Chapter 19: I BELIEVE IN YOU
While, Chip and Clare are still enjoying the dance at Briarwood, and Vida and Xander found each other on the school's football field. Nick is sitting on a rock outside of Rootcore all by himself, thinking about what happened at school. Suddenly the entrance of Rootcore opens and Nick saw it was Udonna. She walked over to him.
"Weren't you supposed to be at a High school dance, right now?"
"The party has already ended for me."
"What happened?"
"I thought I could impress Maddie, but I made a complete fool of myself tonight. Udonna?"
"Why me?
"I don't understand your question."
"Why did you pick me to be the Red Ranger? Why did you choose me to lead a team, when I don't even know how to win someone's heart?"
"A battle and love are 2 different things, Nick. A battle gives you many chances to win and lose. With love, you'll get many chances to lose, but only one chance to win."
"Great, another riddle. Just what I need tonight."
"Don't give up Nick on her, Nick."
"I'm not. I just don't think she wants to see me again after what happened at the dance."
"Are you sure about that?" Udonna smiles and made a head hint that Nick should turn around. When Nick turns around, he sees Phineas and Madison walking his way.
"I told you he was here." Says the Troblin to the blue beauty.
Nick quickly stood up and they stood face to face with each other. "Maddie?"
"Hey Nick."
Udonna and Phineas look at each other and felt that 4 people are too much. "I think you can handle it from here."
Nick smiles at Udonna. "Thanks Udonna." She smiles back and walked back inside Rootcore. Phineas smiles as the sorceress walking back inside, leaving the 2 lovebirds facing each other. Then they looked at Phineas.
"Oh, don't say it. I know what you mean. You 2 want to be left alone for now. I have seen this before, I know exactly where this is going. I had the same situation a week ago with 2 trolls…"
"Thank you, Phineas," said the fearless leader.
"Gotcha." Phineas went on his way through the forest, leaving Nick alone with Madison. Nick didn't know what to say when he faces the blue beauty. Finally, they are alone together, and he doesn't know what to say. "So, how did you find me?"
"Actually, Phineas brought me here."
"Really? Oh, right, the forest is his territory. How could I forget?"
"Why did you leave?"
"I'm not sure if you have noticed the sword fight back in the gym, but I lost. Kinda humiliating if I stick around, don't you think?"
"Why did you challenge Ben to a fight in the first place?"
"Because…I hate his guts. I always wanted to kick his butt. Unfortunately, I failed tonight."
"Don't play games with me now, Nick."
"I think you know why."
"Maybe. I just wanna hear it from you."
"Alright, here's the truth. I know this will sound a little bit selfish, but I don't like to see you with another guy, who's not me. I was jealous at Ben, because he was with you. I couldn't stand it when he held your hands, when he touched you. It should have been me holding you."
Maddie blushes when Nick took her hands and moved her closer to him. "I feel the same way when I saw you with LeeLee."
"Maddie, LeeLee means nothing to me. And that kiss…"
"I know. Vida and the guys told me everything."
"They told me everything too. I thought…"
"You thought what?"
"When I saw you with Ben tonight, I really was starting to believe that you wanted him back."
"I'm not. Ben and I, we can't be together."
"Why not?" Madison looked away, but Nick held up her chin, so she couldn't look anywhere except in his lovely eyes. "Why can't you be with him?"
"Because…I'm in love with you." A smile appeared on Nick's face. Finally he gets to hear the words he always wanted to hear. He moved his head closer and Madison followed his lead. Their lips were about to touch. Suddenly lights around them went on and music started to play. The forest looks magical around the lovebirds. Then they see Phineas standing on a hill with a wand in his hand.
"Udonna said it might come in handy. Another thing I never forget when I have a plan. When I share my plans with others, always make sure there's a plan B. You 2 enjoy your evening. And don't forget to…you know…kiss." The Troblin left in laughter, leaving the 2 teens blushing.
"So…can I have this dance?" Nick asked as he reaches out his hand to her to receive Madison's hand. She accepted.
"I thought you'd never ask."
I never believed in fairy tales
Though sometimes
I wish I could
I never believed that golden slippers
Could ever find
the perfect foot
I never believed in magic
Or that wishes
could come true
But your very first kiss changed all this
Something only
you could do
You made me a believer
You made me trust
You showed there's a pot of gold
At every rainbow's end
I believe in you
I swear that forever from today
No one will ever
take your place
I believe in you
And I believe our love will
last always
They danced under the moonlight that was shining bright and clear on them. Nick suddenly had to laugh. "Why are you laughing?"
"I was just thinking about something. Whoever thought that this mess was all caused by our friends and that actually a Troblin saved the day? With a little help of magic."
"I thought you didn't believe in magic," said Madison with a teasing voice.
"I believe in you." They smiled at each other, and Nick started to move his head closer to hers. With no friends or Troblins disturbing them, their lips finally touched each other's. A kiss they've longed for so long. And nobody could ruin that moment.
Hours later, back at Briarwood High, everyone's still having a great time. Chip and Clare are dancing with ach other, having the time of their lives. At that moment, Phineas joins them.
"So, how did it go?"
"Let's just say, better late than never." Chip and Clare were happy when they know what Phineas meant and hugged each other. Suddenly the music was stopped. Everyone stopped dancing and looked around.
"What's happening?"
"Whatever it is, it wasn't me."
"We know you didn't do it, Phineas. It's probably the end of the dance."
Everyone kept looking around and waited for something to happen. Chip, Clare and Phineas saw Xander and Vida entering the gym with their hands intertwined. They look happy.
"Well, you 2 have been gone for quite a long time," said the red haired ranger with a huge smile on his face.
"We've…talked." Replied Xander while he looks to Vida very much in love.
Chip and Phineas both looked at each other. "Yeah, right." They both replied.
Xander then looks at Clare. He felt guilty for leaving her side. "Clare, I'm sorry about tonight…"
"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad that things have finally worked out between the 2 of you. Besides, I had a great time with Chip. He's actually a very talented dancer."
"Way to go, Chip."
At that moment, Nick and Madison quickly join them. "Hey guys. Hope we're not too late for the ending."
The teens all look at the intertwined hands of Nick and Madison. "I see, another happy ending has strike Briarwood tonight." Nick and Madison both blush.
"I'm glad the 2 of you are together. Finally."
Madison walks over to her sister. "Thank you for everything, sis."
"Yeah, for organizing the whole dance. Just to bring me and Nick together."
"You're welcome, sweetie." Vida pulled Madison in a sister hug. "Just for the record, if you ever do something like this for me, I'll kill you." Madison and Vida shared a laugh.
"Excuse me! May I have your attention, please?" Everybody turn to Toby who's on stage with a mic in his hand. "Thank you. As you know, this dance has come to an end. But before we end it, I want a huge applaud to someone who made this dance possible. A huge thank you to the organizer of this dance. Thanks to her, we wouldn't be here, having the time of out lives. Miss Vida Rocca." Everyone clapped and cheered. Xander gave her a kiss and Vida blushed from all the attention she's getting. "Aright, as you know, we all are dressed this way to win a costume contest. I gotta tell you, it was really hard for me to choose a winner, because I have never seen so many fantastic costumes in one room. But I managed to choose a winner from all of you. This person has the most original costume of all. It's something I have never seen before in my life. It almost looked real." Toby grabs the flowers from the table behind him. "The winner of the costume contest is…Phineas!"
Everyone started to clap and cheer. Phineas was stunned when he hears his name. " I won? I really won?"
"Go Phineas!"
Phineas walked over to the stage and received the flowers from Toby. "Congratulations, Phineas."
The teens were laughing when they saw the Troblin on stage. Nick took Madison's hand and she turns to him. "Disappointed you didn't win the contest?"
Madison then turns around looking at Phineas, who's waving to the cheering crowd. He looks so happy. Then she turns back to Nick and looked him in the eyes. "Nah, Phineas deserves it. And I agree with Toby, he did have to most original costume of us all."
Nick smiles when Madison put her arms around him. "I still think it suppose to be you winning that prize."
"I already have my prize." They both smiled at each other and kissed. While everyone was cheering and clapping for Phineas, Nick and Madison were living in their own world.
After a night of joy and happy endings, a new day broke through. For the 5 teens it means a new working day. Chip's walking to the Rock Porium. He arrived at the entrance of the shop, until he hears a car from behind. He turns around and saw Xander and Vida inside. He couldn't believe who was actually sitting behind the wheel.
"Morning, Chip."
Xander and Vida both step out of the car and held each other's hands.
"Was there a full moon last night?"
"Since when do you let Xander drive your car?"
"Well, he is my boyfriend now…so, I think it doesn't hurt to let him drive my car once in a while."
"Oke…where's Madison?"
"Right there." Xander pointed out to the bike with 2 people in it, which drove towards their direction. The bike stopped in front of the 3 teens. Nick and Madison both took off their helmets. "Hey Chip."
"Oke, I think the world has gone crazy. First Vida is letting Xander drive her car, and now Madison is actually on a bike. The world has gone mad."
"You let Xander drive your car? Wow." Nick asked all surprised. He knew Vida would never let him do that.
"Well, since Vida and I are officially a couple, it won't be the last time you see me driving in her car."
"Whoa, whoa, hold your horses, Aussie boy. I didn't say you could drive my car all the time."
"Come on, V. It's just a car. Get over yourself. Give yourself a break."
"Ugh! I hate you!"
"Oh, yeah?" Xander moved closer and kissed her. "I hate you too."
"I hate you more." Vida replied with a devilish smile on her face.
"Not as much as I do." They smiled and kissed each other. Then they enter the store hand in hand, leaving Nick, Madison and Chip confused behind.
"It's good to see some things never change." With those words, Chip followed Vida and Xander into the store. Madison couldn't help, but laugh.
"You know, it's really amazing your sister and Xander ended up together."
"Oh, well, magic."
"You want to see something magical?" Nick grabbed Madison by her waist and started to kiss her with passion. They parted for the lack of air.
Madison puts her arms around Nick's neck. "I can totally feel the magic." They kissed again. Suddenly that kiss was disturbed by Nick's headache.
"Nick!" A few seconds later, Nick's headache disappeared. "Nick, are you alright?" Nick turns to his girlfriend, who seems to be panicked and he didn't want to make her more worried than she already is. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Just a little headache. That's all."
"Oke. We better go inside before Toby starts to yell again."
"You go ahead. I'll be right there in a sec."
"Alright. I'll see you inside." Madison was about to leave, but turns back to Nick. She was still worried. "Are you sure you're alright?"
Nick walked over to her and kissed on her lips. "I'm fine now."
Madison smiles and was about to enter the store, but had to turn around one more time. "I love you."
Nick smiles at her and watch as Madison disappears inside the store. Suddenly he gets a headache again. It was Koragg's voice. "You think you will live happily ever after? With your friends? In this town? You really think you and that Blue Witch will stay together? Soon, Red Ranger! When the time is right! You will lose everything that is dear to you! Everything!"
With those words, the Nick's headache disappeared. He started to think what Koragg just said. Was it just a threat or it really going to happen? Everything he has fought for, everything he has been gone through…is he really going to lose it? Question is, was this thread meant just to scare Nick or there's battle coming up. A battle where he has to sacrifice everything he loves.
Yeah! Nick & Maddie did end up together! Yeah! The song that has been used in this fic is from Joe & 'N Sync with 'I believe in you'. Duh! LOL. This was the final chapter of the fanfic...or maybe not. If you really want a sequel of this fic, let me know. Keep the reviews coming and there migth be sequel. Don't forget to vote for the Hope of the World Fanfic!
Thanks again everyone for all of your reviews! It has been a real pleasure to write this story for you!