Hey this is the last part of this story! Hope you like it!

The Kent Kitchen the next morning

"Chelsea! Breakfast! Now!" Martha called up to her daughter.

"Ahhh!" Clark grinned "It feels good to be the kid on time for once." His parents smiled as well. That expression quickly faded when Chelsea came down the stairs. She had on her low cut tank top that she only wore to bed and a denim skirt she'd cut to half of its normal length.

"Morning" She said in a casual way.

"Young lady what in God's name are you wearing?" Jonathan asked. "Go upstairs and put on something appropriate!" He ordered.

"No." Chelsea said.

The room went still. Clark and Chelsea knew the rules of the house and talking back to their father was at the top of the list.

"Excuse me?" Jonathan asked.

"I said no. I look hot for once. Like a like every other girl at my school. Like a normal teenager. Do you have a clue what its like to be apart of this family dad? Not only do I constantly have to worry about slipping up with Clark's powers, but I have to be perfect in your eyes. And I always have it in the back of my mind that if I'm not perfect, I'm just one mistake away from being sent back to whatever adoption agency you got me from."

"Chelsea…" Martha started to say.

"Mom, don't. I'm sick of all of the bullshit that goes on. I mean the stress of everyday… Every time we can't pay a bill, I wonder "maybe if I wasn't here…" And to think all of our money problems would be gone if you'd just let Clark play football or something. But no. Dad has to pay the bills. Dad HAS to be in charge. The anxiety makes me so sick that sometimes I cry myself to sleep. But that's over now. For the first time, I don't care what any of you think. For the first time, I'm doing what I wanna do." And with that Chelsea grabbed an apple off the kitchen table, took a huge bite and walked out of the door. Jonathan was so taken aback. He didn't even try to stop her. Clark, seeing his father's reaction ran after his sister.

"Wait!" He called.

She turned around "Stay away from me!" she yelled. She began to turn around and continue walking, but after two steps her eyes rolled back and she passed out.

"CHELSEA!" Clark screamed.

The Hospital

Jonathan, Martha and Clark raced Chelsea to the hospital after her fall. The doctors took samples and tested her blood and discovered familiar symptoms from the previous Nicodemus epidemic. Martha tried to hold back tears as she watched her comatose daughter receive the medicines and antidotes. Pete, Chloe, Tyler, Lana and Lex sat in the waiting area.

Within two hours, Chelsea had finally come to. Martha was too weepy, and Jonathan still in shock, Clark was the first to speak when they went in.

"Hey kiddo." He said trying to hide his worried expression from her.

"Hi." She replied groggily. "Are you guys mad at me?"

"Of course not." Martha sat on the side of her bed. "Why would we be mad at you."

"I was stupid for going into Luther Corp with Clark. And—And I remember all that stuff I said this morning. I didn't mean it, I swear I didn't." Martha took her daughters hand and kissed it.

"It's ok" Clark said.

"Daddy?" Chelsea said looking to her father, who'd had his eyes cast down the whole time. "You do believe me. I didn't mean any of it."

"Sugar plum," Jonathan began "I know you didn't want to say the things you said, but I also know that those feelings truly are yours. Your mother and I have never wanted either of you to feel like you could be… thrown out. You are OUR children. Biological or not. I promised myself I wouldn't let you forget that. I'm the one who should be sorry."

"No, dad its not just you. If it wasn't for me Chels wouldn't have to worry about keeping my secret." Clark said.

"But that's what makes us a family. Clark, you're my big brother. It's hard keeping your secret, but I do it because I love you and it would be much worse for somebody to take you away. And Daddy… Yeah, sometimes you drive me crazy, but I know it's because you care about me. The fact that our family cares about each other makes me feel safe."

At his daughters loving words, a single tear slid down Jonathan's cheek and the Kents had one of their famous group hugs.

Tyler's Room

Chelsea was forced to stay in the hospital for four more days until she was released with an all-clear. When she got home, her worried parents had her stay in bed for an additional two days, but after a week away from Tyler, she finally talked them into letting her go over to his house. They practically ripped each other's clothes off. Chelsea had to practically hold her breathe not to scream from pleasure. As they reached the final stretch, she had to let out a slight squeal.

As they laid in each other's arms Chelsea sighed "That was…"

"Oh yeah" Tyler said. "What we just did. It's by far my favorite thing in the world."

Chelsea giggled. "I'd have to agree."

"Well, ready for round two?" Tyler asked

"Oh yes please!" Chelsea exhaled.

Unfortunately downstairs Clark was ready to go home. "Chelsea! Mom's going to have dinner on the table in like 20 minutes!"

"You do know what they're doing up there?" Pete asked.

"Yep and thank you so much for putting the picture back in my head." Clark sighed.


"I can not believe I am actually excited to go back to school tomorrow." Chelsea said starting to clear the plates with Clark.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay home another day sweetheart? I mean its been such a nice time having you around. And you don't even have to fall behind with Clark bringing your work home." Martha asked heading up to bed with Jonathan.

"Thanks but no thanks mom. I have to go back to the real world."

"You kids don't stay up too late." Jonathan said kissing Chelsea on the forehead.

When their parents were upstairs and they'd finished washing and drying the dishes Clark told Chelsea he had a surprise. She followed him to his room where he produced a stunning necklace with a yellow pentagonal gem. "Wow." She gasped. "Clark it's amazing. Where'd you get it?"

"New York City." Clark smiled. "I ran there during lunch today. Don't tell dad alright?"

"Cross my heart." Chelsea said. "It's really pretty Clark. Who's is for?"


"No way! Why? What'd I do?"

"Well, you've had a hard month kiddo. You deserve something like this."

Chelsea jumped into Clark's arms. "Did you know you're my favorite older brother."

"Yeah," he said "but I never hurts to hear it again."

A/N and that my friends is the end. I hope you like it! Thanks for all the support and reviews!