When I got to the track, I couldn't believe my eyes, okay Will was here, breath Lizzy breathe. It's not like he's going to notice you in this cloud of beautiful and popular girls. You're nothing special but I couldn't help having a tiny bit of hope that he would eventually notice. I shook myself and laughed it was impossible I was practically invisible to him. Even if I did a strip in front of him he wouldn't notice. Okay maybe he would but not in the way I want him to I actually don't know why I like he's usually nasty to me infront of his friends

Oh well that's life Lizzy better get used to it.

"Right girls, grab your partners and let's hit the track"

I dragged Jane to me.

Then I gasped they expected me to run in front of Will, I look like a frump. Oh god this cannot be happening. I started to panic well hyperventilate actually.

"Lizzy its okay you look so hot"

I made sure I gave Jane a look that said not a time to joke and are you kidding look.

Oh yeah the reason Mrs. Gardiner, put us in pairs because just in case one of us collapses and the other can take over.

We all got in line, people were laughing at me, saying I couldn't run, and then I realized all of Will's class had gathered to watch.

I am going to make a pigs arse of myself.

Good way to recommend yourself to him. You won't be Caroline's geek kid sister, you'll be freak extraordinaire. Everyone knows that Mandy's a fantastic runner, so now all of my confidence has gone I can't do this. ESPECIALLY in front of Will. Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. I HATE RUNNING. Oh god oh god


Oh god oh god oh god WHAT.

"Run Lizzy", I turned and saw Jane standing next to Will. He was smiling at her and she rolled her eyes. I felt a jealous tug at my heart. How could she, she was my best friend.



I turned and saw them halfway round the track. Oops.

"Mrs.Gardiner is there REALLY much point my running now, there ALL the way round there"

People around me started laughing. I nearly cried but I didn't realize though was they were laughing at what I said not at me. It was a good natured laugh.

"Fine, Lizzy you can sit this out but I want you here, tomorrow morning practicing"

I grinned; I could deal with that nobody would be here.

"Okay Mrs. Gardiner, will anybody be here?"

"No, it's a Saturday tomorrow so no one ever bothers, so it will be just you and of course old man Lucas."

"Yes mam"

I saw Jane and Will talking looking like they were getting on famously. My heart broke.

All I could think was she was my best friend and she betrayed my trust, the words sounded disgusting in my mouth.

Betrayed my trust