Harry Potter Fan Fiction

Summary: Some of the 7th year Syltherins get a note from the 7th year Gryffindors, telling them to meet in the Room of Requirements, and find themselves in a room with only a bed, firewiskey, and a bottle of veritaserum. They have some…fun…

Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own any of these gorgeous beings…sigh…they all belong to the completely awesome J.K. Rowling, who is my idol, I just "borrow" the characters for a while…

A/N: This takes place in Harry and the gang's 7th year at Hogwarts, Voldemort has been killed and the war is over, the 6th book never happened, and Severus brought Draco, and other Syltherins over to the light side.

"Blah…blah…blah" Talking

"Blah…blah…blah" Thinking

Blah…blah…blah Letter/Writting

Chaoter one The Note

Slytherin Dungeons

As Draco, and some of his friends sat in the Slytherin common room, a light tapping sound could be heard. The noise grew louder and Draco got irritated, so he looked up only to see a white, snowy owl perched outside the window, trying to be noticed.

"What a marvelous bird, where have I seen it before?" Draco asked as he went to let the creature in. It soared around the room before landing on his shoulder and dropping the note in his hands.

"Isn't that Potter's bird?" Pansy said, "I think I've seen it in the mornings delivering him the post."

"Well what would Potter be doing sending us something?" Draco said as he opened the note revealing the message.

Dear Draco,

My friends and I have thought long and hard, and we have decided that as our last year in Hogwarts, we do not want to leave with enemies, but with friends. So on behalf of my whole house, I invite you and your Slytherin friends, to the Room of Requirement, for a house unity party. Only bring Slytherins in their seventh year, and come to the seventh floor corridor at 9 p.m., send me your reply back with Hedwig.



P.S. You have probably noticed that I didn't call you by your surname, I just think it's childish to do so, and request that you and you friends drop the surname thing too.

Draco was surprised to say the least, but actually agreed with Potter for once. He also thought the whole rivalry thing was completely stupid, especially now since the Dark Lord had been killed by Pot…Harry, as well as the Death Eaters like Lucius Malfoy.

"Potter said he wants us to go to the room of requirement tonight at 9 so the 7th year Gryffindors and Slytherins, can create house unity. I think it's a rather good idea, I mean with Voldemort gone and all, and us on the light side, what's the point of fighting with the Gryffindors anymore?"

Draco looked at the faces of his friends, who seemed a bit shocked at what they were hearing, but thought about it. No one spoke for a bit, then Pansy spoke up.

"I agree with you Draco, it's very childish the way we've been acting. Let's bring some Firewiskey to lighten things up."

Draco looked around at his friends, one by one, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were all nodding their heads, anxious for tonight.

"I think I have some Firewiskey in my trunk Pans, I'll go get it, be right back." As Blaise headed up the stairs to the boys dormitory to search his trunk, Draco got out a spare sheet of parchment, and wrote a reply to the Gryffindors.

Gryffindor Tower

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting around the Gryffindor common room fire, anxiously awaiting a reply. Soon enough, they heard a tapping sound on the window. Harry strode over to let Hedwig in and took the letter from her. He unrolled it to read what his Slytherin "friends" had written.

Dear Harry,

I agree with all that you are saying, and so do the rest of the Slytherins. Well, at least those in 7th year. I think we might also be able to bring some Firewiskey to brighten the mood. See you at 9.



End Chapter One