Synopsis: Ginny Weasley is in Azkaban sentenced to die after Lord Voldemort's defeat of the Boy-Who-Lived. To save her life, she agrees to marry Draco Malfoy.

Disclaimer: If you recognize it, then it's not mine! Harry and the gang are the property of J.K. Rowling. The lyrics to the song "Welcoming the Night" are the property of Sarah Holgate. A few minor characters as well as the history of the Malfoy family that I will be presenting, belong to me. If you want to use them, ask me first.

AN: greetings readers, and welcome to my newest musing. It isn't a gem, but I like it, and it has been successful on others sites. As always, I would request that you leave feedback whether it be good or bad. Please enjoy!

Prelude: Welcoming the Night

Everything is slowing down now
Everything's a little softer
A tiny light now
Water calming underneath the moonlight
Welcoming the stars and the night

In a little while you'll be sleeping gently
Wash away the burdens of the day
Let yourself envelope in the softness
Let it wrap you in a blanket of the night

And oh, come and lay your head down
Oh, empty out the light
Oh, gently kiss the day goodbye
Welcoming the night

It was early evening, and dew decorated the grass. The fog was so thick, that if you had not known it was there, you would have missed Azkaban prison. A light drizzle fell from the darkening sky. A few drops found their way through the barred window, and made their way down the wall of Ginny's cell.

How long had she been here? Three years? Four? The days ran together, making it hard to remember. Hermione had attempted to keep track of time by scratching marks on the stone wall each time they were brought their daily ration. The older girl had performed the ritual every day, until the day the Death Eaters came and took her away.

"It's alright Gin," she had whispered. "I'll be with Harry now." And Hermione Granger-Potter had smiled.

A shriek from the next cell over startled Ginny. "No, no!" the voice cried. "Please don't!" another shriek, and then the screaming turned into quiet sobbing. Ginny closed her eyes, and leaned her head back against the wall. "Luna." She whispered.

Ron had done everything in his power to protect his wife and baby daughter from the abuse of the Death Eaters, and from the dementors, but his gallantry succeeded only in getting him killed. After the death of "Baby Leona", Luna had lost her mind. She spent her days crying, or rocking an imaginary baby in her arms.

So many had died here, in Azkaban. Starvation, disease, and the Kiss claimed prisoners every day. Neville Longbottom, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Lee Jordan, all members of the Hogwarts D.A. had died in prison. And then there was the battle.

No, Ginny corrected herself. It was now known as the "Day of Retribution". The day Lord Voldemort overcame the Boy-Who-Lived, to retake control of the wizarding world. Ginny thought it a blessing that Harry was not alive to see the chaos or the fate of his comrades.

Ginny was brought out of her reverie by the opening of a lock. Her cell door opened, and a tall figure in a cloak stepped in. He threw back his hood, surveying his surroundings, his nose wrinkling. Not one silver-blond strand of hair was out of place. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" asked Ginny tiredly. "Come to enjoy a bit of fun before you throw me to the dementors?"

The blond grinned back at her. "Don't be ridiculous Weasley." Draco replied. "I'm here to rescue you."

AN: And there you have it my friends, the prelude to "Light in the Darkness", by Tiny Chelle, aka Estaria. This story is complete and I will try my best to update regularly. I must warn you however that I frequently make changes and as a consequence, things may take a bit longer then I would like. In addition, I'm about to leave for a semester abroad in Germany, so I may be hindered in posting. I just hope you will continue to read and not let impatience cause you to abandon the story. I certainly won't abandon it.


Tiny Chelle