Disclaimer: All Bleach characters belong to Kubo Tite.

Rukia: My Life As A Rabbit


"Welcome back… Rukia," Ichigo said.

Hearing her name called, the girl looked up at him and blinked as if in a daze. The touch of her hand on his own, and the softness of her skin beneath his fingers –it made Ichigo's breath catch in his throat.

"Ichigo…" she said. Then, the confusion in her eyes seemed to clear. Her gaze sharpened and she smiled in that familiar impish way. "Ichigo," she said again. "What's with that look on your face?"

Rukia's free hand came up to grip his chin and tilt his head up in a patronizing manner. She grinned. "Don't look as if you missed me, you fool."

Ichigo caught her hand and pulled it aside. He snorted in her face, "Who would? Your bad attitude. Check. Your annoying personality. Check. Yup, it's you. There's no mistake about it."

My heartbeat going crazy. My hyper-sensitivity towards your every move. Check, and check.

But, that was an inventory he wouldn't be listing aloud so easily.


"Check up complete!" Urahara said, smiling. "Everything is working fine, Kuchiki-san. I think Tessai has prepared some tea for everyone in the next room. Why don't we join them?"

Rukia wiggled her toes and balanced herself on one foot. She said pensively, "It's amazing when you think about it…"

Urahara watched her. She had an easy grace and poise even in her gigai. He said, "What do you find so unimaginable, Kuchiki-san? After all, with your love for Chappy the Rabbit, assuming that form should have been nearly natural…"

In one flowing motion, Rukia twisted her body and lashed out with a high-kick. Her foot stopped an inch from Urahara's chest. "Leave Chappy out of this," she said. Then, she lowered her foot, and tidied her uniform as if she hadn't just threatened to deliver a numbing blow to his lungs. "Ah, the gigai is fully-functioning," she added happily.

The stunned shopkeeper recovered, and laughed. "Spiritrons, Kuchiki-san. Structures in Soul Society are made of it –including your gigai. They can be broken down into molecules. From there –who's to say that the form cannot be fluid?"

The girl pondered on it with a puzzled look on her face as she walked to the door. "I can understand the use of shape-shifting drugs. But, why rabbits? They're not very adept for battle."

"Kuchiki-san, one moment please."

Rukia turned around, one hand on the shoji door. Urahara gave her a searching look. He said, "Kuchiki-san, tell me… Was there something that was keeping you in that form for so long?"

Rukia stared silently back at him. He continued, "The drug is a catalyst that wears off with time. It responds to the user's will. I don't know your reason for it. But, I'm sure you have the answer."

Rukia paused for a moment, and said, "I'll think about it." Then, she slipped out of the room.

Urahara shook his head at her typical response. The shopkeeper walked out to the hallway and stopped. Yoruichi was leaning against the wall, arms crossed. She smiled at him, and said, "Honestly, Kisuke. A kiss out of fairytales by Ichigo? Surely, you didn't expect me to believe in something so corny?"

"There's no pulling the wool over your eyes, is there? I just thought I'd give Kuchiki-san a little… incentive to return. Besides," he said, planting a hand on the beam beside Yoruichi's slender form, "what's so wrong about a kiss?"


Ichigo's classmate giggled. "Good morning, Kurosaki-san! Why didn't you bring your pet rabbit to school today?"

The boy stifled a groan. He shot a look at Rukia. She was smirking like mad, dammit!

The girl remained clueless to Ichigo's mortification, and continued, "She was so adorable!"

Rukia looked at her, extremely pleased. "Thank you," she said.

The girl blinked at her in surprise. "Eh..? Kuchiki-san…"

Ichigo put his head down on his desk with a loud thunk, hiding the pained look on his face. Rukia, you idiot! I'm not even going to watch this!


Ichigo glanced at the teacher helping Asano out with his questions in front of the class. He hissed softly at Rukia. She looked up from her book, and raised her eyebrows at him.

The boy kept an eye on his teacher, and said as nonchalantly as he could, "What do you think about getting a rabbit from the pet shop?"

He could see Rukia's eyes widening. Then, with an unreadable expression on her face, she quickly looked down again at her book.

Ichigo frowned. Well, that offer was met with less enthusiasm than expected. He stuck his foot out to nudge hers. But, Rukia folded her feet up. The boy gave her an annoyed look, and started to prod at her desk with the toe of his shoe.

"Hey! Hey, Rukia! Don't ignore me."

His teacher cleared her throat meaningfully. Ichigo looked up. Uh-oh.. Got caught!

"Kurosaki-kun, please don't disturb your fellow classmate. If you're done, you can start with today's homework."

He blushed furiously. "Sorry, sensei."

The boy noticed that Rukia didn't even shoot him her usual gloating look for getting reprimanded by the teacher. What's up with her? Was it something he'd said?

After school, the boy caught up with Rukia as she crossed the park. As he matched his steps to her pace, he said, "So… how about it? We could stop by the pet shop and choose one."

Rukia smirked, but she looked straight ahead without meeting his eyes. She said, lightly, "Trying to replace me already?"

Ichigo stared incredulously at the girl walking ahead without waiting for him. He lengthened his stride to go after her. "Rukia! Kami-sama… your gigai may be working fine. But, is your head still in Bunny-mode or something?"

Damn! How fast can she walk with legs shorter than mine?

He leaned down and caught her arm, jerking her to a stop. He said quietly, "I'm not trying to replace you with anything."

Ichigo, I'm your partner. But, there are things you still hide from me. I don't want to be protected by you. I want to be by your side, and I want you to see me as your equal. How can I be your counterpart when you keep sheltering me from your secrets?

Rukia spoke softly, "Can I be the person whom you can talk with when you want to?"

The boy was surprised by the sudden change in topic. He stared at her. "What did you say?"

Embarassed, Rukia shoved him, catching him off-balance. He tripped and sprawled down on the grass. She leaned over him with a deathly serious look on her face. "Just because you thought I wasn't around, I found out a lot of things I didn't know about you, Ichigo."

Right, Ichigo thought, I was just wondering when you would bring up all those things I did when you got yourself mutated into my pet rabbit. Looks like I'm in trouble now.

Rukia watched the boy open his mouth. He said, "If this is about that trip to the vet…" She rolled her eyes, and cut in, "No, this isn't about your sadistic inclinations to torture defenseless rabbits."

"Hey! That's exactly what I'm trying to say. I'm not –"

"Your Hollow, Ichigo," she said tersely. He shut up immediately, and glared at her. She glared right back at him. "Yes, please do shut up tight every time I mention that!"

"Rukia, you don't know what it's like."

She looked at him sadly. "That's right. I have no clue about it because you won't tell me a damned thing. Why are you so stubborn, Ichigo? Don't you know I feel worse not knowing anything?"

He reached up and pulled her head down to his shoulders. His heart was racing away in his chest. But, he didn't think he could say this directly facing her. "You'll be there when I need someone to talk to –that's what you said, right?"

Rukia couldn't reply because if she took a breath, made the slightest movement –the moment would be broken.

"I need you to listen because there's something I want to tell you now." Rukia could feel his hands fisting into her collar at the nape of her neck. "I'll find a way to deal with the Hollow. Whatever the methods are, I'll find them. I just hope you'll understand that I've reasons for what I do, and–"

And even if you're going to be angry with me later for doing this, I can only ask you to hear me out at the end. Can you grant my selfish request?

Rukia stopped him. "I'll wait. I told you before; I'll wait for you to tell me what you have to say."

So, don't concern yourself about it.

"Thank you, Rukia."

Rukia looked cute as a rabbit. There was no doubt about that. But, Ichigo couldn't help thinking that it was this Rukia which he could not take his eyes away from –her dark hair, dark eyes, and pale lithe limbs, her mysterious way of knowing exactly what to say to him.

"Besides, Ichigo," she said, slightly muffled by his shirt, "you'll never find another one like me. I'm one of a kind you know."

He snorted. "That's right. A Death God going undercover as a first-class rogue rabbit."

Rukia got to her feet, and dumped her school bag onto Ichigo's laughing face. She dusted herself off, and said, "Just for that, you can have the honor of carrying my bag home."

"That was freakin' heavy!" the boy yelled. He called after the girl walking ahead with her haughty strides, "Hey, I could just chuck this into the park's fountain!"

Rukia didn't even turn back. She just waved one slim hand carelessly at him. "Go ahead, Ichigo. I'll just kindly remind you that you'll be the one paying for the new set of Chappy back-to-school stationery."

Ichigo swore at the now conveniently deaf Rukia. She would never yield. Rabbit, or not.

Author's Note: My thanks to everyone who followed this to the end. I hope you'll help me by letting me know what you think, so I can try my best to improve on my shortcomings in writing. (I know kissing scenes is one..;)

And as ever, I'm at your service in fanfic writing. Much thanks for making this fic a wonderful experience.

To Ichigo fans: Have a great time celebrating his birthday.

Ahria –I'm glad you liked the last few paragraphs. Was really worried about it.

chibi milktea –Got hold of Cogito ergo sum from a bit of net searching. Although, it was probably around in ethics class. (Lost amongst the other philosophers.)

Sousui/ Seaplue –Thank you for looking forward to the update. I give you my final chapter –with all my best.

Procrastinator-starting2moro –What a mental image! Ichigo snogging a rabbit? Poor boy would have to go into therapy after that.

ShinigamiLenne –He didn't kiss her. It's a weak consolation, but.. he did in my first draft! ;)

Zhivago –I can only thank the net for making research on operating Japanese bows so fun. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

wayofthepen –Rabbits are not to be underestimated, especially not those of Genus Rukialagus.

rukiaprincess –Wow, I've been called Sweetheart! ;) Tried my best to make it good. Thank you for wishing me well!

Kijarat –All credits must go to Kubo Tite-sensei for the creation of our much-loved Bleach, and such wonderful characters!

PsYcHoPaThIcJoY –I'm glad you enjoyed the Urahara bits. I'll keep on writing just to share the Bleach love!