Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. But man… It would be so BADASS if I did…
Let's face it. We need more stories where Iruka get's a woman. Come people… He deserves it.
Well, many of you have begged me to make this into its own story, so here ya go. Proof that I give into peer pressure too easily. I've made a few changes here and there just so it can stand on it's own as an individual story and cleaned it up a bit too. Hope you guys enjoy and I hope a bunch of new people who have never read this story enjoy.
It was mid afternoon in the village of Konoha. The sun was shining, birds were chirping and this spectacular view was being enjoyed by certain black haired ninja from the Jounin's lounge. Said, ninja was a beautiful young woman who was enjoying the view while popping dongos into her mouth.
The lounge was empty for the most part. The only other occupant had been a middle aged ninja would had left almost ten minutes ago, leaving Mitarashi Anko to enjoy her break in relative silence.
But that didn't last too long as the lounge door opened as several kuniochis stepped in, all whom were chatting to themselves happily. When the noticed Anko sitting near the window, they paused for a moment before coming to take seats around her.
"Anko, how are you?" Smiled Kurenia as she sat next to Anko.
"Oh hey, Kerunia, I'm fine. How's it going?" Anko gave a short wave as she took her eyes from the window to look at the group of women situated around her.
"Fine, fine. Doing mostly Jounin instructor work now." Kurenia explained.
"Yeah, heard you got stuck with a teaching job now." Anko nodded, there was no way in hell they were ever going to stick HER with a teaching job. She'd probably end up turning whatever group of genin she got into a team of sadistic psychos.
"Speaking of teaching…" One of the other Kuniochi's, Suzume stepped in. "I heard a rumor that you're dating Umino Iruka? Is that really true?"
Anko, smirked at Suzume, who pushed her glasses back on her face.
"What if I am?"
The women looked at each other in surprise before turning back to Anko.
"Well… Why him? There must be much more… Interesting guys, right?" Kurenia asked, recalling her on knowledge of the mild mannered chuunin.
"Well, sure maybe. But let me ask you a question, what are the options on good single guys?" Anko asked them with a knowing smirk. Question her choice in men will they? She'd prove to them just how good her tastes were.
"Well… What about Kakashi? I heard he's really cute under that mask. And he must really interesting!" A blonde Kuniochi offered.
"Doesn't he constantly read porn? In public?" One of the other girls stated, cringing at the thought of the gray haired man walking down the street with his little orange book.
"Yeah! And he's chronically late! I've never seen the man show up on time for anything in my life!" Another commented.
"What about… Asuma? He seems like a really nice guy." This time it was a brunette to Anko's left.
"Ew! He smells like an ash tray!" The blonde cringed.
"And besides that…(ahem) He's not available." Kurenia stated, frowning.
"How would you know?" The brunette asked.
"I just do!" Kurenia shot back, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away in embarrassment.
"Um… Anyways… How about… Hayate?" This time it was Suzume.
"Heh, if Yuugao heard you even suggest that she'd cut you two." Anko laughed, thinking about the purpled haired Anbu and her devotion to the sickly jounin swordsman.
"Oh yeah…" Suzume paled.
"Genma?" Anther girl offered.
"Er… tried that." Anko cringed as she recalled an unfortunate make out session in which her date had forgotten to remove the senbon from his mouth.
"Well, what about-"
"Enough!" Anko shouted. "Look, I like Iruka-kun! Get over it!"
There was a brief pause of silence as the kuniouchis looked at each other in confusion before one of them finally spoke up.
"But… why?"
Anko blinked and then looked at them. Sighing, Anko set herself up to explain.
"Look, if you think about all the guys in this village, who would YOU consider to be the nicest?" Anko asked.
"Um… Iruka?" One of the girls said hesitantly after a moment of thought.
"And who would you think would treat a woman with the PROPER respect she deserves?"
"Well, definitely Iruka." Suzume nodded. "He's always a gentleman to a lady, weather she's nine years old or ninety. Anko smirked, thinking back to the sake shop incident, he hadn't been very gentlemanly that night, much to Anko's pleasure.
"And he's very good with children!" Another piped in. "He'd make a wonderful father."
"Best of all" The Brunette said. "I heard he can cook!"
"But would he be any good in the bedroom?" The blonde added touching her index finger to her lip in thought. "He seems like he'd be clumsy in that department."
"Oh he was." Anko nodded, closing her eyes and putting her hands behind head as a very proud grin spread across her face. "But after a week with me, I definitely fixed that!"
Many of the kunoichi looked at her in red faced surprise. While others like Kurenia and Suzume who knew her better simply shook their heads in embarrassment.
"So… In all accounts…" The Brunette began after a short pause to consider everything that had been discussed. "Iruka is… the most eligible bachelor in Konoha?"
All the women, excluding Anko, blinked in surprised upon that sudden revelation. For a brief instance, the room was in complete silence and as they realized what a good prospect for a husband Iruka was… and much to their great disappointment, that he was-
"- All mine! Hahahahaha!" Anko laughed evilly, surprising everyone in the room as she stood up on her seat in a triumphant pose.
"Hee, hee! I can just see it now!" Anko squealed in delight. "Mr. and Mrs. Anko Mitarashi!"
As if on cue, a thought bubble seemed to appear over Anko's head as she imagined her future life.
"Honey! I'm hoooome!" Anko called out as she walked through a door into her home. She was wearing what looked like a female business suite complete with a brief case.
"Oh! Hi honey! How was your day?" A smiling Iruka asked as he came into the room, an apron adorned over his normal ninja wear. Oven mitts on his hands as he carried in a pot roast to the table.
"Oh it was good, just a run of the mill assassination." Anko smiled as she set down her brief case.
"Well you're just in time for dinner! Would you like to call the kids to the table?" Iruka smiled.
"Oh kiiiids!" Anko called out.
From out of another room, two little children, one looking like a five year old version of Anko and the other a five year old version of Iruka ran into the room happily.
"Yay! Mommy's home!" They squealed.
"What a wonderful family." Anko sighed happily. The whole family grouped together smiling. Standing next to each other like they were about to take some kind of hallmark moment photo.
Back in reality, all the Kuniochi's stared at the day dreaming Anko with sweat drops.
"Just who's wearing the pants in that relationship?" Suzume asked.
"Well, I'd watch myself if I were you Anko." Kurenia whispered into the snake girl's ear, pulling Anko out of her bizarre fantasy.
"Oh yeah? Why should I?"
"Because, while he may be the most eligible bachelor, you're not quite what I'd call the most eligible bachelorette." Kurenia warned.
"Ha! And how could he turn down something like this?" Anko huffed as she pointed at herself (more accurately at her chest).
"Because of your personality." Suzume piped in, whispering into Anko's other ear. "You don't have anything the rest of us don't already have. And now that THEY know just what a great guy he is. They'll all be on the prowl."
Looking at her two friends in confusion, Anko glanced at the other kuniochis in the room surrounding her. All of them off in their own little worlds now, plans forming in their heads on how to seduce the young chuunin from their discussion.
"Uh oh…" Anko mumbled, as she saw some of the hungry looks in her fellow kuniouchi's eyes.
Both Suzme and Kurenia nodded in agreement with Anko realization.
"Y-yeah, well fat chance! Why just today, I sent a whole bunch of flowers to his classroom, just so he'd know how much I care!"
"You did?" The Suzume asked in surprised. That didn't seem very Anko-Like.
"Yep! I even went out and picked them all myself! Just try and beat that!" Anko laughed triumphantly. That's right, she was one step a head of the game now.
On the other side of Konoha, in the ninja academy, Iruka's class looked on in fascination at the variety of exotic looking flowers situated in a vase on the center of Iruka's desk. With a note attached saying: From Anko.
"Wow Sensei! Looks like you've got yourself an admirer!" Konohamaru laughed.
"Er yeah…" Iruka said as he eyes the flowers nervously.
"Um Sensei?" Another student, Moegi, raised her hand. "Are you aware that all those flowers are poisonous?"
"Uh, Actually, yes I am aware of that…" Iruka sweat dropped.
"Wow, somebody must really hate sensei…" One of Iruka student's whispered to another.
"Yeah, if I was him, I'd stay the heck away from whatever girl sent those!" The other whispered back.
'Man…' Iruka thought, as he scratched his head nervously. 'Does Anko like me or hate me? This is getting really confusing….'