Sins at the Beach

ch 1.

"And why did Pride and Sloth get to stay behind?"

"Because they have a… LIFE outside in the REAL world!"

"Real, real."

"But why Sloth? She's the only thing that Wrath listens to."

"What Dante says, is steel. Your words Envy."

"Don't make me come over there!"

The group of five people was a strange group indeed. Everyone in the train car was staring at them. They were a strange combination.

The youngest was a boy, his left arm and right leg were different from the rest of his body. The most obvious difference from the others was the color of the skin, but if you looked closely you could see the limbs were slightly larger that his other limbs. His black hair was long, and looked a little messy, and he wore tight shorts and a baggy shirt that looked like it was made for a woman. He was known as Wrath.

There was also the most mixed up couple ever to be seen. The woman was probably more beautiful then Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Long, luscious, and wavy black hair framed her perfect face, and her body wasn't too bad looking either. And right on the center of her chest was a tattoo of a serpent devouring its tail. She wore a dress that showed a deal of cleavage. The man sitting at her side was short, fat, bald, none to smart looking, and wore a black outfit that clung to his body. How he got to hang around such a lovely woman was beyond anyone. They were called Lust and Gluttony.

The oldest looking one was down right hot to the young ladies in the car. A handsome pointed face, leather pants, and sunglasses gave a look that could make even the most aloof woman go gaga. To the men, he was just a pimp, only he wasn'n. He loved all women but only one had a special place in his heart, and that was the snake chimera, Martel. He would never admit that. He was known as Greed.

The last of them was a man that looked about eighteen. Cute and lean, he was the man that gave meaning to the fraise 'eye candy.' His body looked as if he didn't have an ounce of fat on him, and his hair was long and green and was held up with a bandana. He was Envy.

These five people had a secret. They were Homunculi, or beings that were made by alchemy. Every one of them had an ability to do something no human could ever do. Wrath could combine anything with his body, thanks to the arm and leg he had acquired from Edward Elric, also known as the Fullmetal Alchemist who could do alchemy magic. Lust could grow her nails to use as a weapon that could cut through rock. Gluttony could eat anything and everything. Greed could make his skin turn into a diamond-like and impenetrable shield. Envy could change his appearance.

And why were they on the train? Dante of course. She wanted some "alone" time. So she ordered them to go to the beach. Greed on the other hand was on the train to meet his friends Martel, Dorochet, Law, and maybe Kimbley, if he wasn't to busy blowing things up.

"Why is it always the beach?" Envy groaned, "Why not a meadow or somethin'?"

"What's the beach like?" Wrath asked while jumping on one of the seats.

"So many things to chew on." Gluttony sighed.

"Yes, Gluttony." Lust said, patting her partner on the head, "Just don't eat any people this time."

"That doesn't answer my question!" Wrath snapped.

"You want to know?" Greed asked, "There's sand, and lots of it. Water, but never drink it, Gluttony learned that the hard way. And my favorite, babes."

"Our stop's coming up." Lust said while lifting a bag on to her lap, "O.K, Envy here's your wet suit, the water is going to be warm so I brought the one for warm water."

"I thought I killed that thing."

"Here's your swim suit Gluttony." Lust said pulling out an old fashioned suit, "And don't eat it."

Gluttony took the suit into his hands while chanting ; "Don't eat it."

"And Wrath, here's yours. Sloth also wanted me to give you this note." Lust finished, handing Wrath a pair of swim trunks and a note.

Wrath snatched the note and read it.

"Mommy says I have to listen to you Lust." Wrath said, "And that I can't hurt anyone, no matter who they are."

The rest of the trip was left in scilence, they then hopped off only to find that... The entire military was having a beach party.

"Does anyone get the feeling that Dante sent us here to die?" Envy asked.

"It's your day off so to say." Greed said, "So take it easy. I'm of to find the others, and knowing Kimbley he's probable blowing up sand castels that kids worked so hard to build. See ya."

To be continued...

As a side note praticly every character will be in this story. Including Hughes!