Author's Note: This is a combination of Pride and Prejudice and the Phantom of the Opera. As the characters are hybrids, they are not OOC because their characters actually don't exist. So I can do whatever I want! MWHAhAHAHA! This does not mean I will have Erik wearing pink and dancing among daisies, it just means he is not canon. Darcy isn't canon. Because Erik!Darcy is one being!
Furthermore, I am not Jane Austen. I am not Gaston Leroux. I have my own writing style. I intend to steal their ideas and ruin them with my crappy writing, and that's that (well, actually I hope NOT to do that, but you get my point).
So, now that I'm done being defensive and paranoid, enjoy.
P.S. My title is dreadful. Help me. Ok, now enjoy.
"I detest these parties, Charles."
"Ha! I know you are not one to concern yourself with etiquette, but these are to be my neighbors. I cannot very well begin my time here by refusing so genial an invitation!" Mr. Bingley said as he adjusted his waistcoat and smiled at his reflection.
"Your neighbors. Precisely." Sneered his icy companion. "My presence is neither required nor requested."
Mr. Bingley laughed pleasantly, "On the contrary! I have asked you to attend. You designed my excellent new home and must allow yourself to take some public credit. And do not forget that your extraordinary wealth has made you something of a celebrity. Your presence will cause quite a stir."
Erik Darcy reluctantly turned towards the mirror and focused his yellow eyes squarely on the black cloth upon his face. "That," he murmured, "is exactly what I fear."