
Summary: AU Shuichi Shindou is just an average student in High School that aspires to be a Singer with a heavy crush on the famous Novelist, Eiri Yuki. But a curse gets in the way, and now Shuichi will turn into a girl everytime something something occurs that has to do with the Writer! What'll happen when Shuichi is taken in by Yuki when he's kicked out by his parents? CHAOS!

Warnings: Yaoi? Maybe so. Just kidding! 100 percent YAOI! n . n

Disclaimer: I PWN PIE! Or myself at least….

Sorry about not updating for a while, School finally bit me in the ass, brother got very sick, and now I'm sick too! XD So here's my update to YOU! And feel free to pelt me with pinecones and straight doujinshi. n . n; -shivers-

Chapter Five: Going by the Twosomes

( O . O)( O . O )(O . O )


I was so overjoyed, it felt like I got high off too much pocky again. "Really? When!"

He laughed at my enthuisasm. "Tomorrow, conference stages A3 and B9. Same time, 3 PM."

Immediately I froze. "Uh…Uh…Hold on! I have to take a dump!" Before he could even answer, I sprinted into the nearest bathroom and locked the door. Now I was really in a pile of crap. Both Ichigo and I had to be somewhere at the same time on the same day. God, could this get any worse!

My stomach lurched and twisted with uncomfortable reactions. Either I was having a tummyache from not eating much, food poisoning, or I was just really nervous. Even maybe I really needed to take a dump.

After doing my business, I walked out calmly. Tatsuha seemed startled with my sudden tranquil state after hearing that I could try out and the fact that I called out my next action. I sat my butt down in the chair and after taking a deep drink, I sighed.

The Calm Before a Storm. "OH GOD! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!" I clutched at my head tightly, forgetting the fact that there was someone in the room still. Hitting my head on the table repeatedly, I continued to berate myself.

"OH. Oww. CRAP. Oww. WHAT. Oww. DO. Oww. I. Oww. DO! I can't be in the same place at the same time! What do I doooooo!"

"Uh…Ichigo? What do you mean 'same place, same time?'"

My amethyst eyes trailed up to him in surprise.

Oh snap.


I had to think of an excuse quick. This situation right now had just made a thought and pre-caution come to mind. If Tatsuha found out about me having a curse to switch from a girl to a boy, or a boy to a girl…Or whatever it is! I just didn't want him to find out okay!

"Uh…Like, I can't be in the bathroom and at the zoo at the same time!"

"But the bathroom could be a nearby tree at the zoo."

Laughing nervously, I tried to think of another one. My hand swept up, ruffling my bubble gum pink lockes as I rubbed the back of my head nervously. "Well that too, but I mean that uh…You know! I just can't be there tomorrow! Do you think you can set it up for a different time Tatsuha?" Folding my hands together at the meeting point of my collar bone, I shot him my best puppy pout.

It wasn't effective.

"Sorry kiddo. If I asked for a different time, it might've been next week at god knows what hour."

I felt my knees give out, and my head nearly smacked the tiled floor as I tried to gather my thoughts into a perfectly understandible language. Okay, let's see here…All I have to do is manage two interviews, talk my way in as Shuichi and talk Ichigo's way out and everything would be perfectly ok!

Sometimes, I wish things that you planned out in your head were really that easy in real life. But Life doesn't work that way does it? No, it loves to conspire and dance on Fate's piano…

"You okay Ichigo?"

Dammit, that's right. Tatsuha's still here and Ichigo's still out. I mustered a smile and looked up at him. "I'm fine Tatsuha-san! Must've been the wave of shock and relief flying over my head!" I posed dramatically with an arm over my eyes and an hand grasping backwards in the air for that dream far out to sea…How sad.

He blinked at me, a bead of sweat trickling down. "Alrighty then…You do that, I'm going…to go out." The dark haired teen called out a goodbye as I heard the door slam behind him.

I scared him…Yay! That gave me some time to talk with myself and figure out what the heck was going to happen!

I stood up and faced the direction where Tatsuha had departed in. Leaning forward on one foot with the other folded in the air, I clapped my hands to him. "Good show Uesugi-san! Good show!" A burst of sugarness rumbled through me and my feet started to have me run laps around the kitchen table.

"And it's Lefty coming up ahead of Righty and—What's this? Righty has just stolen the lead! No, now it's back to Lefty…Oh my peoples! It seems to be a race to the death between our beloved feet! Who will win!" I chanted out loud, mimicing that of a race horse announcer-person. Lefty and Righty started to pick up the pace and I was sure that I was bound to cause a tornado and land into the land of Oz if I didn't stop soon!

Skidding to an unsightly halt, just near the beige leather sofa, I crumbled to the ground again. What was I going to d-o-o-o! The bubble gum pink lockes upon my girly-little head overshadowed my eyes as I stared at the ground.

"Oh Yukiiii! If only you could help me out here!" I whined, hoping the windows didn't shatter soon.

Water spiked at my eyes, and I noticed my vision blurring. I didn't take notice of it at first, then I hopped to my senses and hastily wiped them away while rising to my feet. "It's okay Shuichi, everything'll be fine… There's nothing to worry about…" I cooed to myself, willing the tears away. After a few moments of sniffling and rubbing at my eyes, I stood proudly with my legs spread apart, a hand resting on my hip, and the other in the air with a triumphant fist clenched.

I could only guess that stars were burning in my eyes as well.

"Who cares about this two-timing! I WILL NOT LET THIS ACT OF JUDGEMENT HINDER ME! Did you hear me! I WILL NOT SUCCUMB TO YOU, OH GREAT PRESIDENT OF NG! NEVAAHHHH!" I started to cackle and soon, my feet were taking me for laps around the dining table until I just collapsed and passed out onto the table of where Yuki and I once ate our meals together.


"Ooh la la! Ichigo for breakfast! What a feast this will be!"

The sunlight hit my eyes, but something luckily blocked most of it out. I groaned and blinked. "Who..Who are you, oh great one that hath shaded me from the evil sunlight?" I mumbled, rubbing the trail of drool onto the back of my hand.

The taller figure seemed to frown. "You've forgotten me already! What did you do last night while I was out?"

I blinked for the second time, staring at the stranger's face until my vision focused. As a person was being made out from the foggy mosaics, I took note of the features becoming clear. White skin, black eyes, charcoal lockes, devious smirk…Oh shit.

"TATSUHA!" I gasped, rolling off the dining table in shock. He chuckled at my demise.

"Nice to see you finally woke up Ichigo, you have ten minutes to get up and get to the building for the meeting." The dark haired monk smiled at me, saying everything in such a casual tone that I didn't catch on at first. Then it hit me like my sister Maiko smacking me with my schoolbag so that I woke up for school.

"HOLY CRAP!" I jumped to my feet and sped up the stairs to Yuki's room. 'Crap crap crap crap! Why did I have to sleep in so much on a day like today! It was Fate I tell you! FATE!' I ran in, nearly crashing into the door as I burst through.

My eyes glanced around the room like I was a panther scanning their surroundings for it's prey. "MY BAG!" I yelled, running over to where it lay in a distraught position, the miscallaneous items scattered around the bag. My hands fished through the layers of random clothing and trinkets, grabbing onto some jeans and a t-shirt that said,

'Getting Turned on by Pencils? Creepy.' In bright green letters on the dark blue material.

"I'm going to be late for one of the most important days of my life!" I scolded myself, throwing off my clothes from yesterday and tugging on the jeans with a toothbrush and minty paste foam dripping down from my mouth. I fell over on my side, and grunted while I wiggled my body like a fish into the jeans and then spat the toothbrush out into the laundry basket as I buttoned up. I glanced downward, shouting some choice words in my head.

I had become a boy again.

Then I was about to pull the shirt over my head when I realized that I needed a bra. Having a mental fight in my head about what to do, either get the bra or just stuff it in my pocket. I sighed and pulled the shirt on, and then grabbed a standup bra and a jacket, folding then tucking it neatly into the pocket. I felt relieved but it was short lived as I shifted my gaze from how I looked to the digital clock resting on the nightstand.

2:55 PM. Oh and 23 seconds too.

Letting out another yell of frustration, I bounded down the stairs, swept the jacket over my body, slipped into my shoes and ran outside. Luckily, Tatsuha was already in his car awaiting my arrival. I hopped into the passenger's seat and slumped down, exhausted.

"I didn't think you were going to make it."

My eyes dronely looked over at him, nearly grimacing at how much of a good mood he was in.

"You could've woken me up earlier, you bastard."

"But you looked so pretty lying there on the table…"

"Fuck you."

My flat responses didn't seem to phase him one bit, and that irritated me more. What was the point of being in a horrifically bad mood when you couldn't even spread it to someone else! It was like, having the worst cold ever and being isolated inside your room 'til it went away.

Oh well. Since it was no fun being a grouch, I tried to lighten up. My eyes found themselves attaching my gaze to the clock in the car. I nearly had a heart attack.


I screamed, clutching onto the steering wheel while attempting to drive. Tatsuha started to laugh. "Why it seems I have a monkey on my wheel!"


"Ha ha ha. It seems that someone's being a little pushy today."

"SONUVA---" My words were cut off when we suddenly pulled over infront of a large building. I glued myself to the front window of the car, staring up at all of the sleekness and class, but most of all the sign on top.

NG. I was here.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you for everything Tatsuha-san!" I gave him a friendly and quick hug before getting out of the car. Winking playfully, I made the peace sign. "Wish me luck!"

He smiled warmly at me, "Best of luck to you oh insane one! Oh and by the way, A3 and B9 are both on the 13th floor. That's the highest floor."

"Oh ha ha ha!" I laughed back and nodded, walking into the building. My feet followed the signs and I found myself infront of the elevator. I tried to remain collected and well-composed as I hit the 'Up' button.

'What should I do? What will I say? Do I have to tell them what kind of underwear I like?'

My train of thought was cut as there was a 'Ding' sound and the doors opened in front of me. And who did I see? No other than…

Noriko Ukai!

The light haired keyboardist smiled at me. "Hello there, I haven't seen you around. What're you here for?"

I nearly didn't reply as I was in shock that another member of the band I came to idolize, Nittle Grasper, was talking to me. "I-I'm here for an interview. Me and my cousin. Her and I." I smacked myself for I nearly went on and on gibbering.

She still smiled at me, not noticing the amatuerism I was already flaunting. "Oh well good luck then, interviews here I've been told, are pretty simple and straight forwards anyways. Ciao!" The curly pig-tailed lady flashed the peace sign at me, then walked of the building. My mouth was dropped.

'OH. MY. GOD.'

I might've fell to my knees but instead I just walked into the elevator right as it was closing. I sighed and glanced upwards, my finger pressing random buttons at first. "Noriko talked to me! ME!" I mused to myself, then looked to the panel in front of me. I had just pressed about half of all the buttons. Just bliss, even more so since none of them were my floor. I slumped to the floor while pressing the 13th floor.

I had long since decided that I wanted to do my own interview first since I couldn't change back from a girl until whenever. This would be the easiest thing to do.

As the elevator stopped on every floor to A3, which was one of the highest floors, I tried to ignore the weird stares I received from the personell and other band members that were under NG's wing. I made myself as small and as compact into the corner of the moving box as possible.

I rose to my feet with a sudden burst of energy. The elevator had just stopped on my floor. My head was bowed, and underneath the wave of cotton candy pink lockes, a wicked grin spread upon my face. Then I jumped out and started running for the receptionist.

She was a sweet lady, about in here early thirties I estimate. She had shoulder length brown lockes and emerald green eyes. Her suit was green and was a businessy skirt and jacket. Although her beauty was about average.

"Excuse me?"

She looked up at me with a kind smile. "Yes, can I help you?"

"I'm supposed to be at a conference in room A3. Can you tell me where that is?"

The lady gave a nod. "Take the hallway to your left, make a right turn and it will be the first door to your right."

"Thank you ma'am!"

I turned and was in my little victory pose again. "Time…to…SHINE!" Pumping my fist into the air, I started to cackle again and the receptionist looked at my back rather nervously.

"Uhm…Sir? It's to the left. You're facing the right."

Laughing nervously I turned around to the other way. "Oh..Uh, thank you Joann."

"It's Carrie."

I gave her a curt nod and ran down the hallway, following her directions. Soon enough, but not soon enough for me, I was infront of conference room A3. My breath hitched in my throat. 'Here I go, the first part of the Beginning of the End.'

Gripped the golden doorknob, I twisted it and pushed towards the inside, sliding in before quietly shutting it behind me. Three men sat before me in leather chairs with a black desk in front of them. The room felt all professional and such, that I felt outcasted and nervous. It was pretty intimidating.

"You must be Shuichi Shindou."

I nodded to this, and opened my mouth to speak but wasn't sure if it was proper to talk without warning.

The man just gave a standard grin. "You are late but that's alright sonny, all we need is for you to sing up there on stage."

I didn't notice it before, that is until the same man pressed a button and then the lights were turned on. The stage was big and yet black painted. It was still intimidating to have to go up there. But my shoes betrayed me and led me up to the big platform and there I was, holding a microphone with the spotlight on me.

"So what would be your position in the band, if you are successful?"

I opened my mouth and shut it a few times before I could answer. "L-Lead Singer, sir."

He kept smiling. "Ah, what luck, we were unable to find any practice instruments and so we hoped that you would be a singer. Would there be anyone else in your band?"

I thought about this. It might be wise to say that Hiro would be my Lead Guitarist, then again I should ask for his permission but this was one in a lifetime chance! Besides, I was sure he wouldn't mind all that much. We were a team and best friends after all. "Yes sir, Hiroshi Nakano would be my Lead Guitarist."

"Good good. Now is there anything you have in mind to sing that would be a song you've made yourself or perhaps one of our own?"

Immediately, one song came to mind. It was a bit cliché and most likely to those that know me, a bit obvious but what the hell okay? They are my idols after all. I nodded to him and opened my mouth to sing.


Yes…I have left you on another cliffhanger! What will Shuichi sing? Will it be a Nittle Grasper song like everyone would think? Or maybe something else!

Whatever it is, stayed tuned to find out!