Lola made her way down the halls to the informatory, Shannon was no where is sight however Logan had come out of the bathroom,

Disclaimer: Ehh…come on, if you don't know by now.

Logan, Lola, and a Movie Premier

Lola made her way down the halls to the informatory, Shannon was no where is sight however Logan had come out of the bathroom, dressed of course (A/N: Now, now we won't be having any of that, well I don't think. Hmm something to think about.).

He was wearing faded jeans and a muscle shirt, and damn did it show off all his muscles.

"Well aren't you the early riser?"

"I wanted to see Zoey and Nicole, and I met the world famous Dana Cruz"

"And you're still standing? I'm surprised."

"Well if she's friends with you then so I am; seeing as you can be an arrogant jerk most of the time."

"Well let's just say I have a way with the ladies. No one says no to Logan Reese."


"You don't think so Miss Lola?"

"That you're irresistible to women? No."

"Really why's that?"

"Because I know plenty of girls who have said no to you. Zoey, Nicole, Tracy, Stefany, Brenda, Courtney, Cindy, Elsa, Kimmie, me, the list can go on you know."

"So why are you here then?"

"Because I wanted to see if you were feeling better; you did break your arm."

"Ahh so you do care?"

"Well sure, I care about all of my friends"

"We're friends?"

"I always thought we were"

"Damn" Logan's mind went into overdrive; he wondered could he pull it off?


"Nothing it's just that..."

"It's just what?"

"You're the type of girl who can make a guy feel like more than he is; you make all his problems go away. You make him lose track of his thoughts, so much that he can't concentrate on even the simplest things."


"I'm not a bad guy Lola, I know I can be a jerk but think about it, I'm an only child. I'm a spoiled little rich kid who is always used to getting what he wants. Would you deny a guy a pretty girl? Deny him when all he asks for is a date, one simple date?"

Lola gave him a look like are you serious, Logan noticing this decided to make his offer a little more enticing.

"Well it would be more like a movie premier."

At this Lola's eyes lit up and Logan knew he had her.

"Think about it Lola, all those beautiful actors, actresses; all the important people you could meet. I could open the door for you, you could have the first Emmy before your nineteenth birthday. Actually with how good you are you can probably have in sooner that that. There would be no obligations on your part of course, I mean you don't have to make out with me or anything, just let me be able to take a very pretty girl to a very exclusive party. So what do you say?"

"I have nothing to wear"

Logan smiled at this, he knew he had her; hook line and sinker.

"Don't worry I'll take care of everything."

"Really? Thank you Logan" Lola threw her arms up around Logan's neck.

"Ow, ow"

"Oh my God I'm so sorry"

"That's ok just go easy on me"

"Friday night 6:30, be ready to go"

"Will do"

"But Lola lets keep this between us 'kay?"

"Sure thing, shit I'm late to meet Dean Rivers" With that Lola left running out the door and through the hallways. Meanwhile Logan pulled out his cell phone to make his 'important calls'

"Natalia? Umm what do you have that's movie premier perfect?"

Natalia over the phone…

"For you Logan?"

"No for a uhh lady friend of mind, a special lady friend"

Natalia: "Logan you were always such a bad boy, ever since you were in diapers."

"Yes, well that much hasn't changed over time"

Natalia: "Yes I see that, now let me guess she's probably about a foot shorter than you, so she'll need heels and most likely a brunette, and she has glasses?"

"Close but not exactly"

Natalia: "Really I'm surprised? You've always had a thing for girls with glasses"

"Yes well nobody has to know that. She's Spanish."

Natalia: "Spanish hmm? The dark or light skinned one?"

"Umm well she's like a dark caramel, and she likes her hair to match her outfits."

Natalia: "Her hair to match?"

"Well it's not the whole thing just like a hair piece"

Natalia: "Ok well what color does she look good in?"

"Well you have a choice between, acid green, orange, pink, or yellow. Trust me they all look beautiful on her"

Natalia: "Logan tell me when did you get into to Spanish girls?"

"Well I like to expand my horizons"

Natalia: "Face it Logan you like…"

"Natalia when I want your banter I'll ask for it"

Natalia: "Oh touchy today aren't we?"

"Can you have that ready by noon Friday or not?"

Natalia: "Of course, where do you want it delivered?"

"PCA front office"

Natalia: "Under Logan Reese?"

"No, have it sent to Lola Martinez. That's M-A-R-T-I-N-E-Z. Also have it wrapped in a navy blue velvet box with a white satin bow."

Natalia: "Card?"

"Of course"

Natalia: "Unsigned?"

"She'll know who it's from"

Natalia: "So it's a secret from her friends"

"You always were so quick to catch on"

Natalia: "I'm a costume designer I need to be quick."

"And the best, otherwise my father wouldn't have you."

Natalia: "So what would you do if I didn't work for your father?"

"Then I'd be in trouble"

Natalia: "Yes, probably more than usual too."

Laughs, "Thanks Nat you're the best"

Natalia: "Good Bye Logan"

"Bye Nat."

Logan closed his phone and let out a small laugh, just as he looked up he saw the beautiful Dana Cruz through the infirmary window.

"Hmm? Dana." He thought to himself. He wondered could he really pull it off? That is without hurting Lola and Dana in the process.

"Will she ever figure it out?" He wondered. "Best friends are always the best way to go."

Even though Logan did not have permission to leave the infirmary he walked out and hurried across the campus to catch Dana; before any other guys could get a hold of her. And being 7 o'clock in the morning there weren't many fish biting.

A/N: Wow I cannot believe I almost forgot I had this chapter stuffed away, and looking at my notes for the next few chapters…well let's just say if I would have posted them I would have beat Nickelodeon to the punch. Ok the next chapters should begin to sound a little different, considering I will be writing them now and not two years ago.


Ms. HellFire