KITG: okay, decided to try something different. Don't think anyone has done this idea. So hope you like. This story is dedicated to YamiSeirei. My Hikari and best friend. I promised to do another Yugioh fic for her. Sorry for all those who were reading "pirate King" and "Accepting ones fate" I will try to do a load of chapters for each story this week. So keep your eyes peeled.

Protecting Wings

He pressed the button on his control stick and the Rattata of the guns answered his touch, the constant chatter of his fellows and home all demanding attention. He rolled his plane, trying to get away from the plane on his six. He heard the ping of metal as bullets riddle the planes frame. Smoke began to billow from the engine, all the good work gone to waste. All the kills stamped on the side of his plane would never lengthen. The craft fought with him, as the nose began to pitch forward. The cold embrace of the ocean waiting him. As he lost control, the plane spiraling in a dizzying sick motion. Only one thing crossed his mind.

"I'm sorry Yugi"…..then the waves welcomed him.


6 Months earlier…….

He stood looking to the clear skies, dotted with little fluffs of cloud. The sound of the sea, the salt breeze blowing through his tri color hair, he knew it was strange to have this hue, but he had been born with it. His hair was short, in regs with the rules.

He walked across the grass, which swayed in the summer wind. The rumble of powerful engines dominating the cries of the birds flying over the chalk cliffs.

He moved past the men running back and forth across the scene. He turned his amethyst orbs to the control tower, seeing the large aerials swaying back and forth.

"Hey Merlin" he looked over, seeing the blonde haired mechanic waving his arms.

"Hey Hound. How's it going?" he replied, as the mechanic slapped him on the back,

"Any news yet?" the blonde one said, his American accent coming through strong.

"No sorry Hound, but they should be back soon"

"Ooh boy have you got it bad Merlin"

"Hey! Have not"

"So you're not searching the sky for a certain ace pilot?"

"And neither are you I suppose?" Merlin replied with a sly smile.

"What you crazy? Who would I be looking for?"

"Dragon perhaps?"

"And your not looking for Phoenix?"

"Okay, okay. If I shut up, will you shut up?"

"Deal" Hound laughed, embracing his shorter friend. Both wore mechanic overalls, each displaying the proud symbol of the R.A.F.

Behind them stood the hangers the gray metal shining in the light. The sound of metal meeting metal as the men worked on the machines inside. Here and there on the walls were posters. "Careless talk cost lives" one stated in large letters. The smell of Aircraft fuel was strong as the wind changed, the orange windsock following it's path like a flag in the wind. To one side was a wooden hut, painted a dark green. This was the airfield ready room, where inside the pilots always on call could be ready. Though today most were outside enjoying the sunshine in this brief respite. The sound of music reached their ears, as the radio was on at a low level, the trumpets and jive beat making some tap their foot. Others dozed or wrote letters to loved ones.

"Oh Merlin, the parts are here"

"Well we had better get them sorted before they come back. Phoenix and Dragon will want their plane's ready as soon as possible." Merlin replied. They walked to the hangers, seeing gramps looking through the books, and showing some of the new recruits how to fit stuff.

"Hey gramps," Merlin greeted.

"Give us a sec Merlin me boy." He looked as a runner came up.

"Sergeant Sugoroku. Brigadier Honda would like a word with you" the white haired teen nodded to the group. "Hey Merlin, Hound"

"Hey Ryou, how's it going being the Brigadier's attaché?"

"Good. Though I have to do loads of running." The young one sighed, he had chocolate brown eyes and a young face, making him look like a child that a young man.

"I'll be along shortly corporal" Gramps waved him off. "The Parts are in my boy. You had better get ready."

"Sure thing." Hound replied then turned to the hanger crew "look lively you rats. Work to be done"

The hanger became a bustle of activity as the men got the parts ready for the planes when they returned. All was going well when Merlin's head whipped round to the open sky.

"They're back" he said in a nonchalant tone. And now, over the sound of the radio and the men came the roar of engines, their power and tone unmistakable. In the sky came the forms of Spitfire's. Their canopies glinting in the sunlight, the circle of red white and blue proudly displayed. The roar of the powerful Merlin engines reverberating the ribcage as the planes flew low ready to land. Their landing gear came down and landed on the grass, the engines throttling back as they coasted out of the way of the others. Each wing landed on the grass. In each wing were four planes; there were 2 wings today. They had been on coastal patrol. Each plane came to rest side by side, the crew placing wooden chucks in front and behind each wheel so the plane would remain were left. Out of the first plane came a handsome man, hair like Merlin's. But his eyes were of a sanguine hue. Beside him came another tall man, his hair was short and brown, his eyes were pure blue. His face set in a scowl as he ruffled his hair now free from the leather cap. Each wore the thick leather jackets; on the inside they were covered in sheep fleece, to keep the pilots warm as they flew at the high altitude. They were often called nolly coats. Both had the silver wing badge of the RAF to show they were pilots.

The two men walked past the mechanic's and headed to the bunks, obviously to cleanup then get something to eat.

Merlin and the others made their way over to the planes, to re-fuel them, re-load them and just to check them out. He had just recently taken over as head mechanic to the ace pilot Phoenix. Though that was not his real name as Merlin was not his. Not Phoenix was his call sign or nickname as it were. His real name was Yami Moto his wingman was Dragon, real name Seto Kaiba. Hound had taken over looking after his plane. Their previous mechanics had died when they visited London, that night it had been the first of the Blitz…and they were killed.

He looked through the Spitfire, making adjustments to make her go faster, and handle better. Each plane had a symbol that if you were lucky was related to you. But often you got the plane of someone who had died. Yami and Seto were still in their original planes. They weren't Ace's for nothing. On Yami's was a strange eye, painted in gold. On Seto's was a white dragon with blue eyes.

"Attention, Attention. Announcement from parliament to follow" came a voice over the antennae. All crowded round the radio, to hear their leader speak.

"We stand together now, strong before the wolf. Our planes this proud island. And we will not waver, and we will never surrender" all cheered as Winston Churchill finished his talk,

This was the Second World War; it had started 6 months ago and was now in full swing. And protecting their cities from the threat of the German war machine were the aces of the R.A.F. Their wings spitting liquid fire at all who dared to attack this great nation.

They finished fixing the planes after 2 hours, the sun setting on the horizon. Merlin was just finishing when a girl called him. She was from the control tower, and map room. Relaying communications of battle from one to the other. She ran over in her gray uniform, hair tied in a bun.


"Hello Tea"

"You finished with Yami's plane?"

"Yeah, he should notice the difference the next time he is up" Yugi smiled, wiping his oily hands on a rag.

"You coming to the long arms?" the Long Arms was a pub, which the pilots and men went to, they would have a drink and play a game off base. It was within walking distance so if they were needed they could get back

"Yeah think I will. Me and Joey will meet you there ok?"

"Okay Yugi, see you there" Tea walked from the hanger and walked out onto the landing field.

Yugi finished up and walked to the bunks to change. Perhaps Yami would be at the pub tonight. That made him smile; he looked to the rising moon, clear with its summer halo.

He cleaned up and changed into the causal R.A.F outfit, and began to walk towards the road that lead to the pub. He kicked a few stones on the path, and then showed his identification to the gate guard so he could pass through the gate. He could see the homes all boarded up to keep the light hidden incase they had a night attack, the car's headlamps meeting the same fate as they were black out to tiny strips so you just had enough light to see.

Some kids were still playing, and here and there you could see the shell-shocked looks of the newly arrived from London. The evacuees. He walked up to the oak door of the pub, the white building holding the bubble of conversation within. He walked over to the bar and got a pint of bitter. Then sat with his crew. As he took a swig his eyes met crimson red across the packed pub……….


KITG: Okay guys tell me what you think…good idea? Bad idea? I need to be killed?

Ja ne.  R&R