Drowning in an ocean of loneliness
Swimming in a sea of despair
Longing for something,
That's much more than nothing
Yearning for anything
Seeking meaning
Looking for reason
Wanting the fire,
One small spark of desire
Yet nothing is all that is there
Loneliness, sorrow,
pain, nothingness
I tire of feeling this listlessness
I ache to feel much more
I need to breathe,
Much more than just breath
I long to breathe life,
As, life…is a gift,
Or so I am told
If this is true then
why does it feel so damned old
Living this life
It is bleeding me dry
I just want to see
For one day of my life
This thing everyone's so ecstatic about
Because for me…
it is getting old
because for me...
I just want out.