Chapter 6

O.K. wow, I haven't updated in a year-ish!! Don't kill me please!!! This is my chapter completely - my co writer didn't help me at all, so if it sucks you can tell me and I won't feel bad at all : )

Disclaimer: I do not own Mortal Kombat and all its glory.


Scorpion wandered the darker regions of Outworld searching for answers to questions he knew he would never find. He had fully regained the memory of fighting Sub Zero, but something was still unclear to him. Why do I keep thinking about her?! She's just a stupid woman trying to deny my access to vengeance. He was going to talk to Raiden to figure things out, but the more he thought about it, the more pissed off he got.

Screw Raiden. I'm going to go fight something and get my mind off things. Damn! The stupid woman was right, I do have steam…

Scorpion found himself at the edge of a forest. He didn't exactly know where he was, but that didn't concern him. Upon walking into the forest he was ambushed by a few goblins. I hate goblins. They're dumb… With a few fireballs, Scorpion demolished them rather simply. Sometimes I wish I were back in the Neatherrealm. At least there are worthy adversaries down there. He decided to let his anger pass (very un-scorpion like) and go to talk to Raiden and possibly get some answers out of the elder god.

*------------------------------ Temple of Edenia

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE DATING SCORPION?!?!?!?!?" Shao Kahn's booming emperor voice could be heard all the way outside of the castle. Kitana had finaly gathered the courage to tell her family about the delightful recent events in her life.

"Am I supposed to say sorry…?"

" NO" exclaimed the emperor, "you're supposed to explain yourself."

" Well you see…" she started, " Liu was starting to cheat on me and one thing led to the next and I eventually ended up with my wonderful, adorable, unemotional - which I'm still working on - hell spawn spectre!" *insert crickets and random eyeblinkings…*

Shao Kahn simply lowered his head into his palms, attempting to rub out the explanation he just got. Whatever happened to the whole ' I love Liu Kang! We're going to get married and have many babies!!' … ?!? I can already tell that I'm going to need a lot of therapy when this is all said and done…

*------------------------------ Back in Outworld

Raiden started walking away from one of his life changing speeches he typically gives to one of his heroes. Now that I'm done mingling with the commoners, I'm going to enjoy some peace and quiet for a change.

Despite Raiden's wants/needs, Scorpion decided he was going to bounce (yes, bounce) in and walk with Raiden. " You know" Scorpion started, " It's getting close to a full moon."

" Planning on killing again, I presume?"

" Probably, but could you keep Kitana away from it all?"

Raiden stopped dead in his tracks. " You want me to do what?"

" You heard me." Scorpion growled lowly. Raiden stood for a moment just simply staring at him. Is he finally going soft?!? Have I succeeded in my eternal quest?!?

He hadn't realized just how close the full moon was until this moment. Scorpion's eyes had a strong tint of green to them, his nails had grown long and narrow, and he was a little bit taller than Raiden himself. Raiden also knew that at this moment if Scorpion wanted to, he could've taken his mask off and there would be an actual face. It was only in Scorpion's demonic phases in which he had a face. It was quite the handsome face which included a full set of fangs and a symbol on his left cheek that in demon read ' night demon .' Atop of his face would lay long spiky hair that would change from black to gray to white all depending on his mood.

" Why don't you protect her yourself?" Raiden finally said.

" Because you're the only one who knows I'm a demon. We both know this Raiden… If anyone else finds out, my participation in the tournament will be eliminated because I'm not human."

Raiden had suddenly changed his expression to the " no duh, dumb ass…" look. "I'm not helping you anymore." With that as his final statement, Raiden whipped around and disappeared into a puff of smoke.

Damn. I'm actually gonna have to do this on my own. How am I going to warn her without telling her the truth? Why do I even care if I kill her? Life after death is hard…


: )

don't kill me please… I'm already working on the next chapter!!!