Hey everyone, here's the next chapter and as usual I'm sorry about the wait. This chapter is short but I'm trying to complete this story as soon as possible but with work and university, things can get quite busy.

Anyway, I've recently updated my profile so if you check that you can get an analysis and plan of what I'm doing with all my stories but if you do have any questions then do not be afriad to ask.

Thanks, daisyboo xx

Disclaimer: I do not own sailor moon or any of the characters only the ones created by my own imagination.

Chapter Thirty-One

They all reached the small cottage as quickly as they could and as soon as all the girls were inside, Lita barracked the door with a small magical spell which had been passed down to her from her ancestors. She whispered the spell perfectly and once Lita was sure that her spell was cast, she turned her attention to the other girls.

"So what now, Mina? Do we get to kick some Neptunian butt?" she asked with a sly smile creeping onto her face.

Mina shook her head as she replied to Lita's questioning.

"No, Lita, we must be strong for the princess and protect her at all costs, there is nothing worse than a heart that has been broken and needs vindication," Mina turned to look at Serena as she said this little particular statement and Serena registered her look.

She and Mina's friendship had never truly recovered due to Xavier's rejection of Mina and love for Serena. However, Serena had rejected Xavier's proposals, even though she had had feelings for him and wanted to act upon those feelings. She did respond a little to his attentions but she urged him to chose Mina and make her happy for it was Mina who loved him dearly, not Serena. Also, since the return of Serena from Neptune and the break-up of her marriage, Serena had not once set her eyes upon Xavier. She missed him a bit as he had become quite a close and dear friend to her and she wondered for a second if she would ever see him again. However, she decided that she probably would not as he and his family had moved back home to their province on the Moon and but the services of the males within his household had been required in order to defend their kingdom. The Queen Serenity had chosen a select few of her specialist soldiers and citizens of her kingdom that where able to cast and conger powerful magic. However, Serena thought of all the innocent lives that would be hurt or lost due to her foolishness and that would haunt her forever. However, she had acted upon her passions and due to those passions she had saved her girls but now she was probably going to cause more deaths or something. However, Serena was suddenly brought out of her thoughts and Raye suddenly appeared before Serena.

"Serena, are you okay?"

Serena nodded as she looked into the bright vibrant violet eyes of her friend and nodded.

"Yes, I'm just a little tired, the last few hours have been quite challenging."

"Would you like a sleep then?" Aimee asked as Serena turned to look at her friend.

"I suppose it would not hurt and make your task a little easier."

The girls chuckled a little and then Mina directed her princess towards one of the bedrooms. The room that Serena was directed to was very lavishly furnished for such a small room. It had a large rosewood four-poster bed in the corner of the room with matching furniture of the same material. The room was draped in pale pinks of satin and silks and was clearly decorated for a girl. Serena studied the room silently as Mina stood behind her to ensure her safety and the n suddenly, Serena turned to face her.

"Mina, I'm very sorry," Serena said quietly as Mina watched her beautiful shining princess.

"What are you sorry for Serena?"

"For everything," Serena answered as she approached Mina slowly and took her hands in her own, "I'm sorry about Xavier and everything that occurred between the three of us."

"It's okay, Serena," Mina replied quickly feeling a little hurt at the sound of her former love's name.

"No, its not okay, Mina. He shouldn't have done what he did but one cannot help their feelings and I love you Mina, your one of my best friends and I don't know what I would do if I lost your friendship completely."

Mina saw the love and emotion shining within Serena's bright blue eyes and she caved in a little at the intensity of Serena's emotion.

"I value your friendship too Serena but you're the queen's daughter and my personal responsibility. My relationship with you must remain professional, your safety is essential for the kingdom."

"I understand all that Mina but duty is not everything, friendship and love count too."

Mina nodded but then she spoke.

"Serena, I love you too and your one of my best friends but I cannot let my feeling run away with me and the girls and I must protect you even with our lives, if necessary."

"Mina…," Serena began but was cut off quickly by Mina.

"Serena please, just get some sleep now, you must be very tired."

"I am, yes."

"Then just forget about everything that is going on for a few hours and rest peacefully and comfortably."

Serena nodded in agreement and then she and Mina embraced each other.

"Now sleep, princess."

Serena smiled at Mina and then Mina left the room to allow her princess to get some much needed rest. Once the door had closed, Serena removed her cloak and loosened up her dress a little. She dropped her hair and smoothed it out quickly with her fingers. However, Serena caught a glimpse of herself quickly in the mirror that was adjoined to the rosewood dressing table. She saw her reflection and thousands of thoughts began to enter her mind. She saw the brilliance of her beautiful blonde hair and the shine from her bright blue eyes. She was so much still a little girl but still very much a young women and that thought scared her. She smiled a little then though but no matter how much she wanted to stay awake and help her kingdom, she could not, so she laid herself down on the bed and committed herself to the land of slumber.

Serena awoke after only a few hours of sleep and what met her when she awoke was not very pretty. She heard shouts and screams from downstairs and instantly she ran from the room. She found the stairs quickly and easily and began descending at a speedy pace. However, when she got the end, there was no-one in the living room but Serena heard loud yells and screams from outside the opened door. She scurried out and what meet her eyes really shocked and surprised her. The girls had all transformed into their scout forms and were battling with three strong monsters. Raye and Aimee were battling with a large blue creature that had large pinschers and was shooting strong beams of green and blue but Aimee and Rayed seemed to be keeping it under control. While, Lita battled hard and furiously with what looked like a female creature in the shape of a human female. It had long flowing red hair and was wearing a loosely fitted white gown. It was firing large red ball of purple flames but Lita was expertly dodging them and firing her electricity at the creature. While, Mina was battling a male creature that was clutching stinging black whips and was aiming them at Mina but she shooting her beams at the creature and was weakening it considerably. However, Aimee suddenly spotted Serena and called to Mina. Mina heard Aimee and turned to see Serena just standing there. She yelled at Serena to get back inside and barricade the door but Serena did not hear Mina. She wanted to help her girls, help them with her power but she did not have the crystal. The sight before her saddened her as Lita and Aimee lost their concentration and got struck by their opponents' attacks.

"Lita. Aimee," Serena yelled as tears began to escape from her eyes.

"Serena get back inside," Mina yelled as she threw another beam at her opponent.

"Mina," Serena yelled as Mina quickly looked at her opponent and got hit by a large blast of energy.

"Mina," the other scouts called to their leader as they all rushed to her including Serena.

However, was the first to reach Mina and she quickly scooped her up into her embrace.

"Mina, Mina," Serena called as she waited for Mina to answer her, "are you alright?"

Mina opened her eyes then and looked at the girls who were surrounding her. However, Mina looked at Serena and saw that there were tears in her princess' eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Mina, it's my entire fault. I should have never have gone to Neptune."

"No, Serena, it's not your fault," Mina replied as she looked deeply at her princess and then something remarkable occurred.

The tears were falling from Serena's eyes all immediately rose up from where they had fallen and those rose high above the girls and the creatures they had been fighting. They began to circle around and as they did, they killed the three creatures instantly and then quickly combined together. The girls were really stunned as they watched the spectacle form before them and how easily the tears from their princess killed the creatures that the scouts had been battling. However, after the tears had finishing combining, they stayed floating in mid-air as Serena and the scouts watched. The tears had formed into what looked like a crystallised flower and it floated elegantly in the air before the girls. The crystallised flower emitted a beautiful silver glow and all the girls watched it in awe. However, then the crystallised flower began to descend and eventually it ended up in Serena's delicate hands. Serena looked at the flower and then the words that she had used before when she had had the Imperial Crystal, entered her mind. She uttered the words so quietly and then in brilliant flash of white and a flurry of pink ribbons, she appeared before the girls as the magnificent Sailor Moon.