Camera 1 pans down into a studio where we see Albert Wesker sitting comfortably behind a desk.
"Welcome to the show, I'm your host, Albert Wesker. Call me Albie, you better have a tombstone already marked." Wesker chuckles to himself slightly.
"As you may know, I'm almost always the host in these things and I have no idea why. Surprisingly, I have a feeling that this one won't have me horribly mutilated."
Wesker stops talking and there is a strange silence.
"Omniscent voice guy that's your cue!"
"Thanks Tom!" comes an overly enthusiastic voice that sounds like it's from the Price is Right. "My name's not Tom you fucker! It's Wesker!"
"Whoah there Wesker, have you been taking you're medication?"
"Who wants to know?"
"Whatever. Lets meet our contestants!"
A creepy jingle starts to play. "Air force veteran and former S.T.A.R.S member, lets get a warm round of appaulse for Chris Redfield!"
A huge room appears on screen with many cheering fans behind bullet proof glass. There also appears to be large gates all around the building, along with one metal gate labeled 'Entrance'. We see the door open for a second while a body is flung into the arena facefirst. As he gets up he say's "Wherethe hell am I? And why am I wearingmy original S.T.A.R.S outfit?" He doesn't get a chance to get up before the next contestant is flung in.
"Back from his trip to Spain! The amazing Leon Scott Kenedy!" Leon gets thrown in but immediately gets back on his feet. "My RPD uniform, weird."
"Delta Force veteran and don't ask me how, it's Jill Valentine!" Jill walks in carefully. Apparently she taught the people who were about to throw her a lesson. She too was in her original outfit.
"Motorcycle rider and Chris' little sister, Claire Redfield!" Claire wearing her outfit from code veronica walks out and helps Chris up. "Chris, what's going on?" she asked.
"I don't know. I was at a Walmart when these guys picked me up in a truck and gassed me."
"The lovely Rebecca Chambers!" Rebecca walks out wearing her S.T.A.R.S uniform. "Hey guys, what's going on?" she asks.
"Confict or victim, you decide. It's Billy Coen!" As Billy walks out he looks pretty messed up. He has a black eye and his shirt is torn. "Sup Becky." says he before passing out on the ground. Rebecca rushes over to help as the next name is called.
"Mr. Death himself, it's HUNK!" Hunk walks out in his uniform with his mask off. He looks like an average blonde person with a few blood marks on his face.
"Next up is the mysterious Ada Wong!" Ada walks in her red dress and says one thing, "Oh crap, not again." Leon comes up to her as the next contestant is called into the arena.
"Ladies love the accent, it's Carlos Oliveria!" Carlos walks out looking like he's been drugged. He strolls over to Claire and say's, "Hey baby, how 'bout I buy ya a bear, then we can come ove to my place to have sex?" Claire get's away from him and goes next to Hunk.
"You thought he died but oh are you mistaken! It's Steve Burnside!" Claire's eyes go wide as she sees him stumble out looking confused.
"And last but not least! The infamous old buddy of Leon's..." Leon takes this moment to say "Oh shit."
"...everyone welcome, Jack Krauser!" As he steps out in his all his beret wearing glory, the moment he sees Ada he jumps he attempts to strangle her. "You thought I didn't hear that big thing comment didn't you bitch!"
Before he could finish the job (or the others pry him off, which ever you prefer) A huge double sided Tv monitor comes down from the ceiling. On it is the infamous Albert Wesker. This of course comes to the effect of some people saying things like "No way" "I thought he died" "What's up" and "Why is he wearing shades inside?" As soon as the contestants look at him he starts speaking.
"Welcome to the cage match of doom. Here you will be forced to go through rounds of fighting off the monsters you all faced. It gets progressivly harder as things go so watch yourselves. Except for you Chris. I hope you get eaten. Hahahahaha!" At this Chris spits at the monitor. Unfortunatly for him, it lands on Jack.
"Now for the rules. Each round has a certain amount of monsters. Kill them on and you get a break. Fufill the extra criteria before you or they are killed, and you get wonderful bonuses. These bonuses are things like a combat knife, a handgun, blah blah blah."
"Of course I'm guessing you all die before round round 5, but hey who knows? Also, if I feel like it I'll throw in another contestant or two. At the end, if you get there, you must fight each other to the death! Oh and in the unlikly event that one of you survives, um you get a car. Now, on to round one!"
A cage opens up and out comes a...
Sorry, you'll have to wait for chapter two for the actual fighting. This is just a precurser. Oh and leave a review. You get a treat!