OMG! I'm soooooo sorry that I haven't been able to update in a very long time. I really think I should start working on this story a little bit more...oh well...I'll do better next time!
Enjoy !!!
Chapter 5: You're Everywhere
Sudden beating footsteps were heard on the floors of the hallways. It was dark yes…but that…only her eyes could not see.
Her heart raced with her mind, as her eyes suffered the damage she had to bare with. Already out of breath, she still carried on.
She didn't care if any one caught her, she didn't care if she would slip or injure herself on the way. All she wanted to do was hide…..and be alone….
Her mind became a wild racing track that only wanted to get away from everyone around her. She couldn't believe what had just happened….and why…
Her first few footsteps headed towards the closest room her eyes could track down within the first second. Her eyes shot like daggers at that door.
Vastly she pulled herself in…it was cold, dark and empty, but…..
At least she was alone.
Trying to escape her thoughts, she dragged herself down to the stiff cold floor beneath her. There she sat and leaned her back against the cold hard wall behind her. She stiffly wrapped her arms around her knees and leaned her head upon them.
There she began to weep, not knowing why, or how….
Flash back…
He then felt her pull away from him slowly. He noticed her ruby eyes smiling up at him, he smiled back happily.
"We're late," she replied softly.
She held softly onto his hand and didn't want to let it go. He followed her small footsteps to their classroom which wasn't too far away from them. She softly dragged him towards the door, but something stopped her from pulling the door handle. She turned around; he was too close……way too close…
He had followed her so close that he had lost total control of what he was doing. It was too late…He didn't know what to do now, he was way too close.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in closely to her face, his warmth made her body surrender to his body. She lifted her chin up and began to close her eyes, she had lost all control.
The corridor was empty, no one was around. They were also quite lucky that some of the classrooms had blinds, and the blind of their classroom was shut. Both were left alone in the dark.
Slowly both moved in towards each other. Their lips almost met until he got a strange urge to let go.
He immediately pulled himself away, he couldn't stand it no longer, he had no idea of what he was doing…again?
Her eyes searched his eyes for answers, but none were replied within his body language.
She held her hand out for him, but he didn't take it. She was very confused now.
What's wrong? Why is he acting like this? It's just not like him….
Her thoughts battled with her and his heart. He couldn't stand to stare at her beautiful face, he just had to leave and quick. He then made a run for it..
"Matt!?" she yelled for him, he didn't reply.
She watched his dark figure fade away into the darkness until she could no longer see him anymore. All she could hear now was his running footsteps which began to echo between the closed in walls.
She slid against the door and fell back onto the wall. She pulled her knees up towards her soft face. She let the tears now fall down her cheeks from her eyes.
What is wrong with me? What is up with him? What's going on!? She demanded herself for the answers. Then she thought closely….
What have I done to him…..?
End of Flashback…
But why?
Those words he had said dug right into her mind like daggers that couldn't be torn away.
Why couldn't she be left alone..Why?
Why did this have to happen….
"Why? Why? Why….Why?" she kept sobbing to herself.
She then began to press her head against her knees as she urged into tears. Deep striking pains struck her heart and refused to leave her in reminisce. Her throat was stubborn and tense, she could barely breath.
She held herself tightly as she cried in pain…..not again…..not again…..
She didn't even get a chance……
She dug into her thoughts again as she closed her eyes….
Why did it always end up this way?
Flash back….
"Hey baby," he said as he placed a kiss upon her cheek.
A sudden blush crept up her face as he parted away from her slowly. She was shocked that her long term crush had came up to her and kissed her…..she was even more surprised that he had noticed her……after all, she had liked him for almost a year….
"Uh…sorry….I didn't mean too…" he replied.
She never forgot his gold eyes…
"Uh…why did you-" she then got cut of by his irritating voice.
"Whoops! Sorry sweet cheeks….maybe next time.." he replied as he ran off to a tall blonde that looked no where near as plain as her….
She watched helplessly in pain when she watched them pash madly infront of her under the cherry tree.
Her eyes began to water…..that same pain struck her again…
Why? She thought….Why does this always happen to me? What did I do wrong?
She had waited so long too…..
End of flash back…..
She closed her eyes as she trembled in pain…..her lips trembled endlessly.
She squinted her eyes even more at the thought….why?
It all didn't seem right… wasn't fair….she never did a thing wrong…never…so why was she left with a feeling as bad as this?
Another flash back triggered into her mind….she couldn't take one side….she had to think it through…
But…it was too hard…
She forced herself to reason with it… was the best she could do….
Flash back….
He had been calling out her name almost three times now to see what was wrong as he approached her…still no answer.
"Sora….what's wrong?" he asked concerned, as he left his drink and wallet on the concrete slab next to the garden where she was sitting.
He noticed that her face was red and her eyes were flared up with tears. He placed his hand on her shoulder….
"Sora….what happened?" he asked her seriously.
She then looked up at him as she began to shake….
Her words stuttered out as her trembling lips tried to make out the words she wanted to say….but she had no way of telling her close childhood friend.
Seeing her in shock, he hugged her….
"Hey….its ok," he said reassuring her.
"Let me guess….Brett took it out on you, didn't he?" he reasoned with her.
Still in his embrace she nodded her head feeling a bit better.
"C'mon..we're only fourteen…" he replied.
"I'm sure you'll find Mr perfect one day…" he continued.
"I know you will…" he finished.
She began to soften up as she sniffed up her tears.
"It's ok…you got me…" he replied, still hugging her closely to him.
"Thanks…Matt…" she replied.
She held onto him as she closed her eyes….she would never let him go…..
End of flashback…..
Still in tears she shook her head in disbelief….this couldn't be happening…
She can't be in love with her childhood friend……not him…
She had known him for a very long time….and she had always refused to fall in love with him….especially him….
He was just another ordinary player….and she refused to be with him…
Her tears then began to dry up as she glanced across the dark room she was alone in. Slowly she picked herself up and looked at herself in the mirror…..
She looked at the tears that had stained her cheeks for the past hour she had been crying for. Looking at the damage that she had put herself through, sudden shock hit her….she could no longer love him…infact…she could no longer love anyone anymore….
They hadn't been worth it….
But was Matt?
She then glanced back up at her reflection in the mirror again….sudden shock hit her again….her lips trembled at what she saw….
There she saw his complexed face….so serious, yet…friendly…..
It looked so …so right….
She shook her head in disbelief and shock….no! it wasn't right!
She refused to fall in love with him!
Her heart badly wanted to…but that still didn't stop her mind that refused it.
She denied it as she ran out the girls bathroom.
She ran through the hallways finding an exit to where she was…But her thoughts just kept closing on her even quicker.
She wanted to get away really badly….she had to escape…
His face entered her mind continuously as she ran…They continued to pop up out of no where…she couldn't stop it.
I can't deny it anymore….I love him…..she told herself.
And he is everywhere…….
There's no escape….
Oooo, no ESCAPE! Matt is everywhere to Sora...does this mean she loves him? will she keep it? or not?
Please review!!!