Chapter one: A Meeting

"Wake up Ellie!"

"Go away Laci!"

Suddenly Ellie toppled out of her bed and hit the ground with a resounding thunk. Groaning she got to her feet. "LACI!"

"I told you to get up! No you had to do it your way."

"I was not doing it my way at all. I just wanted to sleep."

"Well its already past noon as is and we have to meet the royal family in an less than an hour! Father will be furious if any of us are late."

Ellie grinned at her sister. "What does it matter now?"

"Well father still wants all of us to make an appearance at least."

"I will whenever I feel like it."

"Alright but father won't be pleased at all."

"Is he ever?" Laci laughed before leaving the room. Ellie got to her feet and crawled back into her bed. Suddenly the door burst open and Rian jumped into the bed.

"Come on Ellie! You have to come! I don't want to face any of those nobles by myself!"

"RIAN! You aren't by yourself you have the rest of them with you."

"Oh please Ellie! I don't want to go!"

Ellie groaned and sat up. "Why can i never get a decent sleep in this house?"

"Because you are the one who keeps us all in line that is why. Now come on!" Moaning Ellie got out of bed and got ready for the meeting.

One hour later...

Rian dragged Ellie into the large entrance. Laci smirked at Ellie as she took her customary place in line. Covering a yawn she watched their father pace. The sound of a carriage soon met their ears as it pulled up in front of the house. Ellie could hardly stay awake she was so tired. Their father suddenly straightened as the King and Queen headed up the steps, their two sons and three daughters following behind them.

"Your Majesties it is so good to have you come. "

"It is a pleasure to be here again," the queen said happily.

"It is my honor to introduce you to my daughters. Laci, my oldest, May, Sara, Olria, Anne, Talya, Tammy, Ellie, Ilaine, Nora, Tallie, Gira, and Rian." Each daughter bowed at the mention of their name.

"Thirteen Richard however did you manage?"

"I'm not quite sure but I wouldn't trade them for the world."

"Well Richard these are our children. The Crown Prince and heir to the throne Jason, Kai, Molly, Matt, and Olivia." The sons bowed and the daughters curtsied at their names.

"Well lunch is ready if you will follow us."

The large party headed out to the dinning area. Just before the sisters entered Laci stopped the sisters. "I expect all of you to be on your best behaviors."

"We know all of this Laci! Can we go eat now?" Ellie complained to her sister.

"Yes go." Just as Ellie was going to walk into the room Laci grabbed her arm.


"Ellie I know you dislike all of this and all but please will you listen to me for once?"

"I do listen to you Laci but this isn't going to affect us only you and May."

"For all you know it could but please will you help?"

"I will help Laci but I don't see why you picked me!"

"Because out of all of us you are the most level headed of us. You know how our younger sisters look up to you and even us older ones do as well."

"I dont see why you do, I'm nothing special."

"Don't degrade yourself Ellie you are." Ellie hugged her sister tightly. "Alright come along."

On entering the room Ellie was discouraged to find that the only available seat was next to Prince Jason. Sighing inwardly she went to take here seat. Once she sat the food was served. Talk soon buzzed around her and she paid little attention to it. "Ellie?"

"What?" Ellie turned her head and looked at her little sister.

"What's wrong you've hardly touched your food?" Ellie smiled at Rian.

"Its nothing to fret about Rian. Did you get the letter?"

"From mother?" Ellie nodded her head. "Yes I did! Can you believe we get to spend a whole month with her?"

Ellie laughed quietly. "I can believe it and I do."

"When do we get to leave?"

"At the end of this week." Rian clapped her hands enthusiastically gaining a look from the Queen while Ellie tried to hide her smile. "Eat little one." Rian nodded and continued to eat.

It was only ten minutes later before Ellie got tired of the company. Whispering quietly to Rian Ellie excused herself from the table and preceded outside into the cool days air. Ellie headed straight for the lake and a certain oak tree that she loved. On her way through the garden Ellie couldnt help but sing one of her more favorite songs unaware of another occupant.

Jason had gotten tired of the chatter of lunch and chose to explore the grounds. He was just on his way out to the lake when he heard singing. Curious as to who sang so magnificently he went to see who it was. To his surprise it was Ellie, who he had sat by earlier at lunch. It seemed that the rumors had been true. That Ellie and her younger sister, Rian, had a mother that had never married Duke Richard. This news sparked his interests more now. "Lady Ellie?"

Ellie jumped startled by his voice. "Oh Prince Jason," quickly she curtsied to him.

"Oh please no formalities."


"I am sorry that I startled you I just heard you singing."


"You have a beautiful singing voice."

"Thank you. I am surprised you are out here, I thought you would be in speaking with one of my sisters."

"Well I got tired of being inside for so long, though I am glad that I came out here."

"Oh why?"

"I have found good company."

Ellie couldn't help the blush that rose on her cheeks. "I don't believe you have met my sister May then, she is much more interesting than me."

"I am not so sure about that. Do all your sisters speak their minds or turn as red as you?" This only caused Ellie to turn red even more.

"I don't know I am afraid."

"Would you care to join me? Maybe you can show me around here."

"I suppose I could," she mumbled quietly.

The two made their way around the estates stopping in the end at the lake. Slipping off her shoes Ellie proceded to walk ankle deep into the cool water. Jason watched her with interest. Her brown hair was pulled back and with the sun glinting off her hair it showed a slight reddish tint.

"I take it you like the lake?"

"I love the lake. I usually come out here if I have had a lot to do or I just need a break."

"I can see why its very nice out here." Jason said as she sat down with his back against the oak tree. Ellie smiled and tilted her head upward. "Do you see your mother often?"

"Not as often as Rian and I would hope but we do spend time with her. Rian is more excited since this will be her first birthday that she will be with mother."

"How old is she?"

"She will be turning sixteen here soon. How old are you by the way?"

"I am just twenty-one."

"I expected you to be a bit older actually."

"Most would make it out that way but I am just twenty-one. How old are you?"

"Nineteen." Ellie waded out of the water and took a seat next to Jason. "How long do you all plan to stay?"

"Till the end of next week."

"I am sorry to say I will be leaving soon."

"Then I will have to spend twice as much time with you to make up for it of course." Ellie raised and eyebrow at him, smirking slightly.

"I don't think you could possibly keep up with me."


"Trust me you'd have more fun with one of my sisters."

"I like a challenge."

"You won't if you go against me."

"I am up to it my lady."

"Alright then tomorrow dawn meet me at the stables."
