Harry Potter the Heir of Seven

This is only my second Fanfic. Hope you like it!

Read and Review please!

Chapter 1 – About the Inheritance & the Meeting


It was nearly midnight and on lone boy was lying on his bed covered in cuts and bruises. He had dark raven hair and shocking green eyes. After being beaten and cut until he was unconscious by one of his relatives. This boy was the supposedly saviour of the wizarding world, Harry Potter, 16 years old, he had just lost his only remaining fatherly figure, the escapee from a wizarding prison, Sirius Black.

"Sirius, Sirius, I'm soo sorry. But why did you have to die? Why and leave me here with my horrible relatives? Why?" whispered a scared and frightened Harry Potter.

Unknown to Harry, Sirius was watching him that very moment from somewhere high in the clouds, with two other people, a man and women, the man looked just like Harry just without the green eyes, and the women who had red hair and the same eyes as Harry, these were his parents and godfather. With very sad eyes that were brimming with tears they all thanked the gods that it was going to end soon, with the coming of his inheritance.

"Sirius, please tell me you knew nothing of this!" cried an anguished Lily Potter.

"I swear to you on Harry's life, I knew nothing of his torture! If not don't you think that I would have done something about it by now or when I was still alive?" replied a scared, anguished and dead Sirius Black.

As the clock was going to strike midnight, Harry suddenly felt a burst of pain coming from his chest, when he looked down on to his chest, there was a tattoo in the shape of a phoenix in flight, he also felt a warming feeling that it seemed part of him. As soon as the pain came at the same time it went away. Unnoticed to Harry all his scars, bruises and wounds were healing themselves.

As soon as Harry stopped feeling any pain, the was a bright light that shone through out the room and Harry was sucked in unconsciousness and darkness.

Harry appeared in a chamber of sorts, there were seven people standing in the centre, Harry recognized them as Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Merlin and amazingly King Arthur, and there was another known person standing with them.

"Hello Harry, as you can guess who I am." Said Godric.

"You know Rowena, Helga, Salazar, Merlin, Arthur and lastly Jonathan Grindelwald." Smiling Godric introduced everyone

"Harry do you know why you are here? No? Well then let me tell you, you Harold James Lancelot Arthur Draconis Samuel Mathew Evans Potter, what a long name you have there Harry, are the Heir of all seven of us," explained a smiling Merlin to a shocked Harry, "no doubt you are wondering how you are the heir of us all, then let me explain, you father was the heir of Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff, while you mother whom everyone though was a muggle born was actually from the purest blood line, of Ravenclaw, Grindelwald, Arthur and I."

With Merlin's last word out, Harry promptly fainted dead away. Everyone crowded around him and Helga cast an old spell to revive Harry.

When Harry finally got a grip and understood what Merlin and the others were saying. He just stood there and said something nobody would have thought.

" So if I'm the heir of all of you how come nobody told me and do you have anything to eat cause my dear relatives …" Harry trailed off as Rowena cut in.

"Harry they aren't your blood relatives, Lily was adopted after her parents died in the 1st war. Grindelwald here is you Grandfather and lily's father, I don't think that even Lily knew, because the old bumbling fool of Dumbledore never told her. Plus did you know that you are richest wizard well person for that matter in the world? "Snickered a happy and well gloating Rowena, at the sight of Harry's face which was pale with disbelief.

"Oh didn't you know Harry? Well it seems to be that the bastard Dumbledore will have a lot of explaining to do then! Also he never told you that you are the owner of Hogwarts?" Harry shook his head dumbly, " Oh by Merlin! Dumbledore is much more of a dumb ass than I thought and he is going to get such a bashing." Said a very happy Rowena, soon after Godric, Salazar, Grindelwald, Merlin, Arthur, Rowena and Helga were rolling on the floor in fits of laughter.

What's so funny that got you all in laughing fits? Asked a curious Harry

Hope you liked it so far! I'll update as soon as I get another chance


Yours Lady Pheonix