

Rated PG-13 . In a future chapter there will be coarse language but I will censor it.

Spoilers: Booze Cruise and The Secret

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except for the plot and an original character that will be introduced later on. Ricky Gervais and NBC, please don't sue me.

Summary: Pam is faced with some hard decisions and discovers a secret about Jim.

Status: Work in Progress

Author's note: This is after Booze Cruise, except I put a gap between BC and The Secret. Humor is not my strength, drama is. I'll try though. Feedback is welcomed, be constructive not cruel please.

Every week I'll post two chapters, one on Tuesday and one on Sunday. This story is also posted at Katherine's lovely website and forum at givememyremote(dot)com. Now, if you actually want to catch up with those readers, who are ahead, I suggest you check it out and maybe, register if you want to comment or if you want to partake in the office chatting that goes on. No pressure, and unlike Kelly's words to Ryan, I actually mean that.

Thank you!


The microwave's irritatingly loud and incessant beeping beckoned Pam into the kitchen. Sighing, she strode across the cool tile floor and opened the white microwave door. Leaning on the counter, she reached in and clutched the mug's ceramic handle. Steam rose from the oversized coffee mug as she placed it on the counter. From the cabinet above her head, she retrieved a handful of Lipton teabags.

Idly, she dipped the teabag into the light green mug. Her eyes traveled to the broken coffee maker to her left and she became annoyed at its appearance. It had been over two weeks since Roy had promised to fix it and yet, it remained on the counter; neglected and gathering dust. Of course, this wasn't the first time her fiancé failed to uphold a promise.

When her gaze returned to her tea, she smiled. The tip of her forefinger traced the rim of the recently purchased mug. Last night, she had gone to Target to list potential gifts for her bridal registry and the groom's since Roy decided to watch the game at Darryl's; again. She had been browsing through house wares when she had noticed the mug. Its color was identical to the teapot that her co-worker Jim had given her for Christmas.

Her smile widen as she remembered the extra gifts that he had placed inside the teapot. A small chuckle left her mouth when the image of his high school picture came to mind. Immediately, her smile disappeared when she heard Roy's heavy footfalls coming towards her.

"Hey Baby," Roy said as went over to the refrigerator.

Turning around, she answered, "Good morning."

He opened the refrigerator door. "Did ya get the jelly doughnuts?" His tall husky frame was bent over searching the refrigerator.

"Yeah," she picked up her mug. "They're on the table," her tone was flat.

"Thanks, Baby," he left the refrigerator and grabbed the box off the table.

"Don't forget, we have to be at the theatre by seven." She saw his confused expression. "Remember, Jim won tickets to a private screening of the new Will Ferrell movie?"

"Right!" Roy replied. "Well, uh, I'm sorry Baby but Darryl and a couple of the other warehouse guys are gonna check out that new sports bar."

Pam looked down at her mug and briefly set her jaw. She couldn't believe that he was doing this to her, again! Her eyes met his stare.

"Roy, you promised me," her voice was unusually firm.

"I know, I know but my team needs me, Baby," he said before stuffing a jelly doughnut in his mouth.

"We never go out and this is a private screening of a movie that I really want to see!" She sighed. "Look, I don't ask for much…could you just do this one thing for me?"

He swallowed the doughnut and put an arm around her. "Baby, if it means this much to you," she brightened, "then I'll take you to go see it when it comes out."

Defeated, she dropped her shoulders. "Fine, I'll just go alone and you can go out with Darryl."

"Ya sure?"


He smiled, "See? We can compromise; we're so ready to get hitched. I'm gonna go start the car." He took his keys out of his pocket and gave her quick peck on the mouth.

"I'll be there in a minute."

"Ok, don't keep me waiting," he stepped out the door.

"I never do," she muttered as she watched him leave.

She drank from her mug and felt the warm beverage soothe her nerves as it ran down her throat. A smile touched her lips as she thought of Jim again. He made life at Dunder-Mifflin bearable. The car horn sounded.

"I'm coming!" She called out as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

After a few minutes of searching the parking lot, Jim released a sigh of relief when Michael's car was nowhere to be seen. Michael's absence meant that Dunder-Mifflin Paper Company would go a second day without its regional manager and that Jim's secret was still safe…for now.

A few nights earlier, he had made the grave mistake of confiding in Michael about his feelings for Pam during the office's "Booze Cruise" event. Despite Michael's genuine advice to "Never, ever, ever give up", Jim knew that it wasn't in his boss's nature to withhold such a secret. Or perhaps he was underestimating him? Either way, he wasn't willing to take that chance, especially since Roy and Pam finally set their wedding date that same night.

Hanging his coat on the rack, Jim nodded to the documentary cameras and then went over to the reception desk. With his forearms, he leaned his tall yet healthy build against Pam's desk and patiently waited until she finished her call.

"Good morning," he smiled.

"Morning," she returned his smile with one of her own.

"So, are we going to be Michael-less again?"

"Looks like, he still has the flu," she grimaced, "that was just him and I could actually hear him gagging."

"Well, thanks for that visual."

"You're welcome," she quipped and tossed her brown curly hair behind her shoulder. "Oh, I had to show you," she held up her new mug. "I got it last night at Target; it's a perfect match for my teapot."

"Nice," he briefly touched it before she set it down. "As it turns out, I have something to show you too," he reached into his briefcase and retrieved the item.

Her lips formed into an open mouth smile. "The Princess Bride DVD?" She beamed as she took it into her hands.

"Yeah, I was shopping last night; I knew it was one of your favorites. And you told me that Roy stepped on your copy."

"He did, but this is the special edition!"

He loved seeing her happy. "Wasn't that the one you had?"

"Oh-um, actually mine was a bootleg that he got me from his New York trip," she quietly explained. "But I can't accept this, Jim," she began to hand the DVD back.

He pushed it towards her, "It's not a big was just 8 bucks. Consider it an engagement gift," he said trying to sound casual.

Her smile faded and a brief silence passed between them.

Aware of the camera to her right, she gave him a half smile and said, "Thanks, I really love it, Jim."

"You're welcome, Pam," he gazed at her with his hazel eyes.

The phone rang.

"I better get this," she picked up the receiver.

"Duty calls," he said as he got off the desk and went over to his.

When his back was turned, she glanced at him as she spoke on the phone.

"Well, I entered one of those online sweepstakes which no one is supposed to win and I won!" Jim shrugged and smiled at the camera. "I was a second prize winner and I got 30 passes to an advanced and private screening of the new Will Ferrell movie. My roommate Mark is coming with a couple of my friends and everyone at the office is on board too…even Dwight. He knows that the movie doesn't have any ewoks, hobbits or klingons yet he still wants to see it. I'm still expecting him to cancel…" he held up his hand and crossed his fingers. "Here's hoping."
Ryan shifted in his seat as he spoke to the camera. "Jim's a great guy; everyone except for Dwight likes him…which isn't a bad thing. He's funny, nice, and people listen to him. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if he were the regional manager instead of Michael. But then I stop myself because if that were to happen then this job would be enjoyable and I might consider staying…" His blue droopy eyes become wide with fear as he shook his head. "And I never want to get to that point…ever."
With her hazel eyes, Pam peered up at Jim when he leaned on her desk. "What's up?"

"Could you do me the biggest favor?"

"What is it?" She leaned forward.

"Ryan and Dwight might be late tonight so they want their tickets now but they're at my house," he told her. "Since I'm waiting on a call and traffic is hell during our lunch break…"

She continued his sentence. "You want me to get them for you."

"Exactly, and lunch, which is in fifteen minutes--is on me," he took a ten dollar bill out of his wallet.

After considering his offer, she said, "Deal," as she switched the phone to its voicemail mode and grabbed her purse.

"Thank you," his grin was grateful as he helped her put her coat on. "And I'll buy you and Roy the biggest bucket of popcorn tonight."

She paused and then decided not to tell him about Roy. "Sounds great."

He handed her his keys and the ten dollar bill. "My house key is the one with the square head and the passes are in my desk drawer on top of the ESPN magazine which I also need," he explained to Pam as he opened the door for her to leave.

"Got it, I'll be back," she said to him before leaving.

He nodded and watched her leave.

"Where is she going?" Angela said with a suspicious look on her face.

Jim turned around and saw the short blonde woman standing in front of Pam's desk with her arms folded. "She's getting the passes for tonight. I thought it'd be better if I gave them to you all now just in case any of you are late."

"Oh," she unfolded her arms. "That's logical, thanks."

"No problem. By the way, do you need one or two?"

She quickly glanced at Dwight. "One, why?"

"I have some extras and Phyllis, Stanley, Kevin, and Oscar are brining people with them," he answered.

Backing away from Pam's desk, she defensively replied, "I just need one," before returning to her desk.

To his right, Jim gave the camera a peculiar look.