A/N: Well I tired to get this one up a bit quicker…tried. I actually had it done in about 5 minutes…there was just the slight problem that it was only a paragraph…
Disclaimer: The world and characters you recognise all belong to Tamora Pierce.
Chapter 11: The end
Wind whipped around the figures on the roof, though it was hard to pay them any attention as light and darkness flashed incessantly, followed by the occasional explosion. Aly, Nawat, Aleda and Heishi watched unable to do anything else as 'Dyami' and Roger fought for their lives.
Magic was thick in the air. It hung seemingly visible, almost tangible with every breath. Light streamed from Dyami even as darkness flowed from Roger, to clash in mid air with deafening explosions that made the thunder seem nonexistent. Another explosion flung their audience to the ground, leaving them winded as light and darkness clashed with ear-splitting roars.
When the magic finally cleared from that last blow, Roger was on the ground, pinned down by what appeared to be spears of light that pierced his form sinking into the stone below. He gave a cry of rage and then of pain, for a single moment fear flickered in his coal-like eyes. 'Dyami' gestured lazily and he screamed. His eyes flashed malevolently and then he was gone, his body dissolving into the darkness.
The being that inhabited Dyami seemed weary. He turned towards the battle field and raised a hand, light flowed from it to drape over the surrounding countryside. It flared once then disappeared, followed by audible sounds of confusion to the north. "It is done. The spell that held the other army is broken, Roger is…defeated. My purpose on this world is fulfilled." A soft gold coloured mist seeped from Dyami, briefly taking on a roughly humanoid form and turning to face him, "Good luck." Then it was gone, the whisper lingering on the now still air.
Aly and Nawat rushed to Dyami nearly crushing him in their haste to assure themselves their son was truly alive.
Beams of light radiated form the old keep bathing the surrounding land in an strange glow, as the two armies faced each other. Men cried out in confusion as the fortifications of the rebels disappeared in a blinding flash. By the time sight cleared every weapon had disappeared. The two armies were left wandering dazedly. The general of the Rebel's from his armour regained his wits first. He looked like one who had awoken from a drugged sleep. He blinked confusedly around then made a beeline for Nomru.
"Do you surrender and acknowledge her imperial majesty Dovasary Balitang as queen of the Isles or does this war continue?"
The old warrior blinked. "War?"
Nomru could only stare at the cunning bastard who he had fought for a very long time. "Do you acknowledge her?"
The old man shrugged. "I've no idea what you're going on about." Eyeing the hardened warriors who surrounded him, He looked up at Nomru, "I doubt I have a choice."
"True." Nomru grinned, "But until I can ascertain whether you're lying, or you really do have no idea what I'm talking about, I think you can stay somewhere safe." He paused then added, "For your safety as well as ours." After seeing some of the murderous looks shot at the man by some the soldiers. The other army sat dazedly on the ground in small groups. Already his warriors had them under guard. He smiled. However strange and unlikely the circumstances were, this battle was won.
Dove sat on her throne, and jumped startled as the doors to the throne room swung open without warning. At least 10 guards surrounded a bedraggled figure. From the number of bruises that covered the guards there'd obviously been some trouble. She frowned. "Since when do you bring a captive into my throne room…and since when do you enter without my leave? One person has that privilege and you are not her."
The guards shifted guiltily under her gaze. One spoke tentatively, "Well, she is here-"
The figure held by two guards grinned up at Dove, then winced. "Took your time noticing me," then she slumped, unconscious.
Dove blinked. Aly sounded spaced out. "What in the name of the god did you do to her?"
The guards shifted guiltily again. "More what she did to us," the one who had spoken before muttered.
Aly knelt before Dove her wrists bound behind her back. Head bowed in submission, she glared hatefully at the guards who had put her in this predicament. "It's not my fault they wouldn't listen."
Dove raised an eyebrow. "Can we let her go yet?" she asked erning a glare from the nobles in the room.
"Let her go? She's been declared traitor!"
"Well, maybe she's been declared traitor but she's still my spymaster and still has the rank of a spymaster." Her smile turned crafty. "and as such," she paused, "has more authority then all of you combined." She smiled, the expression could only be called evil. "After what she's just done, is an official pardon really so much to ask?"
"By law this decision must be supported by half this council at the least."
"But it is."
The noble looked skeptical.
Dove smiled slyly as Nomru, Nuritin, Winna and Fesgao stepped towards her. "I'm sure Aly agrees with the pardon and since her position in this council was never revoked I believe that means 60 of the council is in agreement." She stepped forward before a counterargument could be made by one of the nobles, and helped her Spymaster to her feet. "Welcome home."
A soft wind blew over the plain, gently stirring the grass, highlighted with streaks of colour from the setting sun. The dark presence left an elongated shadow across the ground.
Roger turned.
He hadn't lost, not yet. He'd managed to add another couple of names to the top of the list for those who he would have vengeance from. He smiled coldly. "You didn't win completely brat. You won only one battle in this war." His eyes glowed thoughtfully, "Some good has come of this…for me anyway. You have taught me patience and respect for our power despite your age." His smiled broadened maliciously. "Next time we meet it will be different. Roger beckoned and watched a hapless shadow scream as light touched it. "Next time, you will be alone. No one will be able to help you."
The same setting sun shone through the window illuminating the room with a soft glow. She studied the face of the assassin, then smiled. "Thankyou for your help."
"I trust you will be able to contact me through the net if something comes up that can use my skills?"
Aly smiled wirily. "Oh I think you'll be busy as it is, but of course."
"Didn't you notice? I think Kyprioth took a liking to you."
Heishi winced at the mention of the god's name. "Shh."
Aly laughed as he glared, "Have fun."
With a rude gesture Heishi turned and faded into the night.
Turning around to look at her family and Aly smiled. She was doing the job she was born to do, that of a Spymaster. Her family, her friends and the country she now called home safe and free. She turned to look out the window again into the mounting darkness. There was a shadow to an otherwise beautiful moment, like a dark smudge in the sky.
As though sensing her worry Nawat came up beside her. Leaning gratefully against him she relaxed slightly. But though she wanted to believe him dead Aly could sense Roger's existence out there.
Somewhere, what had been the duke of Conté lurked. And as long as he did, her fate, the fate of her family and that of the Isles was in the hands of the destiny. Well, as much in destiny's hands as she was comfortable with. And with a sigh she knew, that truly a spy's work never ends.
A/N: Well this story has ended as far as I'm concerned. I just couldn't bring myself to have Roger die, he's so good at surviving I couldn't just kill him off in a fight –sigh-.
Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed reading this,