-To Sin-


Disclaimer: I do not own Full Metal Alchemist. If I did I would already be a world renown author. (Cries silently in a corner.) I do not own the song that I used in this chapter either. It is property of Nickleback.

A/N: Hope you enjoy this one. This is my second FMA Story so please be nice to me. Please R&R.

The song is Savin' Me by Nickleback.

-Chapter 1-

-Arrival of the sin-

"Prison gates won't open for me.

On these hands and knees I'm crawling.

Oh, I reach for you.

Well, I'm terrified of these four walls.

These iron bars can't keep my soul in."

A teen with wild hair stared out the window as the plane landed in a new town. Lucky him. A new town with a new home and new surroundings. He stared at the buildings off in the distance. What was this place going to look like?

"Well, we're here." a man beside the boy stated as passengers began to pile off the plane to gather their stuff. "I still don't see why we couldn't just drive here." The teen mumbled under his breath, but the man still caught his words.

"I thought it'd be a good thing, Envy, so we could bond a little. Once we get there I'll have to leave on a business trip." the man stated as he patted the boy's shoulder. Envy rolled his eyes at that.

He was use to being alone. His Dad was constantly gone on business trips and that kind of thing. A taxi pulled up to them as his father flagged one down.

"This is going to be a snores fest." Envy whispered to himself. School would start tomorrow for him, and he didn't know what to expect yet.

"All I need is you.

Come please I'm calling.

And oh, I scream for you.

Hurry, I'm falling."

The next morning came when he was woken up by the loud honking of his father's car. Envy practically jumped out of bed when his father did that. (Very funny mental image of Envy jumping about five feet in the air scared to death cause of his father's damn horn.)

After begrudgingly saying his good byes to his father he went to go get dressed. He wasn't too excited about a new school his his track record from his last school was longer than that of any other student.

They'd stamped him a troublemaker a long time ago when he was still in grade school. Most of the teachers described him as an attention deprived kid. He hated teachers for all that they were worth, and he vowed to make their lives as miserable as possible.

He smiled at the thought as he got on his motorcycle. That was the only good thing about his father. He didn't care that much about what his son did as long as he didn't kill anyone or cause any serious damage to himself.

"Show me what it's like.

To be the last one standing.

And teach me wrong from right.

And I'll show you what I can be."

The halls were fairly clean. They were a lot better than his last school. He'd give them that much. Envy stopped to scratch his head. He had no idea where his first class was, and to think he'd actually got here on time just to find his classes. (Let's all have a pity party.)

The first bell rung signaling that had to get to their classes, and that's when Envy first saw the blond haired chibi.

"Say it for me.

Say it to me.

And I'll leave this life behind me.

Say ii if it's worth saving me."

He was walking with a group of people who Envy made out to be his friends. The Chibi had beautiful golden blond hair that was tied back in a braid, golden eyes to match his fair hair, and a beautiful body.

You see in Envy's last school he was known as the gay guy, but that didn't bother him none. If anyone poked him about it he'd just beat the crud out of them like always. This boy looked heaven sent.

"Heaven's gates won't open up for me.

With these broken wings I'm falling

And all I see is you.

These city walls ain't got no love for me

And I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story."

This one boy caught Envy's stare, and instead of a greeting smile he gave him a death glare. (Bet you can't guess who the person glaring at Envy was.)

That's when the finale ball rang, and Envy realized he was late. It wasn't like he cared though or anything. When he finally gave up trying to find his class he asked for directions only having his class be the one right behind him.

"You must be the new student." A very pretty lady stated as a silence washed over the class. (Bet you can't guess who the teacher is. ) She had long flowing black hair with nice curves.

I nodded speechless at her appearance. "You can call me Lust." She looked out over her class. "All right class, I'd like you to meet your new class mate, Envy." Envy did his usual bow to the class.

"And oh, I scream for you.

Come please I'm calling

And all I need is you

Come please I'm falling."

Envy's gaze traveled around the class for a moment until his gaze came upon the group of people that the chibi had been with. He felt a smirk spread across his face at the sight.

"There's a seat right over there by Ed." Lust said pointing over to where the cute blond sat. "They'll help you with the work." She stated as she sat down at her desk.

"Show me what it's like

To be the last man standing

And teach me wrong from right

And I'll show you what I can be.

Say it for me

Say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me."

Ed smiled at as Envy sat down next to him much to the black haired man's anger. "Welcome, I'm Edward Elric, but all my friends call me Ed." The chibi said smiling.

"I'm Envy." Envy replied with a small smirk. "What kind of name is that?" The boy who'd been glaring at him the whole time asked glaring still.

"It's my name." Envy replied nonchalantly. This boy was getting so mad that you could see steam coming out of his ears. (Can you imagine that...? If you haven't realized who this character is it's Roy. Roy with steam coming out of his ears...That's a funny sight.)

"Hurry I'm falling

And all I need is you

Come please I'm calling

And Oh I scream for you

Hurry I'm falling."

"The name's Roy Mustang." Roy said trying to regain his composure. Time passed slowly as Envy listened to the group's talk. Envy was slightly relieved when the bell rang for his next class.

"I have a word of advice for you." Someone whispered as someone grabbed my shoulder. I turned to see a girl with blond hair too. "Stay away from what belongs to Mustang, or you'll live to regret it." The girl stated as she looked over her shoulder.

"I'm Riza, If you need anything please let me know." Envy though up a plan to get back at Roy for making fun of his name. And thus the battle begun.

"Show me what it's like to be the last one standing

And teach me wrong from right

And I'll show you what I can be

Say it for me

Say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me

Hurry I'm falling

Say it to me say it for me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me"


Here it is, the very first chapter hope you enjoyed it. This is the longest chapter that I've ever wrote.

Envy: I can't believe that Lust's my TEACHER...