A/N: Hey everyone. This songfic is just something I came up with while listening to Three Days Grace. Hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: As much as it pains me to write this, I do not own Red Eye, nor do I own 'I Hate Everything About You.' That belongs to Three Days Grace.
time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I
But I haven't missed you yet
Every room-mate kept awake
every silent scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I
still don't miss you yet
Lisa drained the last of her homemade Sea Breeze. Damn him. She thought idly as her thoughts wandered to the man she spent more time thinking about than she cared to admit. Jackson Rippner. Two years since the Red Eye flight from hell. Two years of sleepless nights. Two years of obsessively glancing over her shoulder, sure that the next time she did she would see him. Two years of playing over and over again the words and actions said and done that night.
She had changed a lot in these last two years. To anyone at work she seemed the epitome of perfection, the wonderful worker who could fix any problem and still keep a smile on her face. To her father she seemed the doting daughter, happy and carefree, having fallen easily back into a normal life style.
But no one knew the real Lisa Reisart. No one knew the woman who had at least two weapons hidden in every room in her two-story apartment. No one knew the woman who would drink herself to sleep on nights when she would find no sleep otherwise. God she hated him. He did this to her; made her scream at shadows, flinch at the sight of an airplane; cover her ears at the sound of smooth jazz. She hated the way he had made her feel strong, to deceive her with her own actions. Sure she had beaten him, she had beaten the living shit out of him, but she had also lost in a sense. She had lost her already shaky sense of security; she had lost the confidence she had been running on as she beat him with her hockey stick. When the paramedics had taken him away, she had felt drained, now she didn't even feel. She was numb, wouldn't allow anyone to get too close, wouldn't allow herself to open too much. She hated that he of all people was the one to ignite feelings in her that had remained dormant for so long. She hated him because she couldn't fully erase the feeling she had felt before their flight together. She hated him because, otherwise, she would love him.
Lisa placed her glass in the sink. 3 a.m., the night was young. She was contemplating eating something when she heard it. The sound she had been subconsciously listening for, for the past two years, the sound of someone upstairs, the sound of someone walking down the stairs, the sound of someone in the kitchen doorway, the sound of her own heart beating in her ears. "Hey Leese."
Only when I stop to think about it
hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything
about you
Why do I love you
Lisa knew who it was before she had even lifted her eyes from the metallic shine of the sink. A voice in the back of her mind reminded her to wash the dishes later. She turned. Jackson Rippner. The Devil's own. He stared at her with the quicksilver eyes that had been ever present in her dreams. She knew then and there they would haunt her to her death. Coolly words slipped from her mouth. "Hey Jack." She refused to say his whole name; it would be like betraying herself. He regarded her for a moment before slowly stepping forward. She took a step back. Forward, backward; Lisa felt like they had fallen into some sick dance.
Only when her back touched the counter did she begin to panic. "How've you been Leese?" She noted his voice still rattled in his chest. She smiled. It must have looked like a grimace. "Fabulous, and you?" she asked, voice dripping in venomous sarcasm. She had to keep playing this game; she had to win. She had to convince herself he was nothing more than a lowly villain, that she did not love him, because he was not worth loving. She could feel the cabinet that held her knives calling to her from just above her head. If she just moved a bit to the side she would be able to open it and stab those ice blue eyes out. He smiled and she knew she could never do that. He was on her in an instant, hands pinned above her head as she writhed about.
"You know, I've missed you Leese, honestly I have. I've never met someone like you. You, who can challenge me and come out unscathed. You really threw me through a loop there, Lisa. I had pegged you down as the weak fool you masqueraded as. Boy was I wrong. And for some reason I can't stop thinking about you and I need to understand why."
This had all come out as a harsh whisper. She had gotten a hold of a knife; he had a gun. They were at an impasse. Both knew this and acknowledged it, neither letting their guards down. He was so close, so close she could have, should have stabbed him. His breath teased her neck, and she knew she couldn't. Both watched the other warily until she finally dropped her gaze. She was tired of fighting, tired of the endless nights, tears on her cheeks, nerves worn thin. To be honest, she was even tired of hating; hating her weakness, hating him. So, instead she dropped her head to his shoulder and cried. Slowly his arms came up around her, as if he had somehow been expecting this. Knowing him he probably had. At this thought she cried harder, cried for the life she should have been living, cried for all the pain they had both suffered. Through all this, neither dropped their respective weapons. Slowly they made their way upstairs, both very aware of the others presence, neither sure of what was to come. She was leaning heavily on him, the urge to fight drained, and for once, she didn't feel weak because of it. And as the night consumed them, as passion filled the air around them, she never once felt weak, never once felt scared and she couldn't help but love him for it.
time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I
But I still don't miss you yet
Only when I stop to think about it
hate everything about you
Why do I love you
You hate everything
about me
Why do you love me
He was still there in the morning, sleeping peacefully, arms wrapped tightly about her. Lisa turned and faced him, faced the enormity of what she had done. She couldn't really determine what she felt. She had gone so long without emotions that she truly was not sure any longer. In her heart she knew she loved him, but there was so much baggage that came with that acknowledgement. He was a killer; he had tried to kill her. And yet, watching him as she was now, with his face glowing in the morning light a feeling of peace swept over her. His blue, blue eyes opened and the light lit them on fire and he kissed her as her whispered good morning. "I love you." She almost whispered. Almost. But as she once again looked into his eyes, she knew that he knew, and that he also felt it, the one feeling neither should have felt for the other. But they felt it nonetheless, and the world seemed a bit brighter because of it.
You hate
I hate
You love me
hate everything about you
Why do I love you?