When I Come Around

a Gravitation Fic by ravenrules23

Summary: An older Shuichi looking back on his dramatic relationship with the famous Eiri Yuki. Note: This isn't following the plot word by word, so some things might be different from the actual manga/anime! Shuichi and Eiri. R&R please!

Track One


One word, a gazillion different meanings. Before I had actually experienced it, I thought love was that goofy, overused theme in those endless romantic movies. Hiro is a madman for those movies and he always drags me to them, so I know firsthand! But I guess that's what everyone thinks about love, at least until they actually fall into it.

One guy changed my meaning of love.

He went by Eiri Yuki. A famous writer, known for his sappy romantic books read by fangirls everywhere. Despite all the girls around him, he acted as if he did not care about any of them. Except for his sister, of course.

Anyways, I did not even know this guy or his writing before I saw him that night. It almost felt like I was meant to meet him. The way he walked and looked, he almost instantly caught my eye the second I saw him. What came after, was even more remarkable.

Back then me and my good friend Hiro were trying to start a band. Since we weren't really having any luck, we properly titled our band "Bad Luck." We got a manager, Sakano (a real interesting guy, I'll tell you that), a keyboard player (Suguru) and were on our way to releasing a first single.

However, you see, none of us were experts in the lyric writing world. I kept trying as hard as possible to write some, and once I wrote them they somehow disappeared! I had no idea who took them, but I hoped that they were in the right hands.

Imagine who found them.

That is probably the only reason why Eiri came up to me anyways. What would he find interesting in an 18-year-old goofy and immature boy trying to make his way to stardom? I do not know, but he certainly set me straight. Right from the beginning. He told me it was crap and that it was the worst lyrics he had ever read.

A stranger telling me I suck already?

I was certainly alarmed by this. If a stranger thought the lyrics stunk, imagine what the world would think, let alone my fellow band members?

Eiri pushed the paper to my chest and then walked away soon after. I was left shocked, somewhat hurt, embarrassed and mostly upset! I wanted to strangle that crude man!

In midst of all this, I actually felt somewhat attracted to him. No one had ever treated me like that before, never so harshly, so I really wanted to know more about him. See him again, prove to him that I could write a much better song.

The next day, I found myself at a café with Hiro. By then I had told him absolutely EVERYTHING about my encounter with Mr. Evil-Crude-Stranger. Hiro seemed to not think anything about it, he just kinda blew it off his shoulder. And this guy was supposed to be my best friend?

After more discussion, Hiro advised me to just let it go. Forget what that jerk said, and more on with the song. I should of, but something told me that I found that guy for a reason. My song found him for a reason.

You're gonna laugh when you hear about the next time I saw Eiri. It was mid-day, and I was casually walking down the street. It was raining, and I wasn't in the best of moods. Until I heard a loud, souped up black car zoom down the street. In the driver's seat appeared a tall and blond guy with a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth.

This was my chance. It was him!

Some would say that I was extremely stupid when I ran out into the road and made Eiri stop. But, how else was I going to catch his attention? I couldn't think of any other way at the time. A very angry Eiri got out of the car and started yelling at me about his car and how if I wanted to kill myself, do it with another person's car.

His harsh tone somehow comforted me a little. At least he was talking to me.

As I look back, I realize how stupid that whole incident was. But hey, what is a guy to do when he desperately wants someone's attention?

A few days later, me and the band were discussing my lyrics and how they thought they were pretty good. Everyone, even the clueless Sakano, knew about Eiri and what he said. I didn't know his name then and was describing him as best as I could to Hiro and Suguru.

It just happened that his face appeared on the TV behind us!

Crazy chance, eh? I wanted to scream in delight when I saw his face, and quickly pointed him out to everyone. They seemed to instantly recognize him, and Hiro said his name was Eiri Yuki. He was having a interview with this reporter on a regular day time show, talking about his latest masterpiece. When he answered, it was in short and brief sentences.

I could not believe this guy was a WRITER! No wonder why he was so harsh on me! Hiro and Suguru's jaws dropped when they finally realized that it was Eiri who had criticized me, him who I could not keep my mouth shut about.

"But…I thought you were straight." Hiro had asked me, a few moments later. I couldn't believe how he instantly thought that my rage and confusion were feelings of love and attraction. I was NOT attracted to this Eiri Yuki dude!

I could not convince Hiro otherwise.

"Take it from someone who knows, Shuichi. When you have feelings for someone, you cannot hide them. No matter how hard you try." Hiro advised me.

I really had no idea what Hiro was talking about at the time, but now that I think about it, he makes perfect sense. You do not even have to be thinking about what you are doing. When you are in love, it shows.

"But he's a guy! I'm straight Hiro!" I defended.

Hiro just rolled his eyes and leant back in his chair.

"Shuichi…does it matter? When you're in love, you're in LOVE. Don't deny it. Just go for it." he responded.

With Hiro's words in my head, I somehow managed to find Eiri's house. It was a nice, predictably big home, with sleek modern design and cutting edge technology. I found Eiri outside, smoking a cigarette as he always seemed to be doing.

Once he saw me, he instantly came up to me and started insulting me, of course. By now I had formed a shield against his harsh remarks, a weak shield but a shield nonetheless. I defended myself as best as I could and shoved a CD onto his chest.

"Here's the song. I re-wrote it and it's much better, let's see how much it sucks now!" I exclaimed. Eiri laughed a little and took the CD.

"You know, you're pretty cute for being a snotty brat." he replied. For once, an actual complement! I smiled at the thought.

"But you're still a brat. And this CD probably blows." he quickly covered.

That is the thing about Eiri. The moment he shows some sort of actual feeling, he quickly tries to cover it up and make it appear that nothing happened. I learned that about him very soon in our relationship.

A couple of moments later, Eiri let me inside his house and I looked around very eagerly. Everything looked so new, so untouched. It felt like a furniture showcase in Eiri's house.

I was just getting used to the fabulous décor when a young woman appeared. Instantly I assumed she was Eiri's girlfriend, because she happened to be very attractive.

"Eiri…is this a friend? Or some fan you dragged into the house?" she asked.

Yeah. She was his girlfriend.

"A friend. Why is it such a big deal, Mika?" he responded in his usual tone.

"Because, he's young. And dressed oddly." she replied, forming a hole into my face with her eyes.

"Well, that's what I find attractive about him. I don't criticize who you date." he replied, walking over and tightly hugging me, suggesting that we were dating. The embrace left me very confused.

"Whatever." Mika replied. She sighed and continued walking down the hall.

And now I made his girlfriend upset…yeah I was doing just great. It did not even cross my mind that Mika just might be his sister and not his girlfriend. Eiri laughed once I asked him.

"You thought she was my girlfriend? She's my sister." he replied.

"But it looked like…" I started.

"You presumed that for yourself. Plus, she's way too cold for me. I need someone energetic and cute." Eiri commented, eyeing me as he spoke. I felt a strange rush overcome me.

"Before I forget, I want to mention that my band has a performance coming up. We're performing our new single, the one you bashed." I said.

"Ah, the mushy love song. I guess I'll make an appearance, save your self-esteem." Eiri replied hesitantly, almost as if he did not want to say it.

"Well, if you think my song's that bad you shouldn't come!" I angrily replied, not noticing how close Eiri was to me.

I did not know what to say, feeling pressured by the position we were in. He had me leant against a wall, facing him. We were almost too close for comfort.

I guess you know what happened after that. My first real kiss. It was not as passionate or as heavenly as I imagined it, but it was not too bad. Especially since it was with Eiri.

Track One End….

So, what do you think? Let me know by submitting a lovely review! Thanks!
