Author's Notes: There is a bit of sensuality but it's nothing lemony. Just crude humor really. .O Not one of my best chapters but I needed to advance the plot and I was stuck. I added an FF-X moment! Yay, screenshot! Really short. I hate writer's block.


Maverick87: I was really doubtful about the 'Nightmares' part but I'm glad someone liked it. Actually it is Metal Sonic but Dr. Ivo upgraded them to Mecha. You'll be seeing the new robots next chapter. Sorry! Oh, and thanks for your reviews. They make me happy!

Disclaimer: You pick up the phone after reading my fanfic. A voice says: "Mechaluna does not own anything and you will die in seven days if you sue." Thank godness for cheap movie parodies!

The travelers climbed aboard the boat that docked just yesterday. They looked back at the island that was slowly disappearing behind them. Shadow walked up to Luna who was enjoying the dolphins swimming with the boat with joyful squeaks.

"Hey, Luna? I got something to ask you." Shadow said and crossed his arms as he looked at the pale blue sky.

"Yeah?" She said with a smile. She also enjoyed talking to Shadow because he always listened. He hardly talked but he would always listen with an open heart.

"How are you always so cheerful? I mean with the android accident." Shadow asked and Luna leaned out on the rail.

"I just let out a laugh."

"Can you show me?"

"You have to do it with me." Luna bargained with her stubborn grin. Shadow looked behind him to make sure nobody was watching and nodded. Luna threw her head back and let out a loud laugh, emphasing each 'Ha'. Shadow laughed just as loud as she did. Luna looked at how screwed up Shadow's face looked and couldn't help laughing for real. Shadow, too, was starting to laugh for real at how Luna was doubled over in laughter.

'It's contagious!' Shadow thought as he leaned out on the rail, gasping for air. The two slumped to the ground with small chuckles still passing their lips. They looked up to see they caught the attention of their three other campanions who were looking at them as if they went crazy.

"Now that we have everybody together, we're are we going to go next?" Sonic asked as Luna and Shadow got up. Terra took out a worn map from her pack and unfolded it.

"The closest town is, my home, Moonstone. It's a little ways off from the shore." Terra said and folded the map back up.

"Mom and Dad!" Luna exclaimed. Shadow and Sonic looked confused at this comment.

"I thought Luna's parents...uh..." Sonic said, trying to find the right words.

"My mom and dad took in Luna after her android operation. They work in the military. That's why she'll always be my widdle sister!" Terra said and grabbed Luna in a friendly headlock. Terra looked out into the ocean and something passed her thoughts like soft petals, something about a blonde haired girl...

"Uh, Terra? Terra! Breathing is becoming a problem!" Luna cried and the wolf released her friend.

"Sorry, must've spaced out." Terra said while she rubbed the back of her neck. 'That was weird...' Terra thought.

The next few hours passed uneventfully; Shadow and Sonic played chess and after every time Shadow won, Sonic cursed like a sailor (I love puns), Demi practiced throwing his daggers and almost hit the Captain in the head when he was passing by, and Luna happily sang for the seagulls who flew above them. All in all, a pretty boring couple hours. Finally, land came to view in the evening hours.

"Land HO! I always wanted to say that." Sonic snickered and Shadow sweatdropped. The ebony hedgehog seriously considered throwing Sonic into a mental institute when they got to the present.

"I can't bring you guys into shore. I'm not exactly on the right side of the law. It's a short swim anyway." The alligator said and anchored the boat. Sonic paled at the last part. Swimming? A rock could swim better than him. He decided to ask Demi if he could fly him to shore. He looked around for the dragon and nearly missed with an incoming dagger.

"Wow, good shot." Sonic said and Demi went to pull out his dagger from the wall.

"What are you talking about? I missed." Demi said and Sonic laughed, thinking it was a joke. When Demi didn't laugh with him, he stopped laughing.

"Demi, can you fly me to the shore? I can't swim."

"What makes you think I just won't drop you halfway there?"


"I'm kidding. Of course, I'll help you." Demi said and grabbed the cobalt hero by the arm. Demi thrusted off the boat, carrying the screaming Sonic along with him. Let's just say Demi's flying isn't as smooth as Tails.

Meanwhile, Shadow was coming back to the bow of the ship to pick up the captain's chess set when he saw Luna at the edge. She stood ontop of the rail, ready to jump. Shadow hadn't heard the announcement so he thought Luna was trying to commit suicide.

"Luna, don't!" Shadow yelled and grabbed her hands. "It isn't worth it! This is nothing to die over." Luna looked at him confused.

"But we have to swim to shore. The alligator said he couldn't pull the boat into the rocky shore. It's only a short swim." Luna said, cocking her head slightly.

"You can swim?"

"Yes." Luna said. Shadow felt like the Ultimate Idiot right now. "Can you?" Shadow mumbled something and shook his head slowly. "I'll show you then!" Without warning, Luna grabbed the ebony hedgehog's hand and in a graceful motion unlike Luna, they jumped off the boat. They hit the water with a slight splash. Shadow felt the water fill his lungs and he couldn't breathe. He flaied his arms but not all the power in the world could not lift up. He almost gave up and closed his eyes when he felt tender hands grab him around the side. He was lifted out of the water and crisp air filled his lungs once more. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he held onto Luna for dear life. He would've flipped off the captain for being so lazy to not bring them into shore but his arms felt too numb so he laid there like a ragdoll. Here he was, the Ultimate Lifeform and he was being dragged along by a girl a year younger than him.

'How the mighty have fallen..' he thought and closed his eyes. After a few moments, he could feel sand beneath his feet and he could walk again. How he had missed solid ground, well wet sand in this case. They walked to the beach where they stopped for a moment to rest on the hot sand.

"I'm sorry I was so abrubt." Luna said and shuffled her feet.

"No pain, no gain. Oh God, I'm sounding like Faker." Shadow said and shook his quills which layed limp in the sun.

Luna then looked down and blushed. Luna was wearing white and well...she got wet. If you are not old enough to understand this then good for you. "Shadow, I need to borrow your shirt."

"Why?" He turned to Luna and immediatly turned away, blushing. He pulled off his shirt in such a sexy way that made any fangirl in a ten mile radius spontaneously combust. He gave it to Luna and she wrapped around her. The next to come out of the waves was Terra. She walked up to the others and shook her fur dry like a dog. "Hey, Terra you're getting me wet!" Luckily Terra thought ahead and wore a black shirt over her white.

"Where's Demi and Sonic?" Terra asked. As if on cue, a black dragon darted from the sky and landed gracefully on the white sands. Sonic was still clinging to dear life on Demi's arm. Demi's flying, to say in the least, was erratic; he would dart here and there and do aerodynamics unlike Tails. Finally, Demi shook the frightened hedgehog off his arm and Sonic landed headfirst in the sand. The group took a minute to dry out in the blazing sun. When they were dry, Luna handed Shadow back his shirt and Luna took off the black shirt over her white and put it in her pack. They walked north through a short field when skyscrapers came into view.

"This place has skyscrapers?" Sonic asked.

"The only technological city in this half of the world. It's where the president, Serith, lives. He's the one who administered the treaty with Doom. Doom had half of the world with humans and we could be free on this half but we could not have technology." Terra stated, never taking her eyes off the city where she grew up.

"Why doesn't Black Doom want technology over here?" Sonic asked.

"Probably to eliminate all hopes of resistance agaisnt him." Terra said as they approached the gate. Sonic was about to go through gate but the wolf held him back. "This is Doom teritory. I wouldn't be surprised if there are wanted posters of all of us over the whole city. We're going to take a secret passage. Put your cloaks on." They followed her order and pulled out the hooded cloaks in the pack that Terra gave them a while ago. She led them around the wall and she stopped at a sewer gate. She pulled the bars off the gate easily. She gestured them to follow her into the dark sewer, much to Sonic's disgust. "Hold my hands and make a chain. It's pitch black in here." They, again, followed her direction. They walked into the tunnel that got darker and darker until there was nothing but black surronding them. The only visible thing was Terra's eyes that flashed yellow like a wolf's.

'I don't like the dark...I hate it. I hate it!' Shadow thought. A flood of memories that were once hidden became visible in his mind's eye. One stood out in paticular as blackness surronded his conciousness.

(Shadow's dream/memory)

Shadow was at the tender age of five when kids are at their most curious. The cute and cuddly hedgehog snuck into Maria's room while she was helping Gerald Robotnik or Grandpa as Shadow called him. He found Maria's large closet and opened the door. He climbed inside and the door closed behind him, the door locking shut behind him. The light was cut off and their was nothing but darkness engulfing the toddler hedgehog. He felt the sweaters that Maria kept wrap around him like arms and he saw three glowing, red eyes staring at him. He ripped out of the sweaters grasp and pounded on the door vigorously, tears streamed down his ruby eyes.

"MARIA!" Little Shadow shouted on the top of his lungs. He heard footsteps rush into the room and someone unlock the closet's door. The door swung open and Shadow fell into Maria's arms, almost knocking the blonde-haired girl over. She wrapped her arms around the scared hedgehog like a protective mother.

"It's too dwark! Too dwark!" Shadow cried and the darkness came back to get him. It's black tentacles grabbing him and tearing him away from the only mother-like person he ever had in his life. It cackled insanely as it's red eyes glared came closer to Shadow's ruby eyes...

(Real time)

Shadow woke up in a cold sweat and saw looked up at his friends who wore worried expressions on their faces.

"What happened?" Shadow asked as he got up from the hard ground.

"You started screaming like a raving lunatic and passed out." Sonic said quite bluntly.

"Your dark aura went out of control there. It was freaky." Terra said as Luna the helped Shadow up.

"Dark aura?"

"It's an aura that shows how dark a person is. The more pronounced aura, the more darker the person is. Wolves have this special ability only in the dark." Terra informed Shadow.

"Are you alright, Shadow? Do you need to rest?" Demi asked calmly.

"I'm fine." Shadow said in the darkness.

"Are we there yet?" Sonic whined.

"Actually, yes." Terra said. There was a noise of Terra's scuffling feet and the unhatch of a door. A dim light poured out the door and the group went in. There was a ladder leading up to an open manhole. One by one they climbed up the ladder and out into an abadoned alley way. There on a wall was a bunch of poorly drawn Wanted signs of our heroes. Sonic's picture had him looking like a goofy idiot, which by Shadow's standars wasn't that far off, and his hand was shaped like a backward L on his forhead; Shadow's picture had him looking like a goth with many bodly piercings; Demi looked like a psychoatic moron with drool hanging out the mouth. The next two pictures of the girls caused both of the guy hedgehogs to have a nosebleed. A seperate picture had the two girls wearing...ahem...revealing outfits. Underneath the picture it read: Do not underestimate the groupies. The next few seconds constited of violent swearing and a hole in the wall.

"Aw man, I wanted to keep that picture." Sonic said. Demi shook his head and Shadow didn't know wether to feel sympathetic for the hedgehog who was going to get a beating or to laugh out loud. Luna and Terra gave the blue hedgehog a black eye and kicked him where it hurts the most. Once Sonic was out of his fetal position, they snuck into a nearly empty tavern, keeping their hoods shadowing their faces. The wanted pictures actually worked out for the better, the public was looking out for psychoes and if Sonic kept his cool, they would be nearly invisible.

"Near the city is the Artemis Church. Artemis is the Godess of Earth so I'm guessing the Earth guardian will be there." Terra said as they sat down at a table in a dusty corner of the tavern, "There is one catch though. To open the church we need a special key. The key the President has."

"So we're going to be infiltrating through top security, and steal a priceless jewel from goverment official, possibly killing many?" Demi asked.

"Hell yeah."

(On Earth at the same time as Rouge was with Dr. Ivo Robotnik...)

The large group of Sonic charecters were discussing their plans of strategy. More importantly they were trying to find out what they should name themselves.

"How about the League of Extraordinary Animalmen?" Mighty suggested.

"And what are we girls? Chopped liver?" Sally retorted.

"How about the Sonic League?" Tails suggested. Everyone seemed to agree with this name. Just as the Sonic League was getting comfortable, disaster struck. The familiar swirling red vortex in the sky started to release the aliens who crushed whatever was beneath them. They rushed out of Tail's workshop to meet one face on. The devilish alien set it's eyes on Sally the chipmunk and with animal reflexes, pounced on the stunned chipmunk. It's jaws were set in her neck. Unfortunately for Sonic/Amy parings the alien was riddled with bullets before it could get it's jaws on her neck. Nack the Weasel (or Fang) reloaded his gun as Sally got out from under the body.

"Damn." Espio stated, expressing what each person was thinking.

"Come on, we've got to save the city!" Tails shouted and they ran off towards the city that was a lit with flame.

"I wonder if we can save it?" Cream said quietly to herself as she watched all Hell brake loose.


Crummy chapter, I know but I need it to advance the plot. I promise you I'll make the future chapters longer and better! (Hands reviewers cookie bribes.) I was kidding! (Sweatdrops.)