I don't own Bleach.

A/N: I know it's a day earlier, but what the heck.

I didn't have a Valentine's fic for this (yes, I was amazed too) but here's my Bleach White Day fic, concerning mostly Valentine actually XD Happy reading. :D

Explanation – White Day – in Japan only girls are supposed to give gifts and chocolate etc on February the 14th i.e. Valentine's Day. The guys return some of the gifts depending on which gifts they liked (or ate if it's chocolate) and how much they like the girls that gave it to them a month later, on March the 14th. That's White Day.

White Day

He knew she hardly meant it.

Back then, a month ago, actually, when she came up to him with the small red box of chocolates and made a scene in the middle of class, he knew she didn't know what she was doing. All around them girls were running back and forth with sweets, gifts and teddy-bears, as though frantic to show the rest of them they loved their significant other more;

Actually loving that person meant close to nothing.

For someone who had never experienced February the 14th before and who wasn't even that interested to begin with, the day seemed like nothing more than a special day between friends of opposite genders where they exchanged gifts.

Not that far off, but that close, either.

"Aren't they embarrassed by it?" She asked him, and he, being so used to the holiday and the feeling of nausea that came with it, shrugged it off.

"Of course not", he berated her. "Why should they? If they were, they wouldn't have done it in the first place."

"Why are only the girls giving gifts?" She questioned, her annoyance clearly showing in her voice.

"That's the tradition", he answered. "The guys give stuff back in a while."

"Would you… like something too?"

He used the crowd they were walking through as an all too comfortable excuse to ignore both the question and the blush on her face.

That didn't stop her from walking up to him, right in the middle of the classroom and hand him a box of chocolate candies decorated with small red hearts and bunny prints.

Keigo had a stroke;

Chizuru came this close to wringing his neck… or at least trying to.

Orihime went on about how plain chocolates were boring and was about to present her own homemade hellish creation when Tatsuki dragged her away.

Annoyed and embarrassed, he accepted the offering if only to end the scene and get the hell out of there.

At home, though, he had to hand it to her – she picked one fine box of chocolates.

So he knew she didn't mean it. She didn't know what she was really doing, or the consequences of acting in that way.

That didn't stop him from buying a matching box of chocolates and a pink Chappy plushy now, one month later.

So Kuchiki Rukia didn't understand Valentine's Day.

That didn't mean Kurosaki Ichigo had to forget about White Day.