Disclaimer: I still own nothing; otherwise these stories wouldn't be on the net but in books. And oh yeah, Nancee and Olette are the names of my best friends, and yes, they are actually spelled that way.

Author's Note: Hey people, I would just like to say thank you to all of those who reviewed, they were very supportive and encouraging. I've recently become very interested in another ship with Hermione (and no, it's not Ron, he's just too much of a git and a chicken). Actually, it's Charlie/Hermione. So please give my story a chance and review!

Chapter One: A New Law

Hermione just sat in the chair in the Burrow's kitchen, staring at the letter she had just received. Slowly, she whispered, "I can't believe they've done this. I just can't believe it. What am I supposed to do?"

Molly patted the girl on the back. "Now calm down, dearie. Everything is going to be fine."

Hermione broke down and began yelling, "Fine? Fine? I have exactly six months to marry someone or else I'm going to get paired with someone by the ministry. I'm not even dating someone and you say everything is gong to be fine?"

"Oh, come on dearie. You can always have one of my boys. I have enough of them."

"No, I can't. Bill is married to Fleur, George has Nancee, Fred has Olette, and Ron has Luna. I couldn't break anyone up, they're too happy."

Molly stood up, her hands on her hips. "First of all, I do have one more son, Charlie. And second, no man in his right mind is gong to date and marry some girl within six months. You're seventeen and a dear friend of Harry's; don't you realize that someone evil might want you for those reasons?"

Hermione took a deep breath, calming down; it was rare that she ever blew up at Mrs. Weasley, so this only showed the gravity of the situation. "Let me at least try first, Molly, before you call Charlie. Times are desperate, there might be someone. All right?"


There was a loud pop and suddenly Charlie Weasley, the second oldest Weasley child, was standing in the middle of the room. "Hello, Mum. Now what did Fred and George blow up this time?"

Hermione was silent as Molly said, "What makes you think Fred and George did something? Do you know something I don't?"

Charlie laughed and replied, "No, but you said that it was a family emergency, and anything concerning those two is an emergency."

"Actually, I wanted to know if you were seeing anyone."

Charlie sighed. "No, Mum, I'm not seeing anyone, and I wish you would stop this. Your hints and suggestions aren't going to help me find a girl any sooner."

"Actually, Charlie, I'm glad you aren't seeing anyone."

Charlie looked the woman up and down. "All right, now who are you and what have you done with my mum?"

Despite herself, Hermione let out a snort of laughter, alerting Charlie to her presence. He spun around and said, "Hello, miss, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. My name is Charlie Weasley by the way."

Hermione smiled and shook his hand. It was the same old charming Charlie. "Hello, Charlie. Actually, we've met before, I'm Hermione Granger."

"Ah, yes, one of my kid brother's friends. You've changed."

"And you're just the way you were before."

Molly interrupted, "Actually, Charlie, it's because of Hermione that I wanted you to come immediately."

Charlie looked her up and down, much like he had done his mother. "Is something wrong? I'm not much of a healer."

"They've passed a new law, son."

Comprehension dawned on Charlie's face. "The marriage law, I've heard of that. All muggleborn witches or wizards must marry a pureblood of the opposite gender within the period of six months. Failure to do so will result in an arranged marriage between a pair of the ministry's choosing. My friend Keith told me about it. But what does that have to do with me? It only truly affects those here, and I live in Romania."

"Yes, but you're a pureblood and you're not seeing anyone."

Charlie laughed. "Oh, so you're donating my body to the ministry? I didn't think you wanted grandchildren that much, Mum."

Hermione's face flushed, but it was she who said, "Actually, Charlie, you're mother wants you to get married. And she wants you to marry me."

Charlie looked shocked. "You? But you're not a muggleborn."

"Actually, I am. You must have forgotten. And as it also happens, I'm not seeing anyone."

"And so you need to get married?"


Charlie was silent for a moment before nodding and saying, "All right."

This time it was Hermione's chance to be shocked. "All right? You mean you'll marry me?"

Charlie nodded again. "Sure. I mean, all my siblings seem to like you as a friend, so I'm sure they'll like you as a sister-in-law."

"Yes, but they're not marrying me."

"Dear, it's been my experience not to question a good thing," Molly commented.

"Honey, my mum's right. I'm not seeing anyone and trust me, I have had more than enough experience with the wrong type of women, besides if you're a friend of the family's than you're a friend of mine, and who better to marry than a friend? Besides, you're important and we can't lose you."

Hermione was silent, Charlie's logic actually made sense, and that's more than can be said for most of the Weasley family most of the time. But then she nodded and said, "All right, you're right. I know you are."

Charlie smiled. "Of course, you know everything. But where do you want to live? Because I don't believe there are very many dragons here in England."

"We'll stay here for a while and then we'll go to Romania."

Molly smiled and began clapping. "I'm so happy; I've finally got a wedding to plan. And Hermione is going to be my daughter."

Charlie wrapped his arm around Hermione, something that shocked her incredibly, and whispered, "Be ready for the most horrible experience of your life. My mum is planning our wedding."