Maybe Nightmares Aren't So Bad

By, Me

Genre; romance/ fluff

Spoilers; Origin

Pairings; Daniel/Vala

Disclaimer; they aren't mine.

Rated K

First D/V fic I've completed! Please be nice and review!

Vala slunk down the hall quietly toward Daniel's office. A blanket was draped around her shoulders in a superman fashion, although she would not understand what that meant. She slipped inside the room; glad she had been able to sneak out when the guards changed their shifts. She walked to the corner farthest from the door and curled up with her blanket, hoping she'd be able to sleep here.

Daniel headed towards his office early with a cup of coffee, enjoying the silence since Vala was still in her room. He walked through the door and saw Vala asleep in a corner of his office. He stared for a moment, some traitorous part of his mind decided she looked cute, almost innocent as she slept. The soft navy and morally decent pajamas she was wearing weren't helping matters any. He watched her, the moment stretching into minutes. Then she stirred, her body tensing and eyes darting from side to side beneath closed lids. She started to mumble, sounding scared. He knelt beside her, hesitant to wake her incase she didn't realize it was him and attacked him. He knew from experience she could do some damage. He sat beside her a moment longer, trying to catch her words but only caught a frantic muttering of his name. He reached out and touched her shoulder, jostling her lightly and started when she jerked awake, immediately pressing herself back against the wall. Daniel sat still, letting her mind come out of the nightmare. He knew the pattern of bad nightmares from knowing Jack all those years. "Daniel?" she finally said, her voice barely over a whisper. He continued to watch her holding completely still.

"They…they were going to kill you. I… couldn't make them stop. You started screaming."

"Shhh," he murmured, reaching out and clasping her shoulder with one hand. She stopped talking and looked up at him. For once her eyes weren't guarded and he saw the protectiveness she felt in their steely depths. He reached out hesitantly and pulled her to him. They were both still shielded from each other but quickly relaxed, Daniel tightening his hold on her and Vala relaxing against his torso. For a fleeting moment nothing existed but the two of them.

Somehow Daniel found holding her more comforting than anything else in a long while. The fact that she trusted him enough to let him see her soul like that shocked him and pleased him at the same time. He looked down at her and saw she had fallen asleep in his arms. Daniel grinned to himself and picked her up easily and walked back down the hall towards their respective rooms. He ignored the strange looks from some airman he passed and the shocked expression on the guard who was supposed to not let Vala out of her sight. The guard quickly opened the door and Daniel kicked it lightly shut behind him.

He walked over to the mess of blankets Vala called a bed and laid her down on it, covering her with the blanket she had worn around her shoulders. She curled into a semi-circle, pulling the blanket to her in her sleep. Some reason this made him smile.Daniel reached out a hand and stroked a lock of her raven black hair back from her face. She looked peaceful, her pale skinned face relaxed in sleep and framed by a halo of ebony hair. He bent and kissed her forehead gently then turned and quietly left the darkened room.

As soon as the door clicked shut Vala opened her eyes and grinned at the empty room.