a/n: This is the end. I hope you guys enjoyed this.Over 100 reveiws, 9 favorites, 21 alerts,and almost 8,000 hits :) I'm impressed. The song in the chapter is called Perfect Chemistry by Stil Hear. You'll never find it cause it was never released or sent in or anything, so don't look. It's truly amazing and if I manage to get it on the internet I'll put a link in my profile.

So do you think I should do a sequel?

Jude arrived at G Major in new clothes. She decided to go all out yesterday since she had a day off from the madness. Damien had got his hair styledbut he decided that a new wardrobe wasn't necessary.

She had her lyrics written down on a piece of paper in her pocket and was ready to record. Yesterday had perked up Jude's spirits enough that she might be able to stand Tommy. When Jude looked for her produver, all the studios were empty. Kwest was in the kitchenette, but she couldn't find Tommy.

"Hey." She approached Kwest and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Hey." He said with a nod.

"Do you know where Tommy is?" She asked him after taking a sip.

Kwest looked at her carefully. "He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

He frowned. "Follow me." He walked over to Studio A and picked up some things off the soundboard. Jude stood with her arms crossed.

"Take this." Kwest shoved it at her and left the room quickly.

"What's eating him?" Jude asked herself as she sat down. There was two things: a CD case with a piece of paper stuffed in it and velvet box. She set aside the box and opened up the CD case. Jude almost threw the paper away but she saw some writing on it. There was a CD placed inside with the initials 'P.C.' written on it in red sharpie. She opened up the paper and read the note inside.


Since I've come back from California all I seem to do is make you miserable. I wanted to come back to have a chance with you, I really did. I could never forget you there and I never will. I hope you'll listen to this song and know it's about you. You told me you wanted me out of your life, so I'm trying. Yesterday was the last day you ever had to see me; I'm going back to where I came from. I hope you're just as happy without me as I am when I'm with you.


The paper fluttered out of Jude's hand and hit the ground in silence. Jude stooped over and crumpled to the floor.

"No, no. I didn't mean it!" She yelled. Even if Jude hated Tommy with all her heart, she couldn't live without him, not again.

Slowly she stood up, forgetting about the CD and the velvet box, and started to look for Kwest. When she found him in Studio C working with Damien the tears finally fell.

"Why did you let him leave again?" She screamed.

Kwest stared up at her. "I didn't let him leave, Jude. He did it because he thought that's what you wanted."

"No! I wanted to be mad at him and let him feel the pain of being shut out for once, but I didn't want him out forever." She was pacing now.

"Jude, just calm down."

Jude threw up her hands and retreated into G Major's lobby. She stalkedup to Darius's office and didn't knock or look to see if he was on the phone.Barging in, Judesmacked her hand on the desk to get his attention. "When is he leaving?"

Darius looked at her curiously. He paused to think about what Jude was saying."It's really not any of your business."

"Tell me when he's leaving!"She was trying hard not to spit all over his face.

"Oh, about one-thirty." He shrugged and went back to his computer work.

Jude flew out of the room and almost ran smack-dab into a cart of sandwiches being towed in for the kitchenette. She darted through the crowd and made her way back to Studio C where Damien and Kwest had dropped their work and were now conversing.

"What am I supposed to do?" Jude collapsed on the ground just inside the studio.

Damien crawled over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Go home, get some rest."

Kwest nodded. "Did you get your stuff?"

"Oh," Jude wiped her few tears away, "No. I'm going to go, though. Cover for me?"

They both nodded. Jude hugged each and went back to get her unopened velvet case and CD.

Kwest shook his head. "You know, I really thought she hated him for some time there."

"You can tell though," Damien pursed his lips, "She really needs him more than she was admitting. And now it's all coming back to her."

In her car Jude sat for a few minutes and just let herself sob. Halfway home she decided to put the disc into her CD player and listen to it.

The beginning was a slow and intricate acoustic part. It was raw and unworked, but she liked it. Suddenly the lyrics started and Jude knew it was Tommy. His voice was a little sulkier than usual.

"So here I lie again

Gasping in every word

You're nearly everything

Nearly everything

Is it all right if I slide by?

You wonder why

There's so many goodbyes in me

But both we

Can't deny our perfect chemistry."

Jude's waterworks flooded down her face and meshed her makeup intoa stream that nearly blinded her from the road ahead. She stopped and waited for the road to clear up. In a quick motion, Jude flipped her car around and began speeding towards the freeway. She wasn't going to give up this easily.

"I only close my eyes at night

In hopes that you will still be there

Smiling, waiting on return

With that breathless gaze still in your stare

It really is a shame

You're unattainable

And the both of us know the truth about it

That you're just a,

A composition of every girl I've ever loved."

Traffic was at a complete stop on the freeway. Jude glanced at the car's clock. It was twelve thirty.

"Is it all right if I slide by?

You wonder why

I apologize for this

Your own mess

Repeated over, now it's more or less

I only close my eyes at night

In hopes that you will still be there

Smiling, waiting on return

With that breathless gaze still in your stare

Is it all right if I slide by?

You wonder why

There's so many goodbyes in me

But both we

Can't deny our perfect chemistry."

Jude suddenly realized she had yet to open up the other box yet. Since her car still wasn't moving, she reached over and grabbed it. Inside the box revealed a white gold chain with a heart pendant. On the back an inscription read 'You put me back together again'.

"I only close my eyes at night

In hopes that you will still be there

Smiling, waiting on return

With that breathless gaze still in your stare

It really is a shame

You're unattainable

And the both of us know the truth about it

That you're just a,

A composition of every girl I've ever loved."

Jude turned her CD player on repeat and listened to the song for the next forty-five minutes straight. Finally, at one, she arrived at her destination.

The airport was crowded and Jude didn't want to spend time finding a parking spot. She handed her keys and a fifty-dollar bill to the valet parker and ran inside.

Jude cursed; the flight to California at one-thirty was at the last terminal and she would have to get through security. She patiently stood in line and waited for almost fifteen minutes before she gave up.

"Flight 304 now boarding." A woman called. Jude looked around and saw the booth in which she was sitting and a large billboard of flight times over it.

"I supposeā€¦" She muttered. Jude jogged over to the booth and knocked on the door. The woman inside glared at her and shook her head.

Jude sighed and opened the door anyways. "Hey, could you please make an announcement for me?"

The woman shook her head. "Please leave or I'll call security."

Jude bit her lip. She walked over to the woman. "Please, I really need to use this."

"Please leave, miss, or I'll call security."

"I'm sorry." She muttered before pushing the woman off her chair. Jude quickly grabbed the microphone and spoke into it. "Tommy! Please don't get on the flight I made a mis-"

The woman grabbed back the microphone in disgust. "SECURITY!" She yelped.

Jude cringed and ran out of the booth. The last thing she needed to do right now is get banned from the airport by a couple of men in blue jumpsuits.

The clocks all around read one twenty. Jude looked around and saw a couple security guards rushing towards her. The only way now was to run for it. Jude pushed people aside and began to bolt it for the very last terminal. She hopped over chains and ran through metal detectors. None of them went off, but people seemed to think she was some kind of threat anyway.

A mob of security guards was now running after Jude. Thank god I can run, She thought. Cameras were flashing all around and she knew this would be in the paper in the morning.

The last terminal was now in view.

"Flight 438 now boarding." The familiar voice called. It was Tommy's flight.

People all around were now crowding the aisle way. Jude was thankful that she could now get lost in the crowd, but it became practically impossible for her to spot Tommy.

"Tommy!" She screamed, hoping he would hear her. A line to the airplane was beginning to form and she couldn't let him get on.

"Gotcha!" Jude's face met the tiled flooring with a 'thunk!' A security guard was waiting for her and had tripped her.

"No, you don't understand!" She panted, "You've got to let me go, I need to find Tommy!"

"You need to get out of this airport." The security guards took a hold of her wrists and started to pull her away.

Jude tried to wrench herself away but was miserably failing. It was one thirty-five now.

She gave a struggle all the way, but the security guards managed to throw Jude out of the airport in five minutes. Tears slipped down Jude's cheeks and she finally gave up; it was too late, Tommy was gone. She didn't know where her car was parked or where the valet was and she could barely stand. The thought of actually losing Tommy forever made her faint. All along she thought she could go on without him, but in the end she always knew that Tommy would come back from California the first time. Now he left again, and he wasn't coming back; Jude had told him she wanted him gone.

"I didn't mean it!" She moaned as she slumped against the airport's exterior wall.

Tommy was about to board his plane when he first heard her. He stepped out of line and walked around to see if Jude was really there or if his mind was playing tricks on him. When he couldn't see her he numbly fell back intotheend of the line. He knew that if he was already imagining her that he couldn't possibly go forever without her. But it was what Jude wanted, and he couldn't defy her wishes forever.

It was then that the TV report came on. A newscaster was filming the arrival of a bunch of American movie stars that were going to be shooting a major motion picture in Toronto. She caught a glimpse of the fiasco some psycho was causing and started recording. People quickly indentified the mad woman as Jude Harrison and the story of movie stars quickly switched to the story of an insane pop star.

As thenescaster was recording, feedback was being sent to the news station and the TVs all over the airport began showing theincident happening right before their eyes. They played it over and over again; Jude yelling over the intercom, running, tripping, and being dragged out of the airport.

Tommy couldn't believe it; Jude really was looking for him. He dodged out of the line and left the airport with his carry-on in hand. He figured he could have all the things that were already packed for California sent back on a private plane later, but none of that mattered right now.

Outside the airport Tommy finally spotted her. "Jude!"

She was crouched on the ground when he found her. Jude looked up to see her producer rushing towards her. "Tommy I'm so sorry!" She got up and threw herself into his arms.

"I know, so am I." He whispered.

Suddenly a flurry of flashes surrounded them. "Tommy, the paparazzi." Jude tried to break the hug, but Tommy wouldn't let her go.

"Yeah, the paparazzi." He said with a shrug.

Jude smiled and leaned into him. "You know, I thought I would never admit it."

"Admit what?" Tommy let her away a little so he could look down into her eyes.

"I can't help who I fall in love with, not even when it comes to ex-boybanders." She leaned into him so that her lips met his.

Tommy smiled and pulled her up to deepen their kiss so world could see that he and Jude were finally finding out what was right.