Chapter: The Mysterious Figure…

"Foolish girl! Did you really think I saw you as an equal? To me you're worth a piece of garbage! You're an outsider, and will remain that way! No one will ever be able to love you, deal with it!" Said the cruel glaring woman as she cackled with a dry voice. "Now, go do your work!" She yelled, as she pulled the young girl's hair and kicked her aside. "Hurry up, slacker!"

Yelled the woman, as she laughed at the young girl's futile try. She was up, only to be thrown back down on the ground with a hard thud from the cruel woman. "What's taking you so long? Hurry up!" She continued to laugh with ice filled in her voice, as she stared at the girl as she began to cry. "Hurry up, or else you won't get any dinner." "You barely feed me anyway…" Murmured the girl to herself. "What was that? Did you say something? Speak up!" Yelled the woman.

She glared at the young girl as she shook her head. "No ma'am." She quietly said. "That's what I thought. Now, hurry up, peasant!" She yelled, as she slammed the door behind her. She jumped as she heard the crashing noise. She sighed, got up, and quickly went to get the broom. She coughed at all the dust that was in the storage room. The place was absolutely filthy. It was crawling with spiders, moths, and what she feared most, rats. There was just about everything in that one, isolated room. It needed to be cleaned really badly, not that she wanted to clean it. Now where's the broom? She looked at one side of the room and to the other.

Why couldn't she find it? She would have to report this to madam. She walked up to the door and softly knocked. "Who is it?" "It's me, madam, I'm sorry for the intrusion but I can't find the brook in the-" "Well deal with it!" The woman answered back with an icy respond. "Hai…" She said, as she left the door, and returned to the storage area. She continued to search, until, under all the junk, she finally found it.

Too bad it had taken her over an hour. "Is that room swept yet?" She harshly said. "No mada-" "That's it! I'm tired of your slacking, slacker, no dinner for you tonight!" She yelled. "Yes, madam." She huffed her hair out of her face, and went to the room that was supposed to have been swept an hour ago. "Why is it that I'm treated the worst? I wish I could… Just leave this place and never return!" She angrily said to herself and continued to sweep the room. She was soon brought in a daze, only to shake herself, trying to get rid of her thoughts. She then continued to sweep, trying to think of something else.

She was so tired. She barely got any sleep at one time. "If only my parents… Didn't do what they did." She wiped the tears that started to sprinkle down her face. Why couldn't she get over that? Who was she kidding? They had done something that had such an impact on her life. It was because of them she was here, sweeping the floor, isolated in this home as a maid. She could barely remember what had exactly happened, but she had a glimpse of memory left within her. It was when she was little, just about six years old, and was playing outside, only to overhear her parents talking about a decision

"Are you sure? Isn't that a little cruel? To throw our debts on our only child?" "We have no other choice." "But she's too young, and pure! She has such a bright future, I won't let you ruin it!" Yelled the woman. "This discussion isn't to speak your opinion. I'm telling you this because my decision it final. We will give them Ichigo, who, will eventually, pay off all our debts. Think about it. No more late night working. No more fights. No nothing…" "Yeah, and no beautiful, cheerful daughter to be there to plant a smile on our faces. No! I don't agree to this!" "That's too bad. Whether you agree or not, I'm doing this, and that is my final decision!" "No, you can't do this to-" He slapped her across the face, and sent her flying to the ground. "Stay out of it." He then walked outside, grabbed the young girl, and took her to a very un-familiar place. That place, was where she, for the rest of her life, would work, paying all of her parents debts.

The young girl slapped herself for remembering. She had to forget about it. She had to move on, she couldn't be so worked up on one little thing for so long. She had to get over it. Somehow. She then picked up her broom and began sweeping the room at a fast pace. She wanted to get this over with so she could go to sleep.

That is, if madam let her, which, to her, would be a miracle. Why did she bother calling her madam anyway? She should call her Ms.Satan. She wasn't kind, or merciful! She was a cruel, and mean woman. She was better off being Satan's wife! She brushed off that idea, and continued to work until she was exhausted. "Are you done yet?" The woman yelled as she slowly grew short-tempered. Then again, she was always short-tempered. "Yes ma'am." "Well it's about time! Normally, I would punish you, but I'll let you go off un-hurt this time." Ichigo weakly smiled. Maybe she had some kindness in her soul after all.

"Now, go do the dishes!" Scratch that idea. She was an evil witch. She dragged her broom along the stairs and threw it into clear view. She didn't want to have to search for it again. She then rolled up her sleeves, and got to work with the dishes. After she had completed that, she asked her master for permission to go outside. Her permission was granted, but she had to be back before dark. Normally, a person would say: "But I have to be home before dark." Personally, she didn't accept that place as her home. She thought of it as a punishment she didn't deserve.

She walked through the streets, and ignored all the noisy honking of cars. She smiled as she heard kids laugh and play. She was the only one who deserved this life. She didn't want anyone to have one like hers. A nice way to think about the situation was to take it as a blessing in disguise. God felt that she was responsible enough to endure all the people of Japan's sins. She was happy to think of it that way. After all, that was the only excuse she could come up with. "Get her!" Yelled a deep voice as they ran after the red-haired girl. She creamed and kicked as they grabbed her by the neck and threw her into the car.

"Well, well, looks like we caught a good one this time." Grinned the dark-haired man as he smiled at the pretty and fresh virgin that was lying before him, trapped. "Now, how shall I play with you?" She winced at the man's cold touch. She didn't like him at all. She started to whimper as the man began to take her shirt off. She screamed as he went farther, and became nervous as the sun began to come down.

Madam said she had to come before dark. She didn't even want to think about the punishment she would receive if she were late. "Now, now, hold still." Laughed the man, as he began to move her weak arms. "Aren't you a pretty little one?" Cackled the man as he began to start. She screamed and kicked as the man brought her lips closer his. "Someone, please, help me!" Screamed the girl as she began to cry. Even she didn't deserve this punishment. She closed her eyes and waited for the man to get her. But that wasn't what happened. A flash of wind occurred through the dark air. Apparently, it was night already.

She was surprised to find a person carrying her, far, far, away from the young man. He was well built, and very fast. He jumped on tree to tree as if he could fly. He made it look so easy. He set the young girl down and lowered himself to meet her gaze. "Are you okay?" He kindly said. He then stared at her chest. As much as he wanted her, he wouldn't take her. He would never accept forcing her on him. He pulled her shirt back on, and noticed there was a bright red scar. It was covered in blood. The man had scratched her, and she didn't even bother to notice. He then began to growl and clench his fist until it was bright red. Ichigo was slightly frightened, thinking the figure was angry at her, but she was wrong.

He picked her up once again, and set her on a near-bye park bench. He then began to lick the blood of her cheek as if he was a dog drinking from a pale of water. It shocked her. He was licking her blood. After he stopped, he kissed it. He then whispered into her ears, telling her he would return. He then quickly ran, letting his dark and smooth cape flow with his speed. She then quickly heard a deep scream. It sounded just like the man that had attacked her.

The dark caped man smirked, and threw him onto the street. He then jumped from tree to tree, just like he had done with the young girl, but this time he chose a different path. He appeared in front of the young girl. She became shaken as the figure began to close the gap of space between. Before she knew it, he was sitting right beside her on the bench. He sighed with sadness as she began to move away from him. He grabbed her wrist, with a light grip, and brought her closer to him. "I won't hurt you." He stated.

How could she believe him? She just met him; did he really expect her to listen? "I know that we just met, and that you don't trust me, but don't be scared. I… Just want to help you… For now." She didn't hear the last sentence, but… Did he just answer her question? She didn't remember saying that sentence out loud, so how was it that he was able to respond back? Could he read her mind? What was he? The man didn't respond back, but only lifted her into his arms. "Here, I'll take you home." This time, instead of jumping from tree to tree, he ran. It seemed like he was running at the pace of the wind.

She sighed in content, as she felt the wind brush from her face. It felt good. The man brought her closer to him, close enough to feel her body against his, and grew a tighter grip. She understood why. He began to run even faster. It was strange. How could he run so fast? He certainly couldn't be human, she knew that much. She decided to give up on this guessing game and started to enjoy the time she had left with him. For some reason, it felt comforting near him. It was a strange feeling that she had never felt.

Then again, she was probably thinking to hard, like she always did. It was best to get over it and enjoy this moment in her life. Sure, it was short, but she liked it. They finally arrived to her "home." "Here you go…" He said, as he softly set her down. She blushed and looked the other way, only to get her chin raised up to him. She blushed even redder when he pulled her in for hug. Why was he so forward? Its not like they've met before. The way he was acting, it was as if they had been friends since they were four. Then again, she had to admit; it felt good to be embraced then to be slapped.

She sighed as she rested her shoulder on his. If this were what life was about, she would love it. Being nice and cozy and secure. But good things were meant to be short in her life. The strange man released her, turned around, and was about to run until he felt the girl he had saved lay her hand on his shoulder. She was surprised as he gently took her hand, brought it to his mouth, and kissed it. He then softly smoothed her hand on his cheek. He soon stopped what he was doing, but still held onto her hand. It appeared to him that she wanted to say something.

"Th-Th-Th-Th-Th… Thank you…" She whispered. The man smiled at her. She blushed a deep red. The smile that was placed on his face looked so nice and content. It seemed like that was his first smile. "Your welcome…" He said. The way he said it soothed her. She forgot about all the problems she had to face, she completely forgot about everything. It was as if he had come and erased all her memories. All, but of the ones with them together. "Together." The word sounded so nice. What if there was a "together" in her life? She had never thought anyone would bother with a girl like her.

After all, didn't all the boys these days search for looks, not the heart? She didn't have looks. At least that's what she thought, but she had a heart. A strong heart that would always guide her through the tough times in life. Then again, her whole life was tough. Maybe one good thing could happen… Maybe just one single- Her prayer was answered. At that moment, the strange, yet intriguing man kissed her. Right on the lips! Nice and tight. Smooth and calm. It wasn't rough or possessive. It was kind. Though it was a short kiss, it mattered to her.

Her whole life would be reflected on that kiss. Maybe there really was a person out there who could love her. Had she just found him? Or did he find her? She placed her finger on her lip and madly blushed. She had never felt this before. It was so strange to her. It was like a subject she had never known about. It was proving how little about her she knew. Before she had time to respond, the man quickly ran away, leaving one thing for her. It was a rose. I bright, beautiful, full-bloomed blood red rose.

She picked it up and smelled it. It was so refreshing. She held it tightly to her heart and smiled for the first time in forever. She hugged it as if it were a human. She then stopped hugging it and gasped. Had she ruined the flower? She didn't want to loose a single petal! She smiled. There was no damage done. Maybe some slight damage, but nothing serious. She kissed it, and sighed. She would never let go of the flower. Never.

To Be Countinued...

So... Do you like it? I worked every hard on this chapter! I spell checked, read over it about two times, and fized everything I could. So please, please, please, please, like it! I'm going to put all my effort into this story! As far as I'm concerned, this story is going to have all my heart and soul into it. I'm going to work harder on it than any of my other fan fics. Not that I don't work hard on my other fan fics, but I will work harder than that! Anyway, please, please, please, REVIEW!