Disclaimer: I don't own the song; it belongs to the lovely Britney Spears.
-Three months later-
Lizzie was transferred to the newly built Hillridge building. Lizzie took the move because her Ethan just didn't work out. He kept comparing her to Kate and she kept comparing him to Gordo, they mutually decided to call it quits. Around that same time Lizzie got a call from Miranda telling her that Gordo wasn't doing so well, and that for the past three months he's being trying to think of ways to win her back, and that he's quit going to her every beckoning call.
Lizzie got her old place back, the one that she got when she first become independent, the one that she lived in for a short time before moving in with Gordo. Lizzie and Gordo always had a connection, a connection that no other had. A connection that none of her friends had ever felt with any guys. Look at Miranda, she's had plenty of guys and probably slept with them all and has never felt that connection. Maybe that's why he'd do anything to get her back. He wanted that connection, and knew that that connection would be what would bring them back together again.
She couldn't believe that she was back in Hillridge, she didn't plan on it. She wanted to stay out of Hillridge for as long as possible and that time was only three months. She began to think that maybe just maybe she was destined to be there. Or that there was something there that brought her back; she figured that she should call Gordo.
They talked and talked and talk and then they agreed to meet up at their old date place. The place that had so many memories for them, memories that they didn't want to rid of, memories that they'd always remember and hold on to. A place that they felt was magical, somehow every time that they had a problem and would go there and talk it would be solved and they'd be like they used to be. That was the one place that they didn't go to fix the whole Gordo and Miranda problem. Maybe that's why things got to the point that they did.
They arrived at Leland's Café, at the same exact time. This was kind of weird but good because they knew that they wouldn't be stood up, they both thought about canceling but couldn't bring themselves to do it. The walked in together, and Gordo being the gentleman that he is held the door open for her, helped her with her jacked and pulled her chair out for her. They ordered their usual meal and drinks, and oddly had the same waiter.
They talked and laughed and talked and laughed some more. After their dinner they decided that they should go for a walk, mainly because none of them wanted to go back to their lonely apartments.
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
Our love is
Why carry on without me?
They decided to take a stroll where they used to, back in high school and before everything went so wrong for them. They had so many memories, everywhere in Hillridge, that's probably why they couldn't stand being there, and being apart. Half way into the walk, they joined hands, and they weren't sure how it happened, they didn't take their hands out from one another. They kept their hands locked, and just smiled at one another. They looked into each other's eyes and just stood like that for what seemed like only seconds, but was truly five minutes.
Everytime I try to fly
I fall without my
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting
I guess I need you baby
"Lizzie…" Gordo started.
"Gordo…"She began to reply.
"I love you. I know that I don't tell you that often enough, but it's something that I've regretted for the past months. Something that's come to my attention, and I'm truly sorry. But even though I never said it, I meant it though…"
"Gordo, I know that you meant. It's not like I was any better, I didn't always tell you that I loved you. Maybe we just thought that after being together for so long we didn't have to say for each other to know it, but we really did need to say it. Gordo I've missed you."
(A/N: This may sound corny and what not but I'm not good with dialogue.)
"With every new project that came in, I would always try and figure out what you would say. I never hired anyone to fill your position. You're the only one that could ever fill that position. I know that you went and stayed with Ethan Craft, and that you now work for him, which is golden."
"Gordo, getting out of Hillridge was something I had to do. Everywhere I went something that happened between us would come into my head, and at that moment I just couldn't take that. And even there every where I went I swear I saw you, I couldn't get you out of my head not matter how hard I wanted to. That probably sounds mean but I wanted to just escape your for awhile, but I couldn't. And when the opportunity came to head one of Ethan's business' here came up, I took it. I needed to face you; I needed to talk to you. I needed to see you. I guess I need you…"
"Oh my Lizzie, I've felt the same way. It's been so hard staying here, but I also didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave all the memories behind. I strived for them; I wanted to remember, because if I remembered then there was still hope for us. I still believe that there is hope for us."
"I hope that there is hope for us."
make believe
That you are here
It's the only way
I see
What have I done
You seem to move on easy
Lizzie and Gordo continued to talk, and they never unlocked their hands. They eventually wound up at the park, and they were standing by the pool. The looked at each other, nodded, and ran and jumped into the pool. They laughed when they came up from the water. They looked at one another and wound up locking lips.
Everytime I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need
you baby s
Everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face,
you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby
-One Month Later-
Lizzie and Gordo were together and were still working things out. Taking this relationship as if it were new, and living it day to day. Calls from Miranda but not trying to get Gordo to come to her rescue, calls just to talk, Miranda and Lizzie's relationship is still the same, barely talking.
I may have made it rain
Please forgive
My weakness caused you pain
And this song is my sorry
Lizzie and Gordo began making new memories everywhere they went and kept the old ones as well. They were so happy with their lives at that moment. One night Gordo decided to take her back to that same restaurant, and they took that same walk and jumped into that same pool, and when she came up, he proposed to her.
night I pray
That soon your face
Will fade away
I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby
Lizzie and Gordo got married four months after they got engaged. Exactly four months after, and at the same hour that they began dating years before, back in high school. Miranda and her new born son were invited. Miranda was Lizzie's maid of honor. They were able to mend what they could of their friendship, it hurt them so much the way their friendship ended up, but they were all for fixing it. They didn't want to lose each other like they did so many years back.
When Miranda was willing to actually have a real relationship, and trust a guy she wound up dating Matt. Matt accepted her son. He loved him like he was his own.
Lizzie and Gordo wound up having a daughter of their own a year after marriage. Lizzie continued working for Ethan, and helping Gordo when she can. Gordo continues to make his films, he loves doing independent films.
All in all they got back together and lived happily after ever.
A/N: Sorry for the short ending. And sorry if you didn't like, it's kind of rushed but I couldn't think of anything to write.