Kelly brightly asked.

"Kelly," he gazed at her. "Thank you for constant optimism, sense of style, and your ability to carry a conversation whether it's with another person or yourself."

Tearing up, Kelly said, "Oh my God, that is like soo sweet! Thanks Michael!"

He hugged Kelly and lifted his glass, he said, "Although the four of you moving onto bigger and better things, and the big city..I know that none of you will ever forget your family here at Dunder-Mifflin, Salut!"

"Salut!" Everyone said.

"But there is one more thing that needs to be said-actually, sang," Michael stated as he tinkered with the karaoke machine.

"Oh god…." Ryan said under his breath.

"Did you ever know that you're my heeeero? And everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle, cause you are the wind beneath my wiiiinnggss!"

Jan came out of his office and wrapped her arms around her husband.

"Good job, honey," Jan sweetly told while taking the microphone from him and facing his back to the crowd. She graciously smiled as everyone silently thanked her.

After saying their goodbyes to everyone, Jim and Pam stayed behind. Each sat at their empty desks and looked at one another. They remembered the moments they had shared and the love that had grown between them.

Their smiles mirrored each other as they clasped hands and headed towards the door. They ended one chapter of the lives and moved onto the next without ever looking back.

"Mommy, Daddy where are we going?" Little Ellie asked her parents as she held their hands and walked between them.

Jim looked at his daughter and said, "Mommy and Daddy are going to see Uncle Michael, Aunt Jan and our friends in Scranton, Sweetie."

"Are Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ryan going too?"

"Yes, Ellie," Pam answered.

"Then why can't I come?"

"Honey you know, this is an adults only party and not-.." He began to explain to his seven-year-old daughter before she interrupted him.

"A big girl one."

"That's right," Pam stated. "Now, you be a good girl for Uncle Sam and Uncle Kyle tonight. Promise?"

"I promise," Ellie said.

Jim and Pam smiled at each other as they walked up to Sam and Kyle's brownstone.

"I wanna ring the bell!" Ellie told her them as she reached for the white button next to the front door.

With a warm smile on his face, Sam answered the door.

"Hi Uncle Sam!" Ellie impatiently shouted as she bounced and raised her arms in the air for him.

"Well hello Princess," Sam picked her up and kissed her cheek. "And how is the Queen?" He hugged Pam with one arm and kissed her face. "And King?"

"We're good," Jim answered as he hugged his friend. "But uh..I don't see a red carpet on this stoop for us."

Pam joined in, "I know, what kind of a peasant are you?"

"Really funny, you two," Sam rolled his eyes.

"Where's Baby Joel?" Ellie asked Sam.

"He's in the kitchen with Uncle Kyle. Do you want to see them?"

"Yes please!"

"Ok then," Sam put her down.

"Bye mommy, bye daddy!" Ellie yelled as she ran for the kitchen.

"God, she is like a mini you," Sam said to Pam.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Pam said with a smile. "Thanks for doing this," she hugged him.

"If you need anything, just call us," Jim told him. "We'll see you later tonight."

"I will. Have a great night you two!" he waved to them as they walked away.

Together, Michael and Jan sat in his office and spoke to camera.

"I can't believe eight years has gone by…" Michael said. "When you guys left I felt almost naked without the cameras around me. But this special lady," he pointed to Jan, "helped me get through that by using our own camera whenever we-.."

"Michael, don't," Jan warned him.

He smiled and then looked at her with innocent eyes, "I don't know what you were thinking about but I was referring to how we film every moment of our little Ian's life."

"Oh..I knew that," she said in an unconvincing tone of voice.

"Besides, with Ian running around we're lucky to even have time to make love..So we do it any time and anywhere, in the kitchen, bathroom, basement…"

Shaking her head, Jan said his name with a sigh.

"I'm kidding, honey! You know that we haven't done it in the bathroom yet," he laughed oblivious to his wife's blushing face.

While arranging the snack table, Angela spoke on a mobile phone.

"George Lucas Schrute, you know that you are not allowed to karate kick your Great Aunt Margaret!" Angela scolded her only child. "Now you apologize to Elizabeth before I get your father on the phone to talk to you about beet farming," she smiled. "Good boy. Dwight," she then handed the phone to her husband.

"Yes George?" Dwight asked. When he heard his son's question, he looked for the cameras before ducking into the break room. He softly sang a lullaby into the phone.

"It turns out that I am the only Schrute male with immobile sperm," Dwight told the camera.

Angela held his hand, "So, we decided to adopt but the waiting list for babies here in the US was very long. There are a lot of wonderful older foster children..So, we adopted a 2-year-old boy named George," she reached into her purse showed a picture of a cute African American child. "He's seven now and he's well behaved..most of the time..he's sweet, brilliant and beautiful."

"And, he will be a master of karate thanks to his sifu, me. He also loves his Great Aunt Margaret and Aunt Pat."

"Don't forget Lisa."

"Yes, we have achieved a Schrute family first by raising a brilliant, beautiful, lesbian loving, karate master who unfortunately shows no interest in beet farming."

"Thank God.." Angela whispered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"I said that I thank God every day for our son," she smiled.

"Me too," he looked down at her and grinned.

Phyllis beamed when she saw the office door open, "Everyone, Chris is here!"

"Hey guys," Chris said as she hugged everyone.

Crossing her legs, Chris turned her attention to the camera and the producer.

"This isn't exactly a reunion for me since I come back to Scranton at least once a month to see Michael, Jan, Ian and everyone else.

At home in New York, Kelly and Ryan live a few blocks away from me and I see Jim and Pam almost every week. But it has been awhile since I've been around you guys," she gestured to the cameraman and the producer. "And I say this with the utmost love, I didn't miss you guys one bit," she laughed.

After she listened to the producer's question, she answered, "I'm good. Next week I'm flying to Louisiana to check up on the filming first Savior movie which I adapted from a graphic novel to a screenplay. Right now, I'm um.. happily single. My book that was inspired by my week here sold well..not as great as my previous work but.." She looked out the window behind her. "I've gained so much from my experience here, it's priceless," her smile was wide. "And Creed and I talk once a week..only in Cambodian. For some reason he prefers it that way."

Creed said to the camera, "I am currently in a tri-nogamous relationship with a French woman named Brigette and a Cambodian woman named Chantra..Neither of them speak English….it is the best relationship that I have ever been in."

"Ry guy!" Michael happily shouted as Ryan and Kelly entered the office.

"Hi Michael," Ryan smiled as he helped Kelly with her coat.

Michael then turned his attention to Kelly. "Oh Kelly, look at you…" He pointed to her pregnant belly. "Your bump, your bump, your lovely baby bump..check it out!"

Kelly giggled, "I know..I can't wait for these two to come out," she patted her rotund stomach.

While holding hands, Kelly and Ryan conducted their update interview.

"We're happily unmarried which we're fine with..except for my parents," Kelly explained. "But they're looking forward to being grandparents."

"Even though your father insists on referring to me as 'The dishonorable man who refuses to marry my daughter but will sire her children' to his friends and family."

She touched his face. "He'll come around..it'll just take awhile. Anyway, Ryan and I own and run Alana's PR firm. It's actually turned out pretty well because he knows business and I know how to handle like the press and our celebrity clients."

"She right. Somehow..working for Michael and dealing with needy, attention starved, arrogant celebrities isn't much different."

Like the doting partner that she was, she tapped his knee and said, "He's joking. Our clients..most of our clients are great to work for, they're totally nice. In beginning, Ryan was more like a silent partner."

"Literally," he joked referring to her talkativeness. His mobile phone rang. "It's Bryce Smith, supposedly there's rumor on some blog about him."

"Talk to him, I'll be fine," she told him.

"Ok," he kissed her cheek before leaving the room.

The producer asked Kelly when the twins due.

"In like three or four weeks," she sighed. "It's been fun being pregnant…most of the time. There are cute maternity clothes but not really shoes but I did find super cute pair that fit me. I'm wearing them right now," she gestured to her feet which wore a pair of mismatch flat heeled shoes. "What? What do you mean they don't match?" After a couple of failed attempts at bending down to see her feet, she broke down into tears.

"I hate this! I hate sweating, the mood swings, not being able to see my feet and…I love my babies but I hate being.-being a big fat pregnant pig!"

"Everyone has changed since the last you guys were here," Pam said as Jim sat down next to her in the conference room. "Meredith, Oscar and Kevin are married. Dwight and Angela are married with a great little boy."

Jim interjected, "Don't forget about Ellie," he reached for his wallet and showed her picture to the camera.

"I was about to get to that, Halpert," she rolled her eyes and them chuckled. "After Gabe Elliot and I started working together, I got pregnant with Ellie."

"After everything we went through before..when we found out, it seemed like things started falling into place for us. Kyle and I are producing partners now. Pam and Gabe's books are hit. These past couple of years has treated us well. We have been blessed."

"We have," Pam leaned in and softly kissed him.

"I married one of Scratonicity's biggest and only fans, Maggie. She's funny, smart, and hot," Kevin proudly said as he held up her picture. "Now that I'm married, I'm not obsessed with other people's sex lives..but I still have sexth sense..I can't help it, it's a gift, like being psychic," he said before flashing his trademark smirk.

Kelly curiously stared at Ryan when he joined the rest of them at the table in the center of the office.

"What's got you smiling?" She asked him.

He held a DVD case, "The producers gave me an exclusive copy of the episode where we met."

Confused, she replied, "Ok?"

"I want to show our kids the day I met their mother and," he dropped down to one knee, "my wife."

"Oh my God," Kelly said while her eyes began to well up.

"Everyone look!" Meredith pointed to Ryan and Kelly.

He looked up at her with blue adoring eyes. "Kelly Kapoor, you are the mother of my children, my best friend, my partner and the love of my life. You are the most loving, generous and unbelievably patient person that I have ever met. Even though I am an imperfect and as you father says, 'Dishonorable man', you love me as if I'm not. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" She ecstatically wept as he slipped the ring on her finger and then pulled him into deep kiss.

Everyone cheered and applauded the newly engaged couple.

No one noticed Jim and Pam slip away from the party. They escaped to the roof where a picnic basket, blanket, two scented candles, and two grilled cheese sandwiches waited for them.

"When did you do this?" Pam asked as she sat down on the blanket.

"When you went to the bathroom with Kelly, I knew that I would at least have an eternity to set this up," he joked while sitting down and wrapping his arms around her.

"This was where our first non-date happened and dinner," she gazed up at him.

His eyes shone with love as he bent down and kissed her.

When they parted, they locked eyes. They held each other's stare knowing what was going through their minds. No matter how dark times were, they would always be able to overcome it because nothing could defeat the luminosity of their love.

The End

Author's note: I want to thank everyone who read this unbelievably long fic, whether you were a fan or critic and I forever grateful for you. The Office is my escape and even though I love the show, I would not have written a fanfic about it if it weren't for the support of you guys.

As far as Office fanfics are concerned, I don't have any plans on writing a new one. So for now, this will be my first and last Office fanfic. However, writing is my passion and so is fandom and television in general. I am going to write a Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and Law & Order: Criminal Intent crossover series. Knowledge of the show and the characters is needed but a quick visit to wikipedia is helpful. I will post every fic of the series in the L&O: SVU section of the site and it will be rated mature. I hope that you guys will follow me there, if not that's fine too.