hey! Finals were this week and if you didn't guess... I was busy. I worry about school too ya know. But I'm out of school now so i plan to finish this story come summers end.
'Souta's voice narrarating the plan'
Kagome whipped around to face a worried looking Inuyasha.
"Kagome, you ok?... You seem pretty shaken up," Inuyasha asked studying her.
"I think I know how Kikyo deceived us into thinking you killed her," Kagome said, then preceeding to tell him the whole scenerio of five minutes ago.
The look on his face was that of realization, then he spoke, "How is it she made you see something different than what happened?"
"I'm beginning to beilive, that when I'm vunerable Kikyo has some control over me. I already belived that you were going to do something with Kikyo... She just twisted my fears and made them my reality," Kagome explained thoughtful.
"But getting back to the mission at hand," Kagome touched Inuyasha's arm, sending what seemed to be images.
Inuyasha nodded and leaned over to give her a small peck on the cheek. When he pulled away her face had a pink tint, she smiled at him, and he was gone. Kagome turned back to the battle. She closed her eyes and began to focus on the other half of her soul. Kagome's eyes snapped open, she found her. Kagome turned to the west and broke into a sprint. The castle was one fourth of a mile ahead, the real Kikyo inside.
Kilala and Sango focused on killing the poisionous insects, if they didn't complete this task in 20 minutes the whole plan would be thrown off if not thwarted.
Shippo jumped off Kilala's back, yelling his attack, smashing top, on during his descent. Kilala stepped on the remaining insects. He whipped his head around to face Souta. Souta caught his eye and nodded his head, it was time for him to do his part. Shippo focused all his energy, while his spinning top illusion chased after a few weaker demons, distracting them. He poofed into Kagome, while in her demon form, her long sleak tail almost toughing the ground. All the demons turned thier attention towards him. After a seconds hesitation they all came barreling down.
'Shippo after you get their attention get behind Miroku, so he can use the wind tunnel'
Shippo scanned the area for Miroku, finding him fighting off a huge snake demon.
"Kilala!" Shippo yelled pointing at Miroku. Kilala quickly threw herself into the snake demon, sending them both flying 20 yards away. Shippo grabbed Sango's hand and dragged her behind Miroku as he unleashed his wind tunnel. The hundreds of demons that had been there before dissapeared into the dark void in Miroku's hand. As the last few dissapeared Miroku screamed in pain, he collapsed landing on one knee, he was holding his hand away from his face. The wind void in his hand was growing, he couldn't control it anymore.
'This is it,' He thought as the pain became unbarable. Souta dropped from the tree above them and surveyed the situation.Souta dug in to his robes and sound some sutras, mumbling the only prayer he knew she wrapped it around his wrist. The wind tunnels rapid growth slowed down, but didn't completly stop. Sango broke down in tears cradeling Miroku's head in her lap.
"Sango come on we have to go," Souta said firmly, "Miroku will be fine for the time being, but the sooner we kill Naraku the faster Miroku will not be in pain."
"I don't want to leave him," She said sounding broken.
"If you want to save him you will!" Souta yelled angrily, Sango's eyes widened, "I want to save him to, but we all have to go. Kagome and Inuyasha can't do it alone, they need us."
"I'll stay," Shippo said returning to his normal form. Sango whipped the tears from her eyes, she leaned down and kissed Miroku's cheek. Lowering his head to the ground she stood up and slung hiraikotsu on her back.
"Kilala," She yelled her voice strong and determined. She jumped on to Kilala's back, and Kilala began to follow Kagome's scent, Souta running a little ahead of them, jumping it to trees to avoid Naraku's puppets. All of their extra time between each attack strategy was dipleted, and Souta could only hope everyone knew thier part like the back of thier hands.
ok three more chapters to go... I'll be with out a computer for a week. but I'll update when I get back.
Ja Ne