*ducks flying objects*

Sorry it has been so long since the last update…I wasn't actually going to update yet…but I am hoping it will help me get past the block…so here goes!

{sorry it will probably be short}

Chapter 10: A deadly encounter

Angie was so excited about being in Gryffindor. It meant two things…1 she wouldn't have to endure the slytherins harsh treatment to her, and 2 she could be closer to harry.

As the students filed out of the great hall and made their way up to their dorms Severus called out to Harry and Angela.

"Yes Dad?" Angela asked as they turned around.

"I just wanted to let you know that I was proud of you. And I cant wait to see you both in class tomorrow. I would also like to ask you if you would like to join me tomorrow after your classes to have dinner with me in my quarters instead of the great hall?" Severus asked, just a little unsure of what their reactions would be.

"We would love to Sev. What time would you like us to meet you?" Harry replied, smiling.

"Seven-thirty?" Severus asked, smiling.

"Sounds great Dad, we'll see you then." Angela replied as they gave Severus a hug and headed on their way.

Angela and harry had made it to the third floor before they ran into trouble, in the form of three seventh year slitherins.

"Looky here. It's the traitors beloved brats." One of the Slytherins said as they came out of the shadows.

Angela stopped in her tracks and took a step back.

"You're supposed to be going to your dorms." Harry said as he stood in front of angie, blocking her from them. "Go get Sev." He whispered to her. "Run!"

As angie turned to run a bright light filled the corridor and harry screamed in pain as he flew backwards, into the wall. Angie spun in place and threw her hands up as another spell flew towards her. The spell rebounded and struck the ground in front of the slytherins. They all took a step back as her eyes lit with a fire brighter than a phoenix and turned an almost molten redish black. Her hair blew in a non-exhistent wind.

"You NEVER touch my family. If you ever lay hand or magic on any of them again I will see to it that you entrails become your extrails!" As she finished a silvery figure appeared in front of her. " I need Dad NOW!" She told the figure which then sprang away at a very high speed.

The slytherins were frozen in place and one had even fainted. It was only a minute or two later that a very frantic Severus Snape came careening around the corner and sliding to a halt two feet away.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON!" He yelled at his students as he knelt next to harry. "Headmasters office NOW!"

The slytherin students all ran, dragging their unconscious friend with them.

"Harry please wake up." Severus begged. Harry groaned and took a shaky breath.

"Daddy…hurts." Harry forced out. "Please."

Snape started at the words that came out of harry's mouth before he carefully snatched harry from the floor and dashed for the hospital wing, and equally frantic Angela on his heels, the anger replaced with worry.


Mwahahaha is he ok? What does snape think about harry calling him daddy…till next time.