Blood Red Eyes, I Could Live With That (chapter 1)


I do not own any of the characters. It is just something I did randomly. If you watch Inuyasha you'd get a general ideawhat the hot spring sorta looks like (except this one is a little smaller). I hope you like it.


Hoshigaki Kisame sat in the warm hot spring, eyes closed, deep in thought, the hot steamy water raised a little more than halfway up his bare, pale-blue chest. It was almost midnight and he had better leave and catch up with his partner, Uchiha Itachi. The winter forest made no sound around him and the Jounin opened his eyes. Someone was coming. He couldn't see exactly who was coming, but the silhouette of a woman approaching was clearly visible. He reached for the pile of his clothes behind him and picked out a kunai knife and threw it halfheartedly. He hadn't aimed at her, but at the tree she was approaching, just to give her a warning to stay back.

Kurenai walked through the forest in a steady pace. Her hands were clenched around her body like she was freezing, she had a right to, she wasn't wearing her jounin vest like she was supposed to. But then again, she hardly ever wore it. She clutched her dress tightly as she walked through the cold, dark forest in Konoha. She stared at the ground as she walked biting her lower lip. When she was still training to be a genin, she had taken emotional training like every other kunoichi and shinobi. However, she still had to fight with all her rookie jounin strength to keep away the tears.

'Kakashi,' she thought angrily, still fighting back tears. 'You are just too much to bear sometimes…" Kakashi Hatake had left on a mission to find Naruto after Naruto had gone on his own to find Uchiha Sasuke. Kakashi had left without a single goodbye to her. At first she didn't mind. Thinking that he had probably just forgotten or was too busy, but then why had he had the time to say goodbye to all his fan girls before he left? She would have usually been able to shake this off because she usually went to Sarutobi Asuma for comfort. Asuma had always been kind to her whether he noticed it or not. He had always explained things to her because she was still a rookie jounin, and for her, he was very easy to talk to. But for some reason she just couldn't bring herself to go find him. He was probably busy and she didn't want to talk to him. Asuma was a good friend but when it came to talking about people like Kakashi, he was no more useful to her than his cigarette was to his health. She sighed.

"Hatake, you better come back alive," she said aloud. "Because if you don't…..…….I mean if you get hurt, I'll….…"

A kunai knife hit the tree in front of her. She stopped and looked to see who had thrown it. She gasped.

Kisame was surprised to see her again, but he didn't show it. He didn't particularly know her; the last time he had seen her she was trying to kill his partner. Her Jubaku Satsu (tree binding death genjutsu) was rather impressive; of course he'd never really admit it. If she had been fighting him and not Itachi, he doubted he would be able to counter her attack.

Kurenai stared at Kisame and remembered when she had last seen him. She clenched her teeth and recalled the time when his partner had almost killed her. She pulled out her own kunai ready to attack. Kisame smirked.

"Put that away before you poke someone's eye out," he said glaring at her. "Not that it would matter for you,"

"What do you mean?" Kurenai asked nervously, although she was still glaring back at him.

"Your eyes are already blood red," Kisame explained calmly but not stopping his glare. "Besides, if you do become blind, your sharingan, copycat-ninja boyfriend could help you around." Kisame said the last part with a bit of bitterness in his voice.

"Hatake Kakashi is not my boyfriend," Kurenai said slightly red. "I just know him,"

"I see," said Kisame suddenly looking slightly amused. "And the whole 'Hatake, you better come back alive' thing was just a little thing you wanted to say for no apparent reason?"

Kurenai turned even redder.

"And by the way," added Kisame, finally ending his glaring match. "You're not a very good kunoichi,"

"Shut up!" she snapped back angrily, all traces of red on her face had left her.

"Don't be mad at me because the truth hurts, Kurenai-chan," he said smirking.

'Kurenai-chan?' Kurenai thought confused. 'Since when does an enemy add a –chan to the end of the girl he's fighting against's name?'

"What do you mean I'm not a very good kunoichi?" she asked angrily but still confused.

"Come closer and I'll explain," he said still smirking. Kurenai looked doubtful but hesitated for only a moment before cautiously approaching the side of the hot spring and kneeling down on her knees.

"Explain," she commaded immediately but then she noticed something.

"Shinobi and Kunoichi shouldn't be concerned about their looks and their feelings," he began to explain but paused. Kurenai was staring at him blankly apparently going red again. Kurenai stared and stared at him. A light snow began to fall. Kisame looked down at his pale blue body. He gasped when he remembered he wasn't wearing anything. Although it didn't really matter because the water that went up to his chest was so blurry and the air around them was so misty and foggy, but Kurenai shut her eyes immediately and covered them with her hands.

"You're a bigger fool than I thought," said Kisame looking up at Kurenai. "Covering up your eyes when an enemy is so close. Too close. That's another thing that makes you a bad Kunoichi,"

Kurenai's eyes flashed opened as she quickly removed her hands and sprang to her feet. She pulled out two kunai knives; ready to fight. Kisame shook his head and looked at Kurenai with a sort of fondness. He looked like he was watching a naive two-year old trip on a rock.

"Put that away," he said calmly. "And close your eyes again,"

"But you said-

"Never mind what I said," Kisame said trying to maintain his impatience. "Now that I've told you, it doesn't really matter. You've made your mistakes, learn from them."

Kurenai looked at him doubtfully one more time before she closed her eyes again. A few minutes passed and she heard the sounds of him getting out of the water for a while before getting back in. After thirteen minutes Kisame broke the silence.

"You could open your eyes now," he said calmly. Usually by now, he would have killed her, but she was amusing to have around. 'I'll keep her alive…..for now," he thought as she opened her eyes. Kisame had all his uniform on and was fully equipped, except for his sword, which lay on the rock beside him.

"Why did you go back in the water?" Kurenai asked kneeling back down at the edge of the hot spring. 'But more importantly, why aren't you fighting me?' she thought frowning at him. "Your clothes are all wet now,"

"So?" said Kisame returning the frown but talking calmly. "I like the water and I can't talk to you without my clothes because you were to busy checking me out to pay attention,"

Kurenai's face went slightly pink. "I was not!" she yelled angrily. Kisame sneered.

"I was joking," he said smirking at Kurenai. "But seeing as your face turned pink and you got so excited about it, maybe you really were checking me out."

"Damn you," Kurenai whispered, her face was still pink. "Why aren't you fighting me?" she asked finally.

"I could ask you the same question," he replied.

"Well maybe I just want someone to talk to," she snapped back. Her eyes widened. 'Why did I tell him that?' she thought angrily. Kisame's sneer faded slightly.

"Maybe I do as well," he said finally. He didn't really have anyone to talk to. Uchiha Itachi defiantely wasn't the type of person one could have a good conversation with.

"So what else makes me a bad Kunoichi?" she asked him. She wasn't glaring anymore. In fact, she sounded almost curious.Almost, but not quite. There was still a slight edge in her voice that was in all ninja talking to the enemy.

"Look at yourself," Kisame replied. "You're barely wearing anything and its freezing. Where's your jounin vest? Doesn't Konoha make you wear them anymore?"

"I am perfectly aware of what I'm wearing," she snapped back. "And like you should talk! If you get out of that water and start traveling, you're going to catch hypothermia in less than an hour!"

"And what do you care?" Kisame asked a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I don't it's just that-

A bug on the snow had slightly brushed against her hand. Even though her student, Aburame Shino, used his destruction bugs on missions all the time, she herself wasn't too fond of them. She uttered a little cry of fear and lost her balance as she leaned forward away from the bug. She fell into the water right on Kisame. Kisame's eyes widened in surprise. Though they both were wearing clothes, Kurenai's face was a deep red.

"My, my." said Kisame calmly, but there was still a hint of red in his face. "I didn't think you'd care that much,"

Kurenai's faced turned, if possible, redder. A gush of icy wind brushed past them. Kurenai gasped then grasped Kisame's uniform tightly and buried one side of her face into his chest shivering slightly. Kisame looked surprised and there was still that tint of red on his face, but he unconsiously wrapped his arms around her to warm her. Kurenai gasped but she didn't refuse. She looked up; Kisame's face was an inch away from hers. He leaned in closer. Her body tensed and her face was burning. His mouth whispered something that sounded like "someone's coming" as his lips brushed lightly against hers.

"Kurenai-chan!" yelled the silver-haired jounin that had appeared out of the forest. Kakashi Hatake stared. His visible eye wide with disbelief.


Well, um…I guess that's chapter one…please review!