Sorry it always takes me forever and a day to update. I get sidetracked when I'm about to start writing.
Disclaimer: Let's face facts. If it was mine, a disclaimer would be pointless.
Chapter Nine: Miracles
He coughed up blood as he crumpled to the floor. Kit covered her mouth with her hand, eyes wide. The danger forgotten, Simon and Mallory ran for their fallen sibling. Even Talon had a look of sorrow on his face.
Thimbletack carefully approached the still boy but quickly leapt away when Mallory took a hold of him. "Jared Grace, don't you dare die on us!" Mallory shrieked, shaking the bleeding body.
"Mallory, Mallory! That's not helping!" Simon grabbed his sister's arm, trying to calm her while struggling to keep calm himself.
"Jared! You…you're such an idiot!" Mallory sobbed.
"Mallory…" Kit hugged the girl. "There's nothing we can do…"
A low cackle brought the group back into reality as they realized Mulgarath was still in the room with them. "One down, six to go." He sprouted several more limbs and attacked the remaining group.
That was it…
It was all over…
Jared was gone… they would follow him to oblivion soon enough…
Mulgarath had won… soon he would posses the guide…
They all were tossed into the air, the ground soon rushing up to meet them. But the pain that should've come next never did…
Slowly, Simon opened his eyes. He gasped. "Mallory… Mallory, open your eyes…" Doing as her brother pleaded, she opened them and gasped as well. They were halfway to the ground. It was like time itself had stopped.
"What's going on?" Mallory asked.
"I wish I knew," Simon stared at the still form of Mulgarath. Suddenly, he burst into flames.
No longer suspended in time, he let out a pain filled roar as his flesh burned. The group of friends watched aghast as the flames died down, licking his charred flesh. When the flames had died completely, they were set down on the ground lightly.
"Okay… What just happened?" Talon asked, wrinkling his nose at the nauseating smell.
"I used my magic to destroy him." It was the green eyed elf. This was a first, Simon never recalled her ever leaving the forest.
"How did you know what to do?" Mallory asked, watching her move gracefully towards Jared's still form.
"I read it in the guide." She met Mallory's worried gaze. "Do not despair, its right over there." She gestured behind them where the book lay against the piles of rubble. She then returned to looking back at Jared.
"What are you going to do with him?" Simon demanded, worriedly.
She ignored the question as her hand began to dimly glow the same color as her eyes. There were some harsh coughs and the group ran over to see what she was doing.
The wound Jared had taken was gone. They heard a groan and Jared looked up at them questioningly. "What happened?" His eye widening, he sat bolt upright, "Where're Mulgarath? Is Kit okay?"
"I'm fine, Jared." Kit came into his vision, grinning.
"And as for Mulgarath, see for yourself." Talon pointed to the smouldering pile.
Jared grinned. "So it's finally over, for real this time…"
"Jared!" Mallory hugged her brother, crushing his lungs.
"Mallory! I can't breathe!" He squeaked.
"You beetle-brained ninny! He just came back from the dead! Do you want to kill him again?" The forgotten Hogsqueal demanded.
"If there's anyone I'm going to kill, it does gonna be you if you don't shut up!" Mallory snapped.
"Just try it, mouth-breather!"
"That's it!" Mallory roared, chasing after the little hobgoblin. The other just watched and laughed at the sight, knowing all too well what Mallory will do when she catches him.
Looking up, Jared wanted to thank the green eyed elf for her help, but she was gone. He shrugged, grabbed the guide, and followed the others after Mallory.
Back at the Spiderwick estate, the Grace kids bid farewell to Talon and Kit.
"Come visit us some time." Mallory said.
"Sure. But that might be awhile off. We'll have to deal with the chaos at home first," Talon replied.
"But we'll see you guys soon," Kit promised as she and Talon leapt off the porch.
The three siblings watched as the cat creatures leapt over the fence and were gone. Smiling to themselves, they went inside.
"How was your day?" Their mother asked.
"Oh, you know," Jared replied. "Same old, same old."
Ghost in the Mirror: Hey, sorry for the wait. But it's done now, yay!