This is it. The final chapter. I'd like to thank every one has nitpicked and criticized this story. The reviews were really helpful… And, I'd like to thank those who actually liked it. It's been a long a bumpy road of uncertainty, even though I did plan this story… except for chapter 4, which was a fluke. So, on with the end… remember, I don't own digimon, but if I did, you know what I would do! By the way, this will be narrated, rather than from the point of view of someone.

Chapter 5: Before the Night was Done

Taichi showered for what seemed like forever. He had to wash all the pain away. He sunk to rock bottom. He was at the mercy of a knife, ready to strike at any given instance. Luckily for him, it was the thought of his Sora that save him, but then again, it was the very thought of Sora that drove him to the knife. He sought relief from the confusion the steaming water that spewed overhead. Suddenly, Taichi heard an annoying bang. A bang that could have been the world collapsing or something. A bang that interrupted his search for peace.

"Taichi! Get out of the freakin' shower! Some of us have places to go, you know!"

'Yah, right…' Taichi thought, in a sort of melancholy, sour tone. He was still bitter by the fact that he was close to ending his life, and Hikari didn't care at all. It's not like she knew. He still had to thank her for the note. The note that saved his life, and saved his heart. Standing there, he grew curious of what Hikari's hurry was.

"So… Where do you have to go?"

He shouted to the best of his ability. He tried to conceal the fact that he was crying for a better part of a week, which devastated his throat.

"I told you… I have a date."

She hollered back from behind the bathroom door. Again, she knocked impatiently.

"Hold on… I'm sure Takeru could wait!"

He overheard a choking cry that escaped Hikari's breath.

"No… It's not him."

That shocked Taichi. He didn't notice the water's fierce change in temperature, one that would jolt any normal person. He rushed out of the shower to confirm his disbelief, sans the towel.

"What do you mean? What happened to the couple of the year?"

Taichi stated sharply. She had a look of disgust, throwing Taichi's towel at him as she prepped the shower. And, she had a look of disappointment. A sort of look of longing.

"We both moved on… Enough said."

As the water roared on, they both stood there, in awkward silence. Finally, Hikari interrupted the calm moment that they shared together.

"Umm… Get out! It's 7 'o clock, and I gotta get ready!"

Taichi was flabbergasted. He lost track of the time. He was late for his meeting with Sora. He still wasn't sure what the whole thing was about. All he knew was that he had to see Sora. He didn't care what she had to say. All he knew was that he was going to tell her that he loved her. That he loves her. That he will always love her. He rushed over to his room and put on his best black long sleeved shirt, sleeves rolled back, of course, and his finest gray, pin-striped slacks, and his fly black converse chucks, and then he heard a ring at the door. Hikari screamed at him from her room as she struggled to look cute for her date.

"Taichi… Can you get the door? Tell him that I'll be out in a few… You should get going! Good luck with tonight!"

'Good luck?' He contemplated to himself. 'Why would she wish me good luck?' He snapped out of his deep trance and bolted towards the door, running past Hikari's new beau, only to be stopped his tracks, surprised as ever.

"Koushiro? What are you doing here?"

He questioned, with a tone of ill-intent. He never cared that Takeru was taking his sister out, but this was different. It was Koushiro. Koushiro, despite that 'if-you-lay-a-finger-on-my-sister-I-swear-I'll-kill-you' look in Taichi's eyes, responded.

"I'm here… to take… Hikari… out."

Taichi could smell the fear the Koushiro exuded. It was foul, indeed, but it was sweet, because Taichi could sense the deep admiration Koushiro had for Hikari, and the respect he had for Taichi. Yet, he was still in slight disarray.

"Does Hikari know?"

Before Koushiro could retort with an answer, Hikari came out, fiddling around with her pink diamond studded earings. She was in a black short-sleeved top and a rosy-burgundy striped skirt, topped off with some flip-flops. Taichi couldn't help but notice that Koushiro was in a striped polo, some faded jeans and matching flip-flops. They matched to a disgustingly cute tee. Suddenly, Taichi comprehended the hand gestures that Hikari was sending out, signaling him to exeunt. He gave his subtle adieus, and was on his way to meet his fate.

The sprint to the park seemed longer and longer as the minutes passed. Taichi would occasionally divert his attention from the familiar oak and maple labyrinth to his ticking Rolex, marking the seconds slowly. Time was passing, and his dreams were eluding him. He had to get to Sora before it was too late. He had the gut feeling that he would walk in on Sora and his dear friend Yamato, together, laughing. He might find his two best friends lovingly happy, or happily loving, perhaps. He didn't want to let his fanatical judgment get the best of him. He just had to get to Sora and blurt out his feelings. He had the courage to do so. He knew it.

The sun creeped lower and lower into the horizon. It may have been mid-spring, but the sunset was eerily late today. As the sun was gasping for existence, Taichi felt lost. He knew that he was lost. He also knew his courage was feigning.

'Should I tell her? What if…'

He thought to himself, but was interrupted quite abruptly. He made it to a grassy knoll that overlooked a winding path and a large pond. The site was glorious. The sky was a dark purple, slightly sprinkled with bits of white and yellow. The cherry blossoms danced with the gentle breeze, as the fireflies and the cicadas followed, dancing in an awe-struck harmony. Amongst the rainbow waltz, on a blanket, sitting, with her knees bent and arm supporting and a flower in her gentle, orange hair, was his Sora. She was wearing a a white three-fourths blouse and a plaid skirt, reminiscent of 1950s Americana. There was his Sora. Alone. Looking at him. Happily. Lovingly.

"Tai… I'm glad you made it. I didn't know if you were going to make it…"

"Sora… I wouldn't miss this for anything… Sora, I have something to tell you…"

Before he could continue, Sora broke her deep gaze and signaled Taichi to join her on the blanket and partake in the food provided. It was seafood linguine.

"Tai… remember the first time we had this together?"

"Yah… I made it for you, after we... and then I found out you were allergic to shellfish that night…"

"Hehe… You know me too well, Taichi… But do you remember that night?"

"Sora… I never forgot… That was the first time we… made love..."

They both admiringly stared at each other, figuring out that there was some mild tension between them. Taichi had a feeling of longing, and Sora, a feeling of regret. All of a sudden, they hear the pitter-patter of a horse-drawn carriage on the beaten dirt path. The horse, of Andalusia, skipped in all its majesty, while at the mercy of a stout man in a gray suit with long coattails, and a top hat to match. The couple inside was hard to see. Not that the view was obscure, but they were busy not admiring the scenery.

'Blond hair? And… are those my goggles?'

Taichi thought to himself. He couldn't quite fit the puzzle pieces together. Sora began to speak, admiring the occupants of the carriage.

"Tonight's just the night for those in love…"


Taichi muttered. He still had some gut feeling that Yamato was going to show up. Little did he know.

"Taichi… I have something to tell you… It's about me and Yama—"

"No Sora!"

Taichi, welling up with tears, exclaimed in a spontaneous outburst that wasn't spontaneous at all. He was ready to spill his heart to her. He had the courage.

"Sora… I have to tell you this before it's too late. I know you love Yamato, and you always talked about him. I couldn't help myself to know that you loved him, and I loved you. I always wanted to tell you this… I just never had the courage… But now I do…"

Sora gasped, and her heart listened.

"My Sora… Whenever I see the sun and sky… I pray to heaven that you'll be alright… Whenever I see the moon and stars… I dream about… you… and me… But whenever I see your face… I always wanted to tell you… these 4 simple words… Since I have the courage… Sora… I love you."

Taichi was closing his eyes. He was trying to hold the tears in. And that's when it happened. She kissed him. She kissed him long, and she kissed him good. They both wished it could last forever. It seemed like forever, just waiting to show their feelings for each other. All was still, except their hearts, beating in sync. They both parted, and opened their eyes, tears shedding.

"Tai… I love you too."

Taichi's heart skipped a beat. He never thought he would hear those words from her in his lifetime.

"Taichi… I was a fool. Everyone told me that you were the one that set the whole thing up with Yamato and me. You wanted to make me happy. Now it's my turn."

Again, they kissed. The fireflies seemed to glow brighter, in approval. She continued on to speak after what seemed like an eternity.

"And by the way, I never forgot about that night. I was so stupid by ruining that special time we had together. My mind may have been on Yamato, but my heart was with you the whole time. And it still is…"

Taichi was speechless. Taichi was happy. Taichi was Sora's.

"You're cute when you're speechless, Tai… Wish I acted sooner. Wish I wasn't such a fool—"

Again, a kiss. A gentle kiss, from Taichi to his love. In the background, he swore he could here the tender melody of an acoustic guitar, strumming sweet nothings.

"It doesn't matter… I love you, Sora."

"You finally did something right, Yama."

Mimi uttered, as they both watched from behind a bush. Yamato was strumming his guitar a tune all too familiar. A medley of sharps and flats that sang of a love, so strong and true. She gave him a slight peck on the cheek as they watched on, and he couldn't help but blush, as he strummed on.

"I love you, Taichi."

He sighed, and for the first time in a long time, he smiled. For the first time, he had peace. For the first time, he truly had his Sora. No more words were exchanged between them that evening. There were plenty of laughs. Plenty of tears. Plenty of kisses. Sora was in her Taichi's arms, an embrace that couldn't be broken. They gazed at the splendorous stars, like two star-crossed lovers.

Before the night was done, Taichi and Sora, again, were one.

The end.

Hope you liked it! Let the flames and the rants begin!
