I'll never forget the feeling of the blade running across my flesh. The feeling of the warm liquid as it slipped out from it's hiding place and ran down my arm, and the feeling of your hand grasping my wrist begging me to stop. So long ago. Surprised I still remember? Well I do, and this memory is what created these circles of darkness. I've spent countless hours sitting up and thinking of that day. The day you found out, and acted like you cared. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't thinking of you. Just what goes on in your mind. Do you seriously think you were fooling me? 'Cause you weren't. But I was sure as hell fooling you. You never knew I was that fucked up did you? You really thought I was as happy as I acted? Honestly?...Honestly. I guess no one really paied enough attention to notice. Oh well. What's done is done. And that is that.

Uzumaki Naruto.

The blonde folded the letter and put it into the off-white envelope. He raised the pen and quickly scribbled the name onto the envelope before standing and starting towards the door. He pushed open the front door to his small apartment and stepped outside into the pouring rain. He started walking not bothering to shut the door behind him, let alone lock it. Then he paused in the middle of the walk-way and slowly turned. A bitter smile pulled the corners of his lips upward.

"Good-bye old house...I'll miss you." He whispered, then took off to deliver the letter. A few moments later Naruto stood infront of a large, well taken care of house. He stood there silently chewing his lower lip. The well known coppery taste slowly appeared in his mouth. He sighed and lowered his bright sky colored eyes to the ground.

"I might as well...it won't matter when I'm done..." He whispered starting slowly towards the house. Naruto kept his eyes trained on his feet. 'Step...after step...aft-' He stopped when the house was infront of him. He took a deep breath and with tear filled eyes slipped the envelope into the mail box before taking off in fear of being caught.

Hours later Naruto sat on the edge of his roof watching the sun slowly decend behind the horizon. "Good-bye sun..." He whispered gently, raising the small metal kunai to his thoart. "Good-bye Sakura...good-bye Kakashi...good-bye Iruka...good-bye Tsunade...good-bye...Sasuke." He whispered, and with one swift movement drew the kunai across his thoart ending his life. For a moment or so he swayed and small gurgurling sounds broke the silence of the night. Until finally all life drained from him and he tilted forward, his body hitting the cold un-caring ground below.

At that very moment Uchiha Sasuke sat at on his couch ripping open the letter adressed to him. He pulled out the damp piece of paper and let the envelope fall to the ground. His breath hitched in his thoart. He knew this handwriting...

"It's Narutos..." He whispered coal black eyes scanning the paper. He read through the letter and his eyes widened upon reaching the end. His pale hands shook causing the paper to fall from his grip. As the letter fell to the ground a small piece of paper fluttered out from inside of it falling into the Uchiha's lap. With baited breath Sasuke picked up the paper praying the any God that would listen that this was all some sick joke. But as soon as he read the paper he knew it wasn't. Sasuke then did something he had never done before. He covered his face with his hands and sobbed. All because of the words P.S...I loved you.

A/N: Hee hee This is my first fanfic. The idea just came to me while I was listening to Kim by Eminem. Reviews would be loved. Also if you wish for me to write a second chapter about what happens to Sasuke please say so in your review. . And I'll get right on it. Well thanks for reading!