Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome make love (not explicit), and what happens next.

Disclaimer: I do not have any rights to nor make any money from the characters in this story.

Introduction for Inuyasha Fans: This story takes place at some unspecified, inconsistent point in the timeline. When I wrote this, I had only watched the first season of the anime and the first movie, though I knew some of what happens elsewhere. On purpose, in this story Kikyo does not exist.

Introduction for the Inuyasha-naive: Kagome is a modern girl who can travel back in time through a well, where she meets Inuyasha, a half-demon. He was pinned to a tree and frozen when she found him and set him free. They are searching for shards of the Shikon jewel, which Kagome can sense. Inuyasha can always travel through the well, but Kagome needs the jewel shards to go back in time. Inuyasha wears a magical necklace that Kagome can cause to pull him to the ground by saying "Sit." Kagome and Inuyasha have feelings for each other, but they are afraid to admit it to each other.


an Inuyasha Fan Fiction

by Down Iris

Chapter 1: Love,

Inuyasha lay on his open kimono, marveling at what had happened. Next to him, in his arms, lay Kagome. She clung to his waist, her head pillowed on his left shoulder. Her clothes were draped over her sleeping form. He was the luckiest person ever, lying with the one he loved most. He cherished this moment.

But it couldn't last. She couldn't stay with him in this dangerous time. Her home was in the future. And however much he wanted to be with her, he knew that she deserved better than him. He could never be worthy of her.

However, he doubted that she would see things that way. He must make that decision himself. The decision to give her up. It was the hardest thing he could ever do, to never see her, never be with her again. What should have been the best day of his life was now also the worst. He had just made love with Kagome, but this would be the last time he would ever see her.

He wasn't sure how it had happened. He had been annoyed with her, and she was annoyed at him. He had wanted to search for the remaining jewel shards himself, and have her stay safely in her time. She was having none of that. Then suddenly they were kissing. Passionately.

For a long time he had wanted to kiss her, and she had seemed like she wouldn't stop him. But he didn't want to admit, even to himself, that he loved her. It would be too painful for him to give her up then. Because his world was too dangerous for her, and he could never belong to hers. Better for her to return, not knowing his true feelings.

But at that moment, in the heat of the argument, his feelings overcame him. She looked so beautiful in the light of the setting sun. He pulled her to him and embraced her. Their lips met, and she slid her arms around him. He guided her backwards, against the tree where he had been pinned for many years, until she had brought life back to him . . . .

Afterwards Kagome slumped into his arms, exhausted but smiling. Her eyes met his, shining brightly. He lowered them both down to the ground, onto his discarded kimono. There they lay, entwined, just breathing together. All of Inuyasha's thoughts were of Kagome. Eventually she fell asleep, and he lay there, peacefully for a while, until the preceding argument came back to him.

Why had he let this happen? It would only be harder for both of them to part now. Kagome would fight it, he knew. Maybe the best way would be for him to take her back now, as she slept. Yes, that was the only way. If she woke up and smiled at him, he didn't think he would be able to bear it.

Inuyasha carefully slid out from her embrace. He wrapped his kimono around her and gently picked her up off the ground. With one hand he grabbed her shoes, then he carried her back to the well. Getting through without waking her would be a problem. He gathered her in so he wouldn't risk bumping her head or feet, and then jumped down the well and back into Kagome's own time.

He stood for a second, sniffing and listening for anyone in the small room above the well. It wouldn't do for Kagome's family to see him bringing her back like this; they might get worried she was injured and there would be some tough explaining to do. The coast was clear. He leapt out of the well and quietly opened the door. There didn't appear to be anyone outside either. Inuyasha kept to the shadows, however, and had to duck quickly around the corner of a building when Kagome's grandfather suddenly appeared. But he didn't seem to have noticed them, so Inuyasha continued to Kagome's bedroom.

He thought for a second about how to get her out of his kimono without waking her. He set her gently down on the floor and lifted her out of it. Then he laid her on her bed and tucked her in. He donned his kimono and set her clothes on a chair and her shoes underneath.

He hated leaving like this. It felt too much like he was using her and abandoning her, when that was hardly the case. He loved her entirely, but he had to leave her here where she was safe. Safe from the demons coming after them, and safe from him.

Kagome stirred a little, and that brought him out of his reverie. He picked up some paper and a pen from her desk, and after debating a while about what he could possibly write to explain himself, he simply wrote "I'm sorry." He left the note on top of her clothes, where she would know it was from him.

Inuyasha hated saying goodbye to her while she was asleep, but once she woke up she would fight it. This was for the best. He picked up the jewel shards. He brushed her hair from her face and placed a parting kiss upon her lips. Then he fled to the well, afraid his resolution would fail him and his emotions would leave Kagome vulnerable.