Ok, here's my first story. PLEASE REVIEW!

Just so you know, James is the name for the angel, while Johnny is the devil. When James talks, it is written in italics, while Johnny's words are written in bold lettering.

Shoulder angels. Everyone has them. Some are just more clearer then others.

Keep quiet, ya fool!

Shush, Johnny! As I was saying, we are the shoulder angels of the famous Captain Jack Sparrow.

Infamous, ya mean. Not exactly everyone loves 'im, do they? Take Barbossa for instance –

Captain Barbossa will rot in hell, Johnny.

Along side with our Jack.

Jack could be a fine member of society if he just…


Didn't listen to you.

That hurt, James.


Anyway, what do you expect? I am one of the devil's many helpers, you know. It's my job to make Jack go to hell.

While the shoulder angels argued, Jack dutifully tried to get as much water out of Ana-Maria's boat as he could. He quickly took of his hat as he passed the rotting corpses of killed pirates.

See, Jack? She what could happen? I'm sure you could get a job in the Navy – "

Jack groaned. "Put a sock in it, James." He snarled good-naturally.

See what you have made him behave like, Johnny? When he was a boy, oh, how well behaved he was-

He stole pennies from the kids at school.

Jack grinned at the thought. The angels stopped talking, and watched interestedly as the little ship sunk lower and lower, until Jack could just walk off onto the dock. He marched forward, and a little stoat man turned and watched him.

"Who-ho-" He spluttered. "Hold up there, you!" He shouted. The two angels and Jack sighed. Jack spun on his heel and walked up to the man.

"It's a shilling to tie up your boat on the dock." He said, self-assured.

Jack raised his eyebrows and looked at the boat- half a mast peeping out from the water.

Just be polite Jack, he's just doing his job-

Stuff polite, punch him in the nose!

Violence never solves anything, Johnny –

Gets them to shut up, at least.

Jack tried to ignore them, and concentrated on looking interested in the old man. He continued talking. "And I shall need to know your name."

The two angels held their breath. Jack, however, didn't miss a beat. He dropped three coins onto the man's outstretched book.

"What do you say three shillings," He said, smirking a little, "And we forget the name?"

The man raised his eyebrows, and then smiled. "Welcome to port Royal, Mr Smith." He said, snapping the book shut with a snap.

Jack clasped his hands and bowed, walking off.

Nice job Sparrow, very well done indeed.

Jack picked up a small bag that sat on a pole, shook it and smiled at the sound of the rattling coins.

Oh no Jack, don't do it! It's that man's money –

What are you Sparrow, a pirate or a court man?

Jack considered these wise words and slipped the bag in his pocket. James gave a sigh and folded his arms in a huff.

Jack walked down the ramp, glancing about to see if anyone was watching. The angels sat on his hat, playing a very heated game of naughts and crosses. As Johnny sensed that he was about to lose once again, he stood up in a rage and blew up the parchment in a puff of smoke. James tossed up his hands.

That's the seventh game in a row you've done that! I'm not playing anymore!

Ah, ya wuss. Come on, one more game.




"Shut up, both of you." Jack hissed, as he made his way over to a large ship. Two guards jumped up from their seats and rushed over.

"This dock is off limits to civilians." One said stiffly.

Come on Jack, those are the rules. Just walk away, nice and quietly…

Pull out ya sword and challenge 'im! We 'aven't 'ad a good swordfight in days!

Why are you suddenly slurring?

Johnny scowled. I think it's sexy.

Jack tried to ignore the two angels and turned to the guards. "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know." He said apologetically.

That's right, Jack. How polite of you-

"If I see one, I shall inform you immediately."

Johnny cheered, while James flopped down in a sulk.

Jack went to walk around the two men, but they quickly blocked his path. Jack looked confused. "Apparently there's some high-toned and fancy do up at the fort, hey?" He said smoothly.

What has that have to do with anything?

"How could it be…" He tried to get around the guards again, only to be blocked. "That two upstanding gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation?"

The guards looked confused. "Someone has to make sure that this dock stays off limits to civilians." One said quickly, tightening his grip on his gun.

Jack nodded. "It's a fine goal, to be sure. But it seems to me that a ship like that," He pointed out to the docks, where a large ship sat. Both guards and the angels turned to look at it. "Makes this one seem a bit superfluous really."

Oh Jack, don't stir them up like that-


"Shut up!" Jack muttered, glad he was the only one who could see or hear his shoulder angels.

The guard nodded. "Oh, the Dauntless is the powers in these waters, true enough." He smirked. "But there's no ship that can match the Interceptor for speed."

Jack put a finger to his beard, pretending to think. "I've 'eard of one." He said sweetly.

Don't do it, Jack. They'll get all upset…

"Supposed to be very fast, niuncatchable… the Black Pearl."

The other guard scoffed. "There's no real ship that can match the Interceptor." He laughed, shaking his head. The other one frowned.

The Black Pearl is a real ship." He said.

James groaned. Now look what you've done.

The larger guard shook his head. "No. No it's not."

"Yes it is. I've seen it."

The guard stopped laughing and turned around to face his friend. "You've seen it?" He asked disbelievingly.


"You haven't seen it!"

"Yes, I have!"

The guard lent close to the other. "You've seen a ship, with black sails, that's sailed by a man so evil… that hell itself, spat him back out?"

Jack slowly walked backwards, and then managed to slink away and walk up the plank to the ship.

That was low, Jack.

Brilliant man, brilliant. You've made me proud. Look, I have a tear in my eye. See it? Right there…

"Shut up, you two." Jack snarled. "I'm trying to steal a boat here!"

"Hey, you!"

All three groaned.