Love is…

By Takako

Takki's notes: My first fic!! I"m soso proud! Well, nothing to say, just R&R please!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. It belongs to Toei and Bandai and all those other places I've forgotten. This is a (Koushiro/Izzy & Miyako/Yolei) (Kouyako or whatever) story by the way, so if you don't like that couple, then you don't have to read the story.


Ch 1 Surprise!

The bell is about to ring in Odaiba High, noisily, the students picked up their books from the school's typical green half-rusty locker, a 16 year- old girl with purple hair was at her locker, picking up books for the first lesson.

"English, Math, History…" she muttered to herself. "These subjects are just so darn boring!"

Books kept on falling down from her locker. "Damn!" she cursed.

She slammed her locker, holding a stack of books and headed to her first class.


" English is very boring," complained Naoki Ueda, a friend of Miyako's.

" So is Math," said Miyako, "I still don't get this stuff."

Yuka Kikuchi, another friend of Miyako's, came running to them.

" H..hi guys," said Yuka, still panting.

" Hi, What's up?" said Miyako. "Gosh, you're sweating."

" Mi..yako, Mr. Kutsukawa wants you to go to the computer lab right away," said Yuka seriously.

OMG! Am I in trouble?

" What for?" asked Miyako.

" No idea," Yuka replied, "He just told me to tell you to meet him at the computer lab."

" OK, see you guys later!" yelled Miyako as she headed to the computer lab.


" She's late again," said Mr. Kutsukawa.

" What do you mean she?" asked Koushiro.

" Your partner," replied Mr. Kutsukawa, " I'll tell you want is going on when she's here."

" Partner?" Koushiro repeated, suddenly, the door burst opened, and in came Miyako, panting and sweating.

" Sorry, Mr. Kutsukawa," she apologized, "I'm late. Oh, hi, Koushiro!"

" Hi!" said Koushiro.

" Koushiro, this is Miyako Inoue," said Mr. Kutsukawa, " Miyako, this is Koushiro Izumi."

They shook hands.

" Hi Izumi-sempai, what's up?" Miyako greeted cheerfully.

" So you two know each other already, that's great!" he Mr. Kutsukawa turned to Koushiro, "Koushiro, I know you are having a hard time teaching younger students all my yourself, so I think Miyako can help you out. Maybe you two can talk for a while, I have to get ready for the next class."

So Mr. Kutsukawa left, leaving Koushiro and Miyako alone in the computer lab.

" Sit down, just relax," said Koushiro, offering her a chair, "So, I'm going to start with the schedules, we have classes on Mondays and Wednesdays right after school, and I'm now teaching them how surf the net."

" Don't worry," he said seeing the worried face on Miyako, "You can catch up easily. Just ask me if you have any questions."

" OK, sure," replied Miyako, " I'm so pleased to be the assistant of the Computer Club captain."

" So am I," said Koushiro, " I finally have someone to keep company"

" Uh, I better get going," she said as she stood up, " you see, I'm going to be late for my lessons." She was running to the door and not looking where she was going, she tripped over a wire.

" Ahhhh!" she screamed.

Books were all over the floor.

" Hey! Watch---." yelled Koushiro. He quickly went in front of her and lifts her up when she was just about to fall on the floor.

" Are you OK?" asked Koushiro, still holding her.

" Yeah, I'm OK," replied Miyako, " I was just not watching where I was going." Miyako looked down and noticed that Koushiro was holding her, so she let go of him.

" Oh, I'm sorry," said Koushiro, blushing, " Go to your class or you will be late. Be careful next time."

" Thanks," said Miyako, "See you!" And she ran off to her class, leaving Koushiro standing in the lab, stunned of what he had just done. He's not that girl-crazy type of guy, he felt different towards Miyako, unlike Mimi or Sora or Hikari, the feeling is just different. It's not just the feeling of friends, or maybe more than friends?

1 What the hell am I thinking of?


" Koushiro?" Naoki almost choked her soda. " Koushiro Izumi? The red haired computer freak and always hangs around the computer lab after school?"

" Yeah, what's the matter with him?" asked Miyako, seeing the big reaction of her friend.

" That guy has no feelings, no sense of humor, absolutely nothing except himself and his darn old precious computer," Yuka commented.

"He's the most boring guy on Earth, he's so self-centered and he doesn't talk much." Naoki joined in criticizing Koushiro.

" No, I think he's pretty nice," said Miyako, thinking of what had happened just a few hours ago.

" Trust us, Miyako," said Naoki, " You'll see soon."

" He's not that bad," said Miyako.

Well, at least not to me.


Takki's notes: This fic sucks! Honestly, I kinda edit it but because of my bad English composition skills and bad grammar skills, it doesn't make any difference. Anyways, please R&R!

Other fics by me:

Needing you – Mimato

Summer Holiday – Taiora, Takari, Mimato, Kouyako

e-mail: [email protected]

Takki AKA Takako ^_^