The International Summer Schools

To Paris, with Love

A Sakura Taisen FanFiction

by Kite (kcc)


Rights to Sakura Taisen belong to Ohji Hiroi, Sega and Red Company.

Spoiler Warnings:

Nothing earth-shattering =), but references will be made to events found in the Sakura Taisen 1, 2 and 3 games, the TV Series and 1st and 2nd OAVs and from some of the Drama CDs.


Words in italics = emphasis

Phrases and sentences in italics = thoughts

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Letter #1: Maria

"I can't believe he's really gone." Sakura shook her head in disbelief as they entered the Teigeki.

"Now, now Sakura-han. This is good for Ogami-han. It is a necessary part of his training as a soldier and our leader." Kohran folded their banner and tucked it under her arm. "I'm glad we got to see him off, though."

Sumire yawned. "We almost didn't make it. The nerve of Chuui to decide to leave so early in the morning...and without telling us that he would!"

Maria looked at the frazzled appearances of the Hanagumi members. It was obvious that no one was used to getting up this early in the morning. "I suggest we go eat breakfast first and then proceed with the routine training."

"I'm too sleepy to eat breakfast." Orihime yawned. "I'm going back to sleep."

Maria nodded. "Just make sure you report to the training room at 10."

The rest of the group made its way to the dining hall. Kanna had gone into the kitchen to prepare something special for breakfast. Everyone else sat in their usual spot. Sakura glanced forlornly at the empty seat beside her.

Breakfast was not the happy event it usually was. At 10, they all met in the training room.

Maria waited until everyone was seated before she took her place as the new leader at the head of the table.

"I know we all miss him and we have to make adjustments, but as your new Taicho, I expect nothing less than the best from each one of you. We still have a city to protect and plays to perform."

Everyone responded with a nod.

They proceeded with the Spirit Energy analysis. Kaede and Maria both shook their heads in astonishment as each member recorded a low reading that day -- their lowest readings ever. Sakura's spirit energy level plunged the most drastically.

Maria sighed. "I guess it will take more than a talk to cheer them up."

Kaede gave her a sympathetic look. "Sakura seems to be the most affected by this. Maybe you should go talk to her first."

That afternoon, after the training session ended, Maria went to look for Sakura. She knew Sakura would either be cleaning Ogami's room, which she also did during the time Ogami was in Brazil, or in the garden meditating.

She decided to go check Ogami's room first.

She could hear Sakura's sobs even before she entered the room. Maria opened the door slowly and saw Sakura hunched over Ogami's desk, crying -- the framed photo of the Hanagumi cradled in the crook of one arm.

Maria was torn between going over to comfort Sakura and leaving her alone. She had an idea of what Sakura was going through. Maria had also lost someone very dear to her and it had been devastating. She wanted to tell Sakura that everything was going to be fine, that Ogami would be coming back. Unlike me...

Her thoughts brought her back to Russia and to that fateful day when she could do nothing but stand by and watch her beloved die.

Maria slowly closed the door and went into her own room. She pulled out the locket, which she always wore around her neck and opened it. She smiled as she looked at his face -- the face of her beloved Commander. She clicked the locket shut.

* * *

Dear Taicho,

I have once again taken on the duties of squad leader of the Hanagumi and my first task was not an easy one.

We were all very sad to see you go. It was strange to return to the Teigeki this morning and not be greeted by you. It was strange to sit and have breakfast in the dining hall without you cheering us up for the day.

Sakura seems to be the most affected by your departure. I know how she feels. I, too, lost someone I loved. But Sakura is the more fortunate one, I think. At least she is assured that you will be coming back someday.

I will try to be the best leader I can be. Your shoes are certainly hard to fill, but I will make the effort to fill them.



~ next -- Letter #2: Iris

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Author's Notes:

  1. The banner mentioned in the first part of this fic is the banner which the Hanagumi prepared for Ogami when he left for Paris. The Hanagumi held the banner up as the ship sailed away.
  2. Between the first and second Sakura Taisen game, Ogami was stationed in Brazil for a year.
  3. Maria was part of the Russian Revolution when she was 15. Her Commander, whom she cared for deeply, was shot in front of her in battle.
  4. "1917" appears onscreen during Maria's flashback dream sequence in Episode 3 of ST1. The Russian Revolution occurred in 1917. The Russo-Japanese war was in 1904 to 05. While the Russian Civil War spanned 4 years: 1918 - 22. Also, in the same Ep. 3, the evil Setsuna referred to Maria as "the Warrior of the Russian Revolution". Ayame also talks about it: "It is a story of a time when Maria was still in Russia...... The people under the bitter domination of the Russian regime were in a tempest of awakened revolution..." (These quotes are from Kayama's translations of Sakura Taisen 1.)
  5. Maria was squad leader of the Hanagumi before Ogami arrived.