Hey , this is my first story ever so please dont be mean. But I can tell you thatI will try(no promises!) to update every other friday.that means the weekend to write it and the week to edit and type it, but if I dont I had a good reason and i'll usally tell you.

Yzak: -Angry- Can we start yet this is stupid.

Cagalli: -Also Angry- I agree.

Athrun: -Relaxed- Cagalli, Yzak just relax will you.

Kira & Lacus: -Nodds- The story will begin soon.

Dearka: Like right...now!.

AC: HEY! Thats what I say -pouts-.

Dearka: ok...now!


Chapter 1: Angel

Deep brown orbs glared angerly into the mirror, glazed over with pain. Bandges adorned her wrists and abdomin, while numerous brusis littered her thin pale body. Over the last few months she had lost alot of weight.

Sighing knowing it was stupid stairing at her naked figure, and useless. Grabing the tan towel that hung loosly beside her, she wrapped it tightly around herself as she crept silently down the hall to her room.

Turning the cold handle the girl entered the dark room. Turning on the lights, her gaze landing on the neatly folded pink and black outfit piled on her bed.

Scraping her feet agenst the carpet as she went, closeing the gap between her and the bed the girl proceeded to get dressed. Black jeans, white socks, a pink long sleaved shirt, and a black brown fir trimmed hooded vest. Walking smoothly over to the mirror that hung on her wall, she spiked the back-half of her hair with gel, while running a brush through the front part so it lay smooth ending just ubove her jaw. After applying foundation and a small amount of coverup to her face hiding the the small cut just ubove her lip.

After examining herself one last time in the mirror she sighed, grabing her backpack and a pair of white leather gloves that showed her fingers she ran to the door and down the stairs tugging on the gloves on as she went.


Giggling softly Cagalli obsereved the situation again, the one that had become oh-so-funny-to-all-who-had-seen.

Yzak and Athrun had been locked in a glaring contest when a girl, about their age accidently bumped Athrun causing him to stumble forward and kiss Yzak. Both were blushing madly stairing wide eyed at each other. The girl had just mumbled a 'sorry' and crept away.

"Come on guys lets go". Cagalli whined grabing Athrun's hand.

"Ya' were about to late for class". Milly added as the bell rang.


"Hello, and good morning everyone hope you all had a nice spring break". Mr. La Fllaga paused before continuing. "The principal will be comming this morning to introduce a new student".

The girls smiled at the thought of a new student, but sighed when Dearka asked if the new student was a boy or girl. 'So Dearka' they had all thought in unison; of corse he had gotten the answer that he wanted.

"Now on with the lesson."

Through the whole class the only one's who payed any attention were Yzak, Athrun, Lacus, and Miriallia. The rest spent most of the class drawing, wispering to each other(which somehow the teacher dident hear), or stairing off into space. It wasent until the last 20 minutes of class that the principal finally came with the new student.

"Good morning, I hope everyone is enjoying their first day of classes, this is Angel Lee." Murrue glanced around the room eyes landing on a certain red eyed coordinator. "Shinn im going to excuse you from your next class so that you can show Miss. Lee around." Shinn still suprised that she had even called him just nodded absent mindedly in response.

The rest of the class passed slowly, and uneventful as usual.

As soon as the bell rang Angel immedetly left the class. ' I thought she was supose to be waiting for me' Shinn thought as he watched the girl leave rather quickly. Shrugging he gathered his stuff and left, intent on finding Angel so he dident have to go to world history; not expecting to run litterally into the said girl. She had been waiting for him the whole time.

Glanceing up Angel looked up into shinn's dizzing red orbs, as he looked into her chocolate ones. Uneasly Shinn backed up a couple steps letting his eyes wander(:bad Shinn:). Her black and pink outfit hugged her thin body in all the right places, her smooth skin and pink lips just begging to be kissed...

Blushing as he relised what he was doing. 'Why are you checking her out, you dont even know her you idiot.'

"Angel Lee" she said extending her hand, a small smile tugging at her lips. 'Wow he's cute when he blushes. Whoa! Where did that come from.'

"Shinn Asuka" he replied shaking her hand offering a small smile in return.


"Ugh, Shinn is so lucky" Luna complained.

"That class was so boring" muttered Dearka, sounding bored.

"History's allways boring, Dearka" Yzak snapped, obvously anoyed at the others complaining.



"Do you know where Shinn is".

"No sorry Rey...Rey!".Sitting up startled she looked deeply into the eyes of her childhood friend standing their smiling at her with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"Rey, I thought you transfired out of the school".

"I did , but decided to come back and was hoping that me, you, and Shinn could hang out, you know like old times".


"So do you know where I can find him".

"Probably with Angel".

"Angel" curiosity laced in his voice.

"He's showing her around".

"Will youhelp me find him".

Shrugging Luna got up.



Shinn and Angel were currently walking down the hall to the cafeteria. After finding Angel's locker and showing her around, Shinn was starving.


"Not realy".

Shinn just shrugged.

"See ya' later then" he said before disappearing throught a pair of doors that had 'cafeteria' writen ubove them.


Angels body ached for rest, the rest of her classes had been long and boring, and that boy in everyone one of them. Her eyes focused on the road, she spotted a familliar mop of dark hair 'Shinn'. Not knowing what had compelled her to do it, but before she could stop herself she had already pulled over.

"Want a ride".



Yzak: That was so dumb, I only had one line.

Athrun: Oh ya well I didn"t have any lines so stop complaining.

Shinn: Haha Suckers I had the most lines -evil laugh-.

Everyone: -Shivers- Creepy.

So was it good, bad, does it need work I bet it does. Anyway I HOPE you all enjoyed it.

5 reviews and...and...um I dono.

But 10 reviews and i'll update early!