OMG! I love all of you guys! All the people that reviewed my last story, you guys rock. You are all my new friends! Lol. This is the sequel to "I am whatever you say i am". You might wanna read that first b'fore you jump into this one. Lol. Soooooo...Here it is and i really do hope you review. Thank you and enjoy...

Story title: The fate between us. ( Title might be changed. So watch out.)

Summary: Since the incident in high school, Phil and Keely have gotten closer than ever. But when a certain person comes back, Will he be able to tear them apart? Again, this summary sucks. Lol.

This story will be rated T for violence, Drama and sexual themes.

This chapter is a bit stupid and rushed. But it's just the beginning. This story will get a lot more interesting towards the end.

Disclaimer: SIGH Do i have to say this every time? I don't own Phil of the future. If you watch the show, at the ending credits, you will see who really owns it. Nowhere in there does it say:

Jasmine Winifred is the Owner.

Does it?...I thought so.. Thank you. :)

Chapter One.

"Phil! Can you at least help me instead of just standing there like a statue?" Keely asked as she struggled with her bags. Phil just chuckled and went over to her.

He took the bag and hauled it over his shoulder easily. "See? Thats why Boys are better than girls." Phil said and he advanced towards the apartment entrance.

Keely just smiled sarcastically and threw one of her shoes at him, hitting him in the back.

He turned around and said, "Ow!" and chuckled.

Phil and Keely were moving in together in the same apartment. It was their 2nd college year in Hanson University. (A/N lol hehe. I'm so conceited. :p)

They couldn't afford a dorm or Two apartments, considering the fact that Phil worked as a cashier in a drug store and Keely was a student teacher in a Local Elementary School.

So they decided to Rent one apartment to share. They were boyfriend and girlfriend right? What could happen?

Suddenly Keely Screamed.. Phil dropped the bag and rushed over to her. "What happened? Are you okay? What happened?" he said.

Keely just kissed him on the cheek and said, "Gotcha!" Then she went into his car to get some more of her stuff.

Phil just rolled his eyes and went back to the bags he was carrying. "This is gonna be fun." he muttered sarcastically to himself as he picked up the bags and headed into the Apartment building..

This is the stupid part, lol.

After the bags were all packed into the apartment and everyone was settled, Phil and Keely decided to watch a movie.

They sat there cuddled up on the couch flipping through channels until they found a romance movie called, "Kill me for Love."

At the end of the movie, Keely started crying as a man on the screen said, "No! Get away from me! You never loved me! All these years i've been fooled."

Then the woman held onto his arm and said, "Please James. No, Don't leave me. You can' promised."

The man called James pulled his arm away and said, "Promises can be broken." and he left the scene and then the credits came on.

By now Keely was crying into Phil white shirt so much that it had a wet-spot in the middle. "" she said in between sobs. Phil looked at her confusedly and said, "No it wasn't. The woman was pathetic and the guy stuttered a lot. And i thought someone was supposed to die. Hence the name, 'Kill me for love.' Ugh." He groaned.

Keely was looking at him fully now. "Thats the difference between Boys and Girls Phil. Girls cry when something is sad. Boys cry when they hear that their favorite Comic books are being canceled. There's nothing sad about that. Its like you said, 'Its pathetic.' " she said.

Phil just rolled his eyes. Keely took notice and said, "What was that?" Phil looked at her and said, "What was what?"

Keely scoffed and said, "This." and she rolled her eyes. Phil shrugged and said, "I was admiring the ceiling."

Keely shook her head and said, "Looks like you were admiring the insides of your eyes."

"Look... i just rolled my eyes. Big deal." Phil said and frailed his hands around. Keely couldn't believe his attitude.

She got up from her position on his lap and walked out of the Living room. She went to her room and brought out a pillow and crept up behind Phil who was now watching Science discoveries.

He put up the volume, completely unaware of her presence. She crept closer to him until, "Ow! What'd you do that for?" Phil said jokingly.

She didn't answer. She just hit him again and again until he got up. He shielded himself as he rushed over to her room and took another pillow.

He came out and started to hit her. She gasped in disbelief. "No you didn't." she said slowly. He nodded and felt a pillow to the side of the head.

He fell back to the couch on his back. Keely jumped over the couch and landed on his stomach. She sat down on his stomach and continued hitting him.

"Alright. Alright. I give up!" Phil said Desperately as he tried to fight the pillow away from her hands. "Only if you do one thing for me" she said. She had stopped hitting him and was waiting for his response.

"What do you want me to do?" he said. She put the pillow down and leaned in and kissed him. He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Their tongues met and they continued to kiss. After 5 minutes, Keely pulled away in need for air. "Well...That was weird. We were just fighting minutes ago. And we just made out. We're weird." Phil said.

Keely shrugged and said, "I don't care. I'd rather be a weird couple than a fighting couple. Don't you think?"

Phil nodded his head in understanding. "so... Can we continue being weird?" he said after a while of silence. "You read my mind." she said and leant down and started to kissing.

I know i like to make them make-out a lot. But i make out a lot with my boyfriend. Lol. I know i made it a bit rushed, but i have a great idea for this story. I'll be using ideas from those that E-mailed me about what ideas to put in. Thanx guys. This chapter was just like maybe introducing you to where they are and what they do and stuff like that. Blah. So anyway Review and i will be able to update soon.