Title: Snow Angel
Author: Lia
Classification: Romance
Rating: T, may change
Pairing: Jack/Sam Daniel/Janet
Spoilers: No
Summary: Captured, hope of rescue gone. But finally, back at home, they realize what was made in that cold, snowy planet. JS DJ
Disclaimers: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author´s Note: Thank you Pat for beta. And even beta read, English is not my first (not even my second) language so all the mistakes are mine.
I tried a different kind of writing for change; this is not as angsty as my other stories are. So feel free to tell me how I am doing. Set before Heroes cause Janet is alive.
Enjoy the story!
He knew now, and had known pretty much since stepping through the gate, the snow covered ice planet, PX4-112, was not Jack O´Neill´s favourite one. Not even close.
The MALP had shown the impending blizzard and the dropping temperature, and they had been prepared, or that´s what they had thought. Heavy snow fell from the grey sky, making it hard to see their surroundings. Not that there were anything very interesting to see.
Fifteen minutes had passed after their arrival before he had ordered Daniel to dial back home, and at once, the archeologist didn´t argue back. It was just then when the natives, whom they at that time thought to be friendly, had shown up.
They were invited to join them in to their village, which, of course, was a long walk away. The blizzard had eased up a little, and they were actually seeing where they were being lead to. After many hours of slow walk in the snow, they arrived to the small village. And first, all had been good.
It was warm inside the house, a big fire burning in the middle of the room, making shadows dance upon the rough walls. He watched Carter pushing back the hood of her heavy winter coat and taking off her hat, sighing as her overgrown hair fell to frame her face. She pushed a stubborn lock of hair back behind her ear and looked at him, a small grin creeping on her lips as she saw him watching her.
He smiled back and then turned his attention back to Daniel, and to the man who looked like a leader of the people.
It was shortly after that, when everything had gone wrong.
It had taken only a little time to them to realize that the natives weren´t that friendly at all. And it took even less time to Jack find out that were out numbered, big time, and sighing, he signaled them to lower their weapons. God he hated those situations.
They were lead back outside, the cold wind sneaking inside his half open winter jacket. Hands above his head he had no choice but hope that they would be back inside soon.
The prison wasn´t exactly what he had in mind though. He was pushed inside to the small cell, Carter right behind him. The door closed after her and for a moment they just stood in silence. Daniel was across the aisle imprisoned with Teal´c.
"Could be worse." Said Daniel, not really sure if he was saying the truth. It was pretty bad.
Carter was the first to look around. Only hay and some blankets. Not good.
Jack was trying the bars, not that he believed they would be pried off, or the door would open, but he tried anyway. So did Teal´c. Just in case.
"So, Daniel." Jack started, giving up with the bars.
"You think you could talk us out of here?"
"I think I just talked us in here." He replied, kind of glad there were two sets of strong bars between him and the glaring colonel.
Time passed.
Their prison was cold, the building protecting them from the only wind and snow, but not from the cold. Nights were filled with the cries of pain and desperation and anger from the other prisoners. SG-1 sat in silence, thinking.
In their small cell Sam and Jack had gathered all the hay in one corner, covering the pile with a few blankets. The other blankets were spread over them as they lay close together.
"To share body heat?" He had asked and she had chuckled quietly. "Yes, sir."
Nine days had passed according to Carter. But then again, there were no windows in their prison, and the times they were taken out, the blizzard had hidden the sun that should have been up. So they thought nine days. Nine long days.
They were being questioned. One after the other taken away from their small cell to meet their torturer. Not able to answer most of the questions, and refusing to say anything about the things they did know, they were in a bad shape after returning to the cell.
Laying on his back on the floor, his head resting on Carter´s lap, her hand stroking his hair without her really noticing, he let himself think about the one fact he had been avoiding for since their first nights in the cell.
No rescuers were coming.
It had been too long. The rescuers they were awaiting should have burst through the door the very next day they had been taken prisoners. Back home they surely would had known something was wrong after the delayed contact and no response from them since they had gotten through.
He never doubted they weren´t sending rescue teams. Most likely there had been two or three teams ready at the gateroom and a few frustrated colonels waiting to hear Hammond´s You have a go.´ But most likely something had gone wrong.
"They´re coming." She said quietly in answer to his silent thoughts. He looked up to her face. Could she really read him that well?
"Of course they´re coming." He replied as quietly, but his words dripping with doubt. They weren´t coming, and they both knew it.
Across in their cell, Daniel and Teal´c had a similar conversation; they were doubting their rescuers as well. Both of their faces were bleeding, body bruised with beating and they were cold and hungry. And not cuddling together like they knew Sam and Jack probably would be, because of the situations. Only because of that.
And as Jack O´Neill lay on the floor, Carter now cuddled next to him, her arm wrapped around his waist to allow her to be as close as possible without actually laying on top of him, her breathing feeling warm against his neck, he thought that if there was one reason to be happy about the situation, it was that he was sharing his cell with Carter, and not Teal´c or Daniel.
There would be so much greater colder without her.
If you have the time, please review. Thank you.