Ryan prepares for eye surgery and has an unexpected visitor someone else that goes by the name Wolfe…

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone or anything from any CSI show.

This is my first CSI: Miami fic, so be gentle…

Please Review

CSI Ryan Wolfe waited impatiently in the waiting room of his ophthalmologist, Dr. Medby. The results from the test to see if the new antibiotics had worked were in and he was waiting to hear the results.

''Mister Wolfe'' A nurse called him ''She'll see you now''

Ryan got up from his seat, left the magazine that he had tried to read to keep his mind off of things and made his way to the doctor's office. He opened the door just enough to see Dr. Medby sitting at her desk.

''Come in Ryan'' She told him ''Have a seat''

Ryan did as he was told and took a seat in one of the comfortable leather chairs in front of the desk.

''Ryan, as you know, the first antibiotics we gave you after your injury didn't work. So we gave you Cephalexin instead in hopes that it would fight the infection''

''Doc, I know all this. I didn't come here to hear the details again. I want to know, did it work or not?''

Dr. Medby removed her glasses, and took a deep breath trying to find her words.

''I'm afraid it didn't Ryan. We didn't catch it in time and the medicine's not working''

Ryan stared at nothing and brought his hand to touch his eye gently

''I guess that leaves only one option'' He said

''I'm sorry, but at this point surgery is the only option. Without it, you will lose your eyesight''

''But, there's a possibility that I'll lose my sight even with the surgery right''

''That is a possibility, but your chances are quite good''

''I'm sure''

''I prefer to get the surgery done as soon as possible to stop the spread of the infection. I'm scheduling you for next Friday morning. I'll see you than''

''Thanks Doc'' Ryan got up from his seat

''Once again Ryan, I'm sorry that it had to come to this''

''No problem, I'll see you next Friday'' They shook hands and he left.

Ryan drove back to CSI headquarters on the surprisingly empty highway. All he could think about was the operation that he would have to face in about a week's time. One thing he knew he would have to face was his boss Lieutenant Horatio Caine, who would ask what the good doctor had said. Trying to get his mind off of things he flipped on the radio Daniel Powter- Bad Day was playing.

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on

Isn't this appropriate? Ryan thought

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Ryan entered the building that housed the CSI team; the air-conditioned place was a refreshment from the heat outside. Horatio was standing at the entrance, waiting for him it seems.

''Hello Mister Wolfe'' He said coolly

''Hey H'' He said about to pass him

''Not so fast'' Horatio stopped him ''I want to know, what did she say?''

Ryan scratched the back of his head

''Everything's fine. Doc said it's all cleared up''

''Mister Wolfe, one thing I really don't appreciate is when my people lie to me. Now tell me what she really said''

Ryan let out a long sigh and started

''The infection hasn't cleared up, the antibiotics they gave me didn't work''

''Okay, and if I remember correctly you had told me that if that didn't work than''

'' They're going to have to operate. I'm already scheduled for next Friday''

Horatio nodded

''Go home Mister Wolfe, this is a lot to take and I want you to rest''

''H, if I go home I won't rest, I'll just be thinking about it, let me work, keep my mind off of things, please''

''Alright Mister Wolfe, you're with me, but if you don't mind I'll be doing the driving'' Horatio said and headed into the sun with Ryan following behind him.