When I Come Around Track 5

Author's Note: Long-awaited, I know! So sorry for not updating sooner! I'm just a loser like that and I'm unable to write things really quickly. I need time to think and plot out my stories. Final exams and the pressures of the end of the year might be contributing to this prolonged chapter too, though. Anyways, enough blab. Here is the long-awaited Track 5!

"Madoronda noise ga asu o keshisaru mae ni Yabou ni hibiku kutsuoto o oikakete"

I stopped for a second. Dang I messed up!

This usually happens a lot when we practice, and it seemed to be happening more than ever now that I was somewhat dating Eiri.

Sakano always had something to cheer us up with. "Now don't worry! Practice makes perfect, and I'm sure you'll get it soon!"

Hiro rolled his eyes. "Let's just face it. Shuichi has other things on his mind."

Thoughts of Eiri were crossing my mind when K opened the door violently like he always seemed to do.

"Guess what?"

Hiro, Suguru, Sakano, and I all looked at K with suspicious looks.

"Ok, since no one seems to know, I'll tell you. I have booked Bad Luck for their very own concert, no opening for Ask! this time. Only you." K stated. A blast of sugar seemed to go into my bloodstream, because I was jumping on the walls like I usually did. This was huge!

"When will it be?" a seemingly non-fazed Suguru asked. K smiled.

"Two days."

"TWO DAYS?" Sakano started freaking out, his brown eyes pulging from his head in surprise. "We're not going to be ready by THEN!"

"Sure you will. Everyone loves you after your appearance on that game show, and that should be enough inspiration to work hard and play a good show." K explained.

After practicing our little heads off, Hiro and I took the easy route and took the back way home. We did this sometimes, just to talk and recap on the day's happenings.

"So, can you believe we're having a concert already?" Hiro commented.

I shook my head. "Not really. I mean, sure, I've always dreamed of the moment when I'd become famous and have success, but I didn't think it would happen so soon."

"I know what you mean. Just a few weeks ago we were nothing. We didn't even have a manager or anything." Hiro commented, picking up a scrunched-up hamburger wrapper and throwing it into the trash.

Before I could say anything, we heard a girl's scream from ahead. Running, we went to see what she was screaming about. A young girl with long brown hair was caught in the grasp of 2 older men, itching to get out.

I couldn't take the sight any longer. With force, I grabbed 1 man's arm and yanked it away from the girl, releasing her from his grasp. Hiro took the other guy and did just the same. Their bodies quickly faced us in a matter of seconds, demanding to know why we had intervined.

"Hey, whatcha doin?"

"We're Bad Luck, and we're going to kick your butts!" Hiro and I proclaimed, kicking the guys to the ground. They were too in shock to do anything, so we both grabbed markers and wrote "Bad Luck" and our names all over their faces.

Meanwhile, the girl was standing there, observing. After making sure that the guys weren't going to get up and cause harm, we both introduced ourselves to this girl and offered to take her out to dinner. She nodded and smiled.

"So, what are you doing here?" Hiro asked. We were now at Chum's Diner. The girl sat directly across from us.

"Well, I'm looking for someone. Someone I haven't seen in a long time." she explained.

My eyebrow raised at this answer. I wondered who she was looking for. "Who are you looking for?"

"Eiri Yuki, have you heard of him?"

Now my mouth was hanging like a loose hinge. "Dddid yoouuu say Eiri Yuki?" I stammered.

"Yes. He is my fiancee."

Both Hiro and I were now staring at this girl totally and utterly speechless. Did she say she was...engaged...to Eiri?

The girl gave us weird looks. "What, you know him?"

I wanted to scream at that little twit for stealing my man away from me! I also wanted to yell at Eiri for not telling me he was ENGAGED. I was dating a ENGAGED man! You can't imagine how brutally shocked I was.

Needless to say, Hiro and I left at that moment. I honestly didn't even care if the girl got lost looking for Eiri. She couldn't possibly be engaged to him. She seems to be so shallow and fake...Eiri isn't into people like that. It must of been a mistake.

I said goodbye to Hiro and made my way to Eiri's for a decent explanation. But, when I opened the door, someone with black hair opened the door.

I was shocked at first. "Um...who are you?"

The guy smiled and pulled me inside. "Why, I'm Eiri's brother Tatsuha. Pleasure to meet you." He took my hand and shook it hardly, leaving a red mark on my hand.

"Um...nice to meet you too." I replied. I felt hesitant around him until I looked at the TV and heard Ryuichi's voice.

"You like Little Nasper?" I asked.

"Like them? I kinda love them! Ryuichi is like my god." he said. We were now 2 inches away from the TV screen and the music was pounding in my ears loudly. Tatsuha was licking the TV screen now, staring at Ryuichi lovingly. What is wrong with this dude? Sure, I love Ryuichi too, but not that much!

"Um...what are you doing..?" I asked.

"Just showing my love for Ryuichi." he replied, looking at me. His eyes glimmered. "Actually, you look a lot like Ryuichi."

Now I was pinned to the floor, his heavy breath surrounding me. I wondered if he was going to try anything. Actually, I thought he would try something.

"What are you doing now? GET OFF ME!" I screamed, trying to push him off with all my might. However, as Eiri, Tatsuha was too strong and resisted my force.

The door shook as a key was entered into the doorknob. I quickly tried again to get Tatsuha off me but he resisted again. It resulted in Eiri seeing Tatsuha over me.

Yes, Eiri. He had to walk in. Tatsuha smiled and finally got off me.

"We were just having some fun, Shuichi and I." Tatsuha explained. Eiri placed his coat on the couch and acted as if it was no big deal. Yeah, no big deal that your BROTHER was on top of your BOYFRIEND!

Once Tatsuha left, it was finally time to talk to Eiri about all that fiancee garbage. "So, Eiri, when were you going to tell me that you're engaged?"

Yuki rolled his eyes. "Didn't think it was important."

ÒIMPORTANT? You don't think telling your boyfriend that you're engaged is not IMPORTANT?" I screamed, freaking out a little at the thought.

"We're not even dating, really. I figured you'd find out on your own anyway, and you did." Eiri explained.

"Are you even in love with her?" I asked. We were now sitting on the couch.

"No. She's the one in love. It was kind of forced because my parents thought it would be good for me. She's your typical rich snot." Eiri continued.

Now this explained some things. "Oh yeah, and what was that with your brother? He kinda freaked me out with the whole Ryuichi thing."

"That's just Tatsuha. He latches on to whatever Ryuichi-like thing he can find." Eiri said. "Now, get out."

"What?" I replied.

"I've answered all your questions, so get out. I'm expecting a visitor." Eiri said. I sadly walked towards the door and left. When I was going down the hall, I noticed Eiri's fiancee walking by, giving me a cold look. Now I knew what kind of visitor Eiri was expecting.

And I really didn't like the idea of it.