"Now, Harry wait right here while your mommy and I go in and get our orders. Don't move from this bench. Got it?" James told his son. Harry nodded his head. "Good."

James and Lily both went into the store to get the food they had ordered for Harry's birthday party, which was tomorrow. He was going to be seven. Harry was waiting for them for about two mintues when, dun dun dom he heard some crying.

Harry looked around and saw a small blond child in the middle of the street looking down while crying and crossing the road. He also saw a car coming. He quickly jumped off the bench and ran into the road and pulled the blond boy out of it. He led him to were he was sitting at. Harry looked at the child puzzled.

"What are you looking at?" The blond child asked and glared or attempted to. He couldn't really pull it off because he was crying.

"You." Harry answered, then asked. "What's wrong with you? You almost got ran over."

"None of sniff of your business. 'Sides, you're a stranger and mummy said never to talk to strangers." The child said while still crying.

"My mommy says the same thing." Harry said while smiling. "She also said that if people are crying they're crying for one of three reasons. They're really sad or really scared or really happy. What are you?"

"I'm...sniff I'm sad..." The child immended while crying more and looking down.

"Why?" Harry asked as he scooted closer to the crying child.

"I can't sniff find my sniff mummy and daddy sniff..." He said.

"I'll help you find them then." Harry said. The blond-haired child looked up quickly and surpised.

"You will sniff..." He asked in a small voice. Harry nodded. The blond child smiled and wiped the tears off his face.

"Yes." Harry answered as he climbed off the bench. "Now, let's go."

"Ok..." The blond child trailed off as he frowned.


"I don't know your name."

"It's Harry. What's yours?"

"..." The child looked down as he blushed.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you my name."

"Why not?"

"Because you'll..."

"I'll what?"

"You'll laugh..."

"No I won't."

"Yes, you will."

"I won't."

"How do I know if you are telling the truth?" He asked, still blushing, and looked up at Harry.

"I..." Harry thought. "I know! Pinky promise!"

"What's a pinky promise?" He asked curiously as his blush slid away.

"It's when you take I take my pinky like this. He holds out his pinky to the other's And you take yours. The blond child reluctanly lifted his pinky. And now we hook them together. Which they did." Harry shook their pinkies up and down and said. "I pinky promise to help you find your parents and not laugh at your name."

Harry then let go of the blonde's pinky.

"What does this mean?" He asked confused.

"It means that now I have to keep my promise. My name is Harry Potter." Harry answered. "And your's?"

"Is..." The blond blushed slightly.



"Dra what?"

"Draco...Malfoy..." He mummbled as he looked at the ground and waited for Harry to laugh at him.

"That's not a funny name." Harry said. Draco looked up from the ground.

"It's not?"

"I even think that your name is cool. It's way better than Harry Potter."

"Really?" Draco asked hopefully and Harry nodded his head. Draco smiled brightly.

"Now, let's go find your parents." Harry said as he held his hand out for Draco to climb off the bench and take, which he did without any hesiatation.

Harry and Draco searched around for what seemed like ages but was really only about three mintues, when someone yelled.

"Draky-poo!" A female's voice rang out from behind Harry and Draco. Draco turned around and ran towards a beautiful woman with blonde hair. Beside her stood a tall, handsome blonde-haired man.

"Mummy!" Draco shouted as the woman caught him in her arms.

"Oh, you had Mummy and Daddy all worried about you." She said as she held Draco tightly.

"Indeed." The man stated as he ruffed Draco's hair. Draco giggled.

"I'm sorry..." Draco said, then looked at Harry smiling. "Thanks Harry..."

"What did he do?" The woman asked.

"There was a car coming and almosted hit me, but Harry was super quick and saved me!" Draco told them excitedly. "He helped me try and find you! And guess what Mummy?"

"What?" She asked smiling at Draco.

"He didn't laugh at my name!"

"That's great!" She said to Draco, then to Harry. "You've saved his life."

"It was nothing." Harry said blushing at the attention.

"I wouldn't say that." The man said. "We now owe you a wizard's debt."

"What does that mean?" Harry asked curiously.

"It means that if you ever need something done no matter what it is, we have to comply."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because you saved something very perious to us, Draco's life, without any heistation or thinking." The man said walking up to Harry. He waved his hand a piece of paper appeared in it. He handed to Harry who took it. "This is proof that we owe you the debt."

Harry took the paper and looked at it. It glistened, because it was made out of gold.

"Wow..." Harry muttered.

"Harry James Potter Jr. !" Harry's mother shouted stomping over to Harry with his father in tow. "You had your father and I worried. What were you thinking?"

"I had to help Draco." Harry said pointing at Draco, who was on the ground and walking towards Harry. Harry's mother and father looked at Draco, then at Harry.

"What do you mean?" His father asked.

"He has saved my child's life." Draco's father explained. "And now we owe him a wizerd's debt."

"Thank you Harry..." Draco said, smiling brightly at Harry. Harry blushed slightly.

"It was nothing." Harry mumbled and his parents raised their eyebrows at his sudden shyness. This was unlike their son to blush and mumble.

"Well, we have to go now. Thank you once again." Draco's father said and started to walk away. Draco looked at his father, then Harry.

"..." Draco blushed as he leaned forward and gave Harry a peck on the cheek. "Bye Harry..."

He ran up to his mother who held her hand out for him to take, which he did. They followed Draco's father and soon vanished into the crowd.

"Well, isn't that something." Harry's mother said astonished as she put her right hand on her hip. "We leave you alone for a little while and you save someone. Now you have someone owing you the highest kind of debt there is."

"That's our little boy!" Harry's father said while ruffing up Harry's already wild hair.

"Well, let's continue to get ready for your birthday party." His mother said and they made their way back to their car.